The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Berkeley Psychic Institute in Santa Rosa, California
July 11, 2012

Berkeley Psychic Institute in Santa Rosa, California (July 11, 2012)

Subject: information
From: pachelbeld
Date: Wed, July 11, 2012
To: Ken Adachi

I just want to say that you have lots of cool information. I know from experience that there is something going on that mainstream society does not know about. At the Berkeley Psychic Institute in Santa Rosa, California, we were sitting in a 'line' and a Mexican lady was reading each of us. Michael, one of the leaders says to me, "You're on the hotseat". I sit in front of the lady with her eyes closed in trance, who slowly says about me, "I know what he knows. I can't control him."

This place is the 'Church of Divine Man'. Holy word, cross, church. You can check out stories at the website "Berkeley Psychic Institute Cult."

Ms. Lucifer made this school's agenda clear to me, (and everyone else in the building). They obviously are not afraid of people knowing this agenda. I intend to avoid their destiny.

If you type in "The Haunted 1991" and go to part 8, then the 2 minute and 54 second part, and LISTEN, you will know what I mean. As one Christian prophetess in another church, not too far north, said, "When you see leaders of my people falling dead, you won't rejoice, and you won't stop my hand." So I avoid mainstream Christianity (the institution) and study lots of things such as Hindu, Buddhist, yoga, energy running, etc. While the religious leaders were preaching it, I practiced the "need to get off that religion", sermon and left.

"And you came out alone", a psychic told me. Don't know what is so big about coming out alone. I just left. Lots of people are. Spirituality is concerned with 'self mastery'. Religion is concerned with controlling others, fixing them. Or as David R. Hawkins said in his books concerning the Luciferic temptations, "Own power over others for their own good." So I avoid mainstream religion.

The St. Matthew's prayer by letter scam based in Tulsa Oklahoma, has prophets that said to me, "You're enlightened. You're not at the mercy of fate. You're not at the mercy of the world." (They want money. Their stated goal was to 'bring me back'.

"A dog returns to it's own vomit, and a sow after washing to her wallowing in the mire."

Naaa. I'ss stay out of 'organized religion'. Thing is, most of the sincere Christians don't have a clue. Sheep lure you in. Wolves devour you."Born in sin, come on in." (Stephen King, Storm of the Century.) That seems to be my past life experience from conception. So I choose to go past that level (condition).

As far as being 'Enlightened', 600 and over on David R. Hawkins map of consciousness. A handful on the earth today. Two. Three handfuls most. ME. Not a chance in hell (earth). Too many personal problems. Or impersonal. Linear or non linear. This level is certainly not enlightenment. Anyway, I like your information. It gives lots of insight into what is going on in the world. These are things that we will not find in mainstream media. I hope there is more in the years to come.


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