The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

Billy Graham Exposed
April 1, 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: KAY
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 7:36 PM
Subject: Even I'm shocked! Billy Graham exposed....

Billy Graham and his behind-the-scene activities I knew about in the late eighties. His being a 33 degree Mason might interest you as well as just the plain truth about this man. What they say about him and his crusades is soooo true.

I am no longer sure how much was spent on his crusade here in KC [Kansas City, MO] last year, but I think about 4 million. I know that one million, that's $1,000,000.00, was still owed on Sunday and they were asking people to dig deep into their pockets to help pay off the debt. The local churches front the money. I heard that three thousand were "saved", do the math. Out of those who came forward, I would being kind, guess very few actually had a conversion. I saw people laughing and joking, down on the field with friends, etc. Some just wanted a closer look. I went twice and never saw what I would consider repentant people based on years of experience.

I'm sorry people, but it was a joke, and I wish you could have been here to observe it. After you read the article you will understand what I mean. I've said it for years that he could not be "born-again" based on what I knew happened at the crusades. I'm more than grateful someone has taken the time to write a good article from just good old common sense and knowledge of true Bible believers.

You will be shocked to know further down in the article how the CIA used and worked with the Amish. I am aware of the programs, but I don't remember the Amish being involved.

The information on Billy is correct so I can only assume the rest is correct based on past research.

Search: billy graham satanic or



Ken Adachi Responds to Billy Graham Admirer Who Chafes at British Israel Deception Scheme (Dec. 7, 2005)

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