Ken Adachi Responds to Billy Graham Admirer Who Chafes
at British Israel Deception Scheme
November 27, 2005Re: British Israel: The Hidden Hand Behind the 'The Kingdom of God on Earth' Deception (July 10, 2005) Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Look" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 3:18 PM
Subject: response to the Kingdom of God on earth deceptionTo Ken Adachi,
I do not have the time to go through all the errors in the Kingdom of God on earth deception article but I do want to make a few statements. You were partially right on why Jesus Christ came to earth but you missed the very important part that He came as a servant to allow Himself to be sacrificed on the Cross as payment for the sins of those who will repent from wrongdoing and believe in Him and receive Him as their Lord and Savior and then cause their actions to prove their belief.
You mentioned several end time preachers that you believe have an evil agenda. It is true that some of these people really do not represent a true believer in Jesus because they are more concerned about money and other worldly things than they are about the message of Jesus. On the other hand some of them really are concerned about the message of Jesus, like Billy Graham, and you do a great injustice to lump him in with the others just because he speaks about what the Bible says about the end times.
And that is the next point that a person should either believe in the truth of the Bible or reject it. If you believe that the Bible is God's Word to humans, then you can read it for yourself and see that what many of the end time preachers are saying is the exact truth from the Bible. It says in several different places in the Bible that Christ will return to earth to (rapture) take those with Him who believe in Him. Then He will return to earth with those who have believe in Him and set up His 1000 year reign on earth. The Bible says that the writings in the Bible are foolishness to those who are parishing. Are you one who is parishing or are you one who will read the Bible and believe in Jesus?
Steve Look
New Hope, MN Original Message -----
From: "Educate-Yourself" <>
To: "Stephen Look" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: response to the Kingdom of God on earth deception
Hello Steve,The statements in your e-mail are a reflection of your beliefs, which are really things that you were TAUGHT to believe as true and have accepted as such, but you only have your trust in the integrity of those who preached these things, as well as your trust in the fidelity of the stated source of those concepts, the King James Bible. Before I respond to your statements, I want to remind you that my purpose in writing my introductory remarks and outlining the scope of the British Israel 'Kingdom of God on Earth' scheme was to alert the honest Christian, the Christian who truly adheres to the spiritually advanced teachings of Jesus, that a massive deception is in place that is being manipulated and orchestrated into fruition by Luciferians. You need to be more discerning in your reaction to what I wrote. You've stuck on three or four responses from the Top Ten list of preacher-inspired, fundamentalist dogma, but fail to see the framework of manipulation and deceit sewn within that tapestry.
The Bible
For example, your 'all or nothing' requirement about believing in the 'truth' of the Bible is a hallmark of fundamentalist conditioning ( ). You want to simplify the battlefield and draw clear boundaries of where the 'enemy' lines are and where yours are. You want to keep it simple, so it's either take it all in as "God's written word" or get out of camp and join the infidels. Right? Can you recognize a circle-the-wagons mind set within your response?If you had read my comments more carefully, you would already know that I do not accept the notion that the Bible is the "written word of God". First, you have to remember that there is not ONE Bible, but rather 600 versions of 'the' Bible. I remind the reader that the Bible is a compilation of writings penned by flesh and blood human beings, and not by God. It is ludicrous and intellectually dishonest to claim that the Bible is written by God when most books of the old and new testaments are named after the human author of that book. Do you think that Paul's Letters to the Corinthians was written by Paul or written by God? Are not the gospels of John and Matthew written by John and Matthew? In my introductory remarks, I said that it's OK to claim that the texts within the Bible were inspired by God, but to claim that every word in the King James Bible was written by God -and is therefore infallible- is foolishness. Locking you into such a belief system, however, is critical to the agents of the British Israel deception scheme-agents like Billy Graham- because once they can get you into that corner, then they can have their way with you. You will accept anything as being ordained by God if Pastor so and so can first convince you that's it's "in the Bible" (beginning to see a little light Steve?). If you turn on any fundamentalist TV station like TBN, you will hear the mantra that the Bible is the "written word of God" at least 100 times a day. It's a necessary element of the conditioning protocol and must therefore be repeated over and over again.
What we today call the Bible is an accretion of many texts, some ancient, some more recent. The King James version had original texts excised from it (the two Books of Macabees for example) and was extensively edited by Sir Francis Bacon and Robert Fludd, the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion during that period. One book reported that a study done in 1881 had identified 36,191 translation errors made by Bacon and Fludd. It is not possible that these two men, so highly educated and intelligent, could have made so many translation errors in innocence. These were intentional errors, designed to mislead.
You might be interested to know that Manly P. Hall, the well known historian of Freemasonry (, had little doubt that Francis Bacon was the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I (King James' predecessor) and the Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley. Francis Bacon was raised by Nicholas and Anne Bacon and was destined to become one of the most influential men in British history. Francis Bacon wielded enormous power both overtly, as the Viscount of St. Albans and the Lord Chancellor of England, and covertly, as a Rosicrucian working through the Inns of Court, the Brotherhood-controlled legal profession of the Knights Templar headquartered at Temple Bar in London. Francis Bacon and Robert Fludd played a decisive role in editing the King James version of the Bible because they had a hidden Brotherhood agenda to implement, an agenda that had everything to do with manipulation and power over others, and nothing to do with spiritual advancement or the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is ONE of the areas of deception that the author of The Union Jack book and the newsletters of Helen Peters were trying to alert sincere Christians about, and this is why I wrote my introductory essay to their warnings.
You know, it's easy to change the entire meaning of a biblical passage by simply altering the translation of a given word (ever so slightly) to another word that might resemble the original meaning in some respects, but still not ACCURATELY reflect the intent and context of the original (mother) word. Here's an example: the story of Genesis and the Garden of Eden . etc. is in reality a largely watered down, truncated version of a much longer and more detailed Sumerian epic. In the Sumerian original, the word 'God' was not given as a SINGULAR word, but was rather ACCURATELY translated as the plural, "Gods" . That's right, "Gods", plural, more than one. Now that probably seems crazy to you because you've always heard it expressed as "God", singular, so what's going on?
Early church officials couldn't accept the translation of the word "God" as plural because it didn't fit with the official story that God created the world in six days, had created Adam from clay and Eve from his rib, etc., so they just changed the word from "Gods" to "God". Simple, see? Problem solved. The Sumerian epic on which the Genesis story is based used the plural word "Gods" because the scribes who wrote it (approximately 6,000 BC) were indeed referring to more than one being who they VIEWED as gods, the Annunaki aliens from the planet Nibiru who had first landed on earth roughly 450,000 years ago (see "Genesis Revisited" by Zecharia Sitchin). These "gods" essentially rescued mankind (seen as workers by the Annunaki) following the upheavals and devastation caused by the Great Flood and reset the technological advancements of mankind by putting the Sumerians on a technological Fast Track so they didn't have to go through a long period of evolvement from a primitive to a technologically advanced society.
The plural translation of the word "Gods" wasn't the only problem area that early church officials had fretted about when dealing with the original texts from which 'the' Bible was compiled. They were upset with entire BOOKS from the earlier texts of the Bible, so they just took them out all together. The Book of Jubilees is a good example. Ever heard of it? It was removed from the official Bible in 323 AD at the Council of Nicea. Here's why:
The Book of Jubilees contains passages and ideas that do not FIT the sanctioned cover story that church officials wished to project to the masses- ideas like REINCARNATION, which is, as you know, a no-no belief for fundamentalist Christians. Only those coo coo Hindus with their sacred cows trampling all over town, could believe in such a silly concept. Every fundamentalist Christian KNOWS that when you die, you get judged by Jesus (or God, or St Peter, or someone in High Authority) and it's either Up Escalator or Down Escalator, right Steve? And no stop offs at Lonigan's Saloon either for a quick one on the way down! No sir, it's either 'Burn Baby Burn' or 'Tiptoe Through the Tulips' after we pass over the River Jordan (how am I doing so far? Is this not what you believe? )
That is not to say that the Bible, King James or any other version, is not a valuable book of thought, as it is indeed filled with inspired and spiritually advanced teachings. And anyone who wants to take advantage of its wisdom can only gain in soul development, however, it is wrong to use the Bible as a vehicle of manipulation and deception-and that is precisely what the TV evangelists use it for.
Billy Graham
The notion of the Bible's infallibility was drummed into you by constant repetition. In fact, every statement you make in this letter is a reflection of conditioned thought. Your 'beliefs' were formed and entrenched by fundamentalist preachers who have influenced you. Billy Graham is obviously someone you admire and hold up as an example of a true messenger of Jesus and I suppose prior to reading Brice Taylor's book, Thanks for the Memories, in 1999, I too held a similar impression of Billy Graham. Who wouldn't?What we all see on TV or at Billy Graham's televised crusades is a carefully crafted image of a wonderful person, a man of God, but that's the IMAGE; it is not the reality of Billy Graham. Billy Graham sold his soul to the Dark Side in the 1940's in exchange for celebrity status, power, national prominence, and money. According to Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, Billy Graham is a victim of mind control and has been observed participating in satanic rituals His reality is exactly opposite of the image that he projects of himself as a 'man of God'. I'll grant you that people who are under mind control are generally not consciously aware of their conduct while switched into an alternate personality, but Billy made a decision in the 1940's to go along with the masonic Luciferians in order to maintain his power and not have his ministry taken down by them.
Contrary to your assessment, I am not "lumping in" in the saintly looking, silver haired Billy Graham with anybody. He stands out quite distinctly on his own from the other evangelical preachers mentioned as a result of his witnessed conduct during the past 60 years. You base your benign impression of Billy Graham on what you're seen on TV, but those impressions are the ones that you are INTENDED to gather about him, as Billy Graham possess a huge public relations machine whose job it is to maintain his squeaky clean image and keep his halo buffed to a high gloss at all times. The 731 page biography, A Prophet with Honor by William Martin, is a good example of such PR puffery. You haven't read, however, any of the books about Billy Graham that paint a very different picture of him. You haven't read the testimony of Monarch mind control victims who were abused by him and had witnessed Billy Graham participate in satanic rituals. Of course, you haven't read the testimony of former Illuminati programmer Cisco Wheeler who describes Billy's conduct in great detail in her book, co-written by Fritz Springmeier, called The Illuminati Formula to Create a Total Mind Controlled Slave ( ).
This is Chapter 5B from the above book devoted exclusively to Billy Graham: and here is a short paragraph from the beginning of that chapter:
"Before we get into the details, we’ll take an overview. Satanists thrive on power. Satan loves to give his followers power. Satan took Christ to the mountaintop and told Christ that he’d have a "crusade" and bring everyone to follow Christ, if Christ would just bow down and worship him. Christ refused. Billy Graham accepted it. We know a great deal how the Satanists took Billy Graham, the brush salesman and made him into the famous evangelist that he has become. Additionally, we also know from victims of Satanism, that have come out of it, that Billy Graham has been a Satanist himself. How can this be? And how can we know this? "
Are you prepared to read this chapter Steve? And would you be willing to accept it after your read it?
Probably not. You've been conditioned to believe otherwise and it's hard to change directions when you are exposed to information that is a radical departure from that which you ASSUMED was inviolate. That's one of the downsides to being a devotee of Christian fundamentalism: you are CONDITIONED to be so self-assured in your 'beliefs', that you become confident that you KNOW what is true and what is not and you will react with condemnatory prejudice against anyone who challenges your sacred cows -as you have done in this letter to me. Essentially, you can't recognize the difference between arrogance and true knowledge or 'knowing'. 'Knowing' is an attribute of inner wisdom, while arrogance is a by-product of ego. You feel compelled to correct my wayward thoughts by threats of condemnation when you write: "Are you one who is parishing.. [sic]..?"
Judgment and condemnation of others are additional hallmarks of Christian fundamentalism of the TV evangelical variety, but such things are not in keeping with Christ's teachings. Need I remind you that casting judgment on others was rebuked by Jesus when He asked "Who shall cast the first stone....?".
End Times
Yes, I know all about the "End Times" and how it's being packaged and delivered to you neatly wrapped like a gift box of Russian dolls, one nested within another. I've been hearing about it since I was a child and I believed it when I was younger, as I didn't have any other source of contravening information. I went along with everyone else and believed it because we were taught that as children, just as you were taught that as a child, but that doesn't mean it's a true prophesy, just because it's repeated over and over, generation after generation. It means you have been inculcated to BELIEVE that it's a true prophesy.Zeph Daniel used to buy into the same End Times package that you currently subscribe to, but through Divine Grace was able to break free of that conditioning and write a long essay on the End Times deception. It's titled End Times Programming ( ). Maybe you should read what he had to say.
The Rapture
The current promotion of the Rapture is a false concept engineered into existence by the Brotherhood ( When Jesus spoke to His disciples and to His followers about "coming with" Him, He was not referring to the Rapture, a physical ascent of The Chosen into heaven during the End Times scenario. Jesus was talking about the spiritual world. When you make these sort of statements Steve, I can see just how thoroughly you have been mislead by TV evangelists.There will be a Rapture of sorts, however, when the Brotherhood arrives at that juncture in their "End Times" agenda. And people who want to go will be "beamed up" (see Project Blue Beam ) when that scene goes down, but they will find themselves inside alien spacecraft and not heaven. Of course, those who are foolish enough to go along with this deception will be told that they are going to a wonderful Promised Land of milk and honey , but they will eventually find themselves enslaved or being served as lunch (that's another story). I'll save the historical background details on the manufacturing of the Rapture story for another essay, but in the meantime, you can read what Red Elk had to say about The False Rapture ( ).
The 'Kingdom of God on Earth'
This is the central theme of The Union Jack book and the essays of Helen Peters. These and other writers like Barbara Aho have invested a great deal of time trying to point out the historical background and nature of the scam, especially the British origins of the deception. It's up to you to decide whether you're willing to seriously examine what they have to say or dismiss it out of hand. You've accepted the idea of the physical return of Jesus and the Kingdom of God on Earth scenario because it's been drilled into you from early childhood, but you've been deceived by masonic agents posing as TV Christian evangelists, some of them dupes, and others as knowing agents. There will be a Second Coming of Christ, I believe, but not a physical return to earth. I think it's more accurate to think of the Second Coming as a SPIRITUAL expansion and awakening to the truths that Jesus tried so hard to convey during His lifetime on earth.The rest is up to you. You always have the opportunity to step outside of the box and look at all of the evidence available to you, if you're willing to invest the time and energy to do it. Christ warned that there would be great deception in these times and you need to recognize that great deception is not EASILY seen by the masses. It requires time to study and a willingness to THINK deeply about these matters in order to DISCERN the wheat from the chaff.
Sincerely, Ken Adachi
Reader Comment
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 1:03 PM
Subject: Regarding your response to an emailKen,
Let me first say I enjoy your sight. I love educating myself and this site definitely contains plenty of facts and opinions. I depend on the Lord to help me discern what information is really worth retaining and what is foolishness. I am happy to say I have yet to totally discredit anything from this site.
I am concerned about your response to the gentleman who wanted to defend Billy Graham. I know all about his reputation as a practicing Luciferian and mind control handler, and I believe it to be true (I have read Springmeier and Wheeler's books). Its your responses regarding the Bible I find interesting.
The Word of God is just that, the Word of God. Written by men through divine revelations. If you believe in God you have to understand the concept of omniscience. God is all knowing. He knew His word would be tainted, manipulated and tampered with before He created man. He has allowed the things that matter to remain as they are. No man can take what God wants us to have and simply remove it, my God is more powerful than that. God uses saints and sinners to fulfill His purpose, He even uses Satan. Satan could make the most horrible situation occur in a believers life and God can turn it around for His glory.
Whatever any man may believe, the truth is the truth, and it really is black and white. God didn't make it a puzzle. If you believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God, who came to Earth to die for the sins of mankind, if you love him and obey him, you will spend eternity with Him. You won't be reincarnated and there are no second chances. It is as you say, "up escalator or down escalator". It may seem impossible that God would make it that simple, but He did.
Consider this fact, the things that are made into puzzles are the things that have been created by or used as propaganda by the Luciferians. They make everything a mystery because they lie, steel and destroy on behalf of Satan. God doesn't do that, his Word says He is not "..the author of confusion" (that's in Romans).
Have you read Mary K. Baxter's "Divine Revelations of Hell" or "Divine Revelations of Heaven"? If not, I would suggest it as very relevant reading. It gives an interesting insight into a lot of the information you were disputing. I would love to know if you consider these books to be as valid as any other persons "words" or "experiences" you accept as fact. As a Christian I find these books to be very credible.
Let me clarify "Christian". I have a personal relationship with Jesus. No man could ever make me believe his words simply because they are said. I turn to Jesus to answer my questions and He always tells me the TRUTH. I go to Jesus for healing not a man, I go to Jesus for prophesy not a man. I am a follower of Christ Jesus, therefore I refer to myself as a Christian.
Also, please do not be offended by my questions or comments. I have noticed how you can sometimes get defensive when your views are questioned or criticized. As a matter of fact, I bring this up to you because I respect your obvious knowledge of government conspiracies.
Andrea Arrington
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