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Letters to The Editor

White House Stages Montana 'Town Hall Meeting' at Remote Bozeman Airport Hangar

"I am very dismayed about what I learned about our current White House. The amount of control and manipulation was unbelievable. I felt I was not living in the United States of America, more like the USSR!! I was physically nauseous. Bill and I have been around when Presidents or Heads of State visit. It has NEVER been like this. I am truly very frightened for our country. America needs your prayers and your voices. If you care about our country please get involved. Know the issues, and let Congress hear your voices again and again!! If they are willing to put forth so much effort to BULLY a small town one can only imagine what is going on in Washington, DC . Scary!!
[Montana resident who attended the Bozeman airport 'Town Hall Meeting' on Friday, August 14, 2009]
August 22, 2009

White House Stages Montana 'Town Hall Meeting' at Remote Bozeman Airport Hangar (Aug. 22, 2009)

From: June
To: Ken Adachi
Subject: What Really Happened In Montana Last Week!!!
Date: Aug 22, 2009

Dear Ken,

A long-time friend of mine [Friend A] just sent this to me. She lived in Montana back in the 1980's The letter [she received] is from a friend of hers [Friend B] who still lives in Montana. So the attached letter is more reliable than the major network news, for sure. I've taken out the names and email addresses, as she had requested.

It is astounding that this administration would fly around the country alienating and trying to intimidate citizens at these so-called town meetings. What do they think they are doing? Maybe they have stepped up their program to educate people at the grass roots level about the lack of concern they have for We The People.

This reminds me of the French Revolution. Perhaps Obama was out in Montana saying: "Let them eat cake!... er I mean Lobster!"... The man is out of touch!


[sent by Friend A]

Just got this in the e-mail this am and thought I would send it on to you. Makes me wonder what else he is up to, lots we don't know about.

Love, ...............

To: ..............
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2009 8:19 AM
From: ..............

Do take the time to read this please.
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 04:52:11 -0700
Subject: Fw: What Really Happened In Montana Last Week!!!

This is a little long however you need to read this. I know a lot of us understand what we are up against however I think it is important to see how this is done first hand. Nobody wants to believe this could happen in the good old USA however it is happening right in front of us.
Very scary when Washington becomes a production number.

[Unbelievable. This was sent to me by a friend in Bozeman , MT who was there. Why do we tolerate this?]


[sent by Friend B]

Hello All,

By now you have probably heard that President Obama came to Montana last Friday. However, there are many things that the major news has not covered. I feel that since Bill and I live here and we were at the airport on Friday I should share some facts with you. Whatever you decide to do with the information is up to you. If you chose to share this email with others I do ask that you DELETE my email address before you forward this on.

On Wednesday, August 5th it was announced locally that the President would be coming here. There are many groups here that are against his healthcare and huge spending so those groups began talking and deciding on what they were going to do. The White House would not release ANY details other than the date.

On about Tuesday Bill found out that they would be holding the "Town Hall" at the airport. (This is only because Bill knows EVERYONE at the airport) Our airport is actually located outside of Belgrade (tiny town) in a very remote location. Nothing is around there. They chose to use a hangar that is the most remotely located hangar. You could not pick a more remote location, and you can not get to it easily. It is totally secluded from the public.

FYI: We have many areas in Belgrade and Bozeman which could have held a large amount of folks with sufficient parking. (gymnasiums/auditoriums). All of which have chairs and tables, and would not have to be SHIPPED IN!! $$$$$

During the week, cargo by the TONS was being shipped in constantly. Airport employees could not believe how it just kept coming. Though it was our President coming several expressed how excessive it was, especially during a recession. $$$$$

Late Tuesday/early Wednesday the 12th, they said that tickets would be handed out on Thursday 9am at two locations and the president would be arriving around 12:30 Friday.

Thursday morning about 600 tickets were passed out. However, 1500 were printed at a Local printing shop per White House request. Hmmmm 900 tickets just DISAPPEARED.

This same morning someone called into the radio from the local UPS branch and said that THOUSANDS of dollars of lobsters were shipped in for Obama. Montana has some of the best beef in the nation!!! And it would have been really wonderful to help out the local economy. Anyone heard of the Recession? Just think...with all of the traveling the White House is doing. $$$$$ One can only imagine what else we are paying for.

On Friday, Bill and I got out to the airport about 10:45am. The groups that wanted to protest Obama's spending and healthcare had gotten a permit to protest and that area was roped off. But that was not to be. A large bus carrying SEIU (Service Employees International Union) members drove up onto the area (illegal) and unloaded right there. It was quite a commotion and there were specifically two SEIU men trying to make trouble and start a fight. Police did get involved and arrested the one man, but they said they did not have the manpower to remove the SEIU crowd.

The SEIU crowd was very organized and young. About 99% were under the age of 30 and they were not locals! They had bullhorns and PROFESSIONALLY made signs. Some even wore preprinted T-shirts. Oh, and Planned Parenthood folks were with them ..... professing abortion rights with their T-shirts and preprinted signs. (BTW, all these folks did have a permit to protest, but in ANOTHER area)

Those [protesting] against healthcare/spending moved away from the SEIU crowd to avoid confrontation. They were orderly and respectful, even though SEIU kept coming over and walking through, continuing to be very intimidating and aggressive at the direction of the one SEIU man.

So we had Montana folks from ALL OVER the state with their homemade signs and their DOGS with homemade signs. We had cowboys, nurses, doctors, you name it There was even a guy from Texas who had been driving through. He found out about the occasion, went to the store, made a sign, and came to protest.

If you are wondering about the press .....Well, all of the major networks were over by that remote hangar I mentioned. They were conveniently parked on the other side of the buildings FAR away. None of these [protesting] crowds were even visible to them. I have my doubts that they knew anything about the crowds.

We did have some local news media around us from this state and Idaho. Speaking of the local media...they were invited. However, all questions were to be turned into the White House in advance of the event. Wouldn't want anyone to have to think off the top of their head.

It was very obvious that it was meant to be totally controlled by the White House. Everything was orchestrated down to the last detail to make it appear that Montana is just crazy for Obama and government healthcare. Even those people that talked about their insurance woes ........the White House called our local HRDC (Human Resource and Development Committee) and asked for names. Then the White House asked those folks to come. Smoke and mirrors...EVERYTHING was staged!!!!!!!!!!!

I am very dismayed about what I learned about our current White House. The amount of control and manipulation was unbelievable. I felt I was not living in the United States of America, more like the USSR!! I was physically nauseous. Bill and I have been around when Presidents or Heads of State visit. It has NEVER been like this. I am truly very frightened for our country. America needs your prayers and your voices. If you care about our country please get involved. Know the issues, and let Congress hear your voices again and again!! If they are willing to put forth so much effort to BULLY a small town one can only imagine what is going on in Washington, DC . Scary!!

Bozeman , Montana

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