British Israel Muppet:
Brainwashed, Mislead, & Lovin' It!
Feb. 11, 2008British Israel Muppet: Brainwashed, Mislead, & Lovin' It! (Feb. 11, 2008)
Subject: What the Kingdom of God is Really All About
Date: Mon, February 11, 2008 8:38 am
To: EditorHey Ken,
My friend, you are all wet. The Bible has, at its very core, the gospel of the Kingdom of God, to be implemented by the prophetic Son of Man, Jesus the Messiah, to be restored to the nation of Israel, as it says in Acts 1:6. He is to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and His Saints will rule that Kingdom with Him, which will encompass the earth from the city of Jerusalem, whether you like it or not.
This promise from God is established in the covenants God made with Abraham and David. It is announced and described by the Jewish Prophets. It was proclamed to Isarel initially by John the Baptist, and later by the Messiah Himself. His Apostles were trained by Him to preach this Gospel, first to the nation of Israel, and later, when Israel rejected the Messiah and His message, to the nations at large, with the expectation that some Gentiles, along with believing Jews, would believe the Gospel and be saved. It is these who are promised eternal life and glorification, and rulership in the Kingdom to come.
The Early Churcch continued in the teachings of the Apostles, and all were hoping for the soon return of Messiah from heaven to restore the Kingdom to Jerusalem, as God promised by the Prophets, and the teaching of the Apostles. Beginning in the 4th and 5th centuries, a strange teaching that the Church was the Kingdom of God emerged and dominated Christian theology for centuries until the time of the Protestant Reformation, when Christians once again began to see that the Bible teaches that the literal Kingdom of God is to come to earth at the return of Messiah Jesus in power and great glory, and Who will destroy the wicked, raising the righteous dead, and will restore earth to its pre-fallen state accompanied with great blessings upon mankind.
According to the Scriptures, if one does not believe that, then one is not a true beliver of Jesus.
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