The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

The Cancer Industry

[Editor's Note: Learn to PREVENT cancer by avoiding the habits, circumstances, and substances that lead to cancer. If you already have cancer, you can CURE yourself of the disease using NATURE based medicines and alternative medicine methodologies. The BEST source of information to study in order to learn how to avoid or cure yourself of cancer are the FOUR cancer books of Dr Hulda Clark. Study her books and learn how to cure yourself of this disease at HOME and keep your money and your acquired wealth for the benefit of your children and not hand it over to the jackals of the Cancer Industry who will kill you FASTER using thier wonderful poisons than if you did NOTHING AT ALL. ...Ken Adachi].
May 8, 2010

The Cancer Industry (May 8, 2010)

Subject: paid assassins
From: Mike
Date: Sat, May 8, 2010
To: Ken Adachi

Hi Ken,

I have followed your site for quite some time and have found that the information with respect to health related concerns have been very informative. In fact, I have shared some of my personal experiences with your readers and have had numerous instructive responses both ways. In August of 2009, my wife was diagnosed with polycythemia vera, a chronic blood disorder. Shortly thereafter, she was diagnosed with cervical cancer (III B). This very morning as we sat outside by our pool, we could not ignore the obvious human defoliate that was being laid down high above our normally blue skies. As my wife and I travel to various doctors offices, it has become very apparent that the evil ones are hard at work to thin out the population, and create a society of souless, mindless drones to perform for these elite killers to carry out their disgusting agendas.

My wife is currently on radiation and chemotherapy, that will be stopped. As I am completely opposed to these U.S. treatment programs because I know what it is all about (money and population control). I have already contacted a clinic in Mexico that treated my father in 1977. To my amazement, it was still in business.

The heartless, souless government minions are to blame for what once was a great country with opportunity. I have had the misfortune to converse with other cancer patients from all over the world, and in every case, the discussion yeilds to same statement, "America is the only place that has such a cancer problem".

What a sorry title to be given as the cancer capitol of the world. One should not be amazed by that, after all, if your one of the dumbed down, mind-less many that stares at the T.V. all day, it's easy to see what's really going on. First there is the problem, then there is the solution, some new drug (ask your doctor)or an old drug with a new name. Either way, it's more chemicals that shorten your life and drain you financialy until you die.

There is no doubt that our country and the human race as whole needs to brought to its knees, and those that have been knowingly complicit in many of the immoral acts against the human race should be exterminated on behalf of those that can function in a harmonious society as god has ordained from the foundation of the world.

We are being thinned out by paid assassins that work for the illuminated ones. The sad part is, what gain or achievement is there in being a ruler over a mound of mud? I appreciate your candor in your site and responses as things are not always the way it may seem and takes someone like yourself to bring the oppressed thoughts to the forefront of the brain for proper assimilation.

Regards Mike

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