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Chemtrail Involvement at Sandy Hook?
March 18, 2013

Chemtrail Involvement at Sandy Hook? (March 18, 2013)

Subject: Chemtrail involvement at Sandy Hook
From: Will
Date: Mon, March 18, 2013 7:05 pm
To: Ken Adachi

I'm not sure how to explain what I've found without coming across as a crazy person but...I found a picture of a female athlete at the Sandy Hook event. In the sky you can see 2 massive chemtrails directly over head. I then found "World Daily" app. It allows yuo to view daily satellite imagery up to a year in the past. Dec 14th, 2012 directly overhead of Sandy Hook -- sent chills down my spine -- I have these images saved and am desperate to get them out. I never even considered chemtrails as the modern day smokescreen from satellite imagery. This is proof our govt staged sandy hook. I beg you to let me send you the image, and if not PLEASE look at the image from Dec 14th 2012 with the app "World Daily". Im searching other sources to try and help me with this. ANY response is greatly appreciated.



Hi Will,

Sure, send the pictures. Let's see what you have

Regards, Ken

Subject: RE: Chemtrail involvement at Sandy Hook
From: Will
Date: Mon, March 18, 2013
To: Ken Adachi

Sandy Hook school, Newtown CT Dec 14 2012Here is the first picture that got my attention. Woman standing at Sandy Hook. I've attached the Original .PNG image saved on my ipad with the App. I created a .Jpg of it so it was easier to post on Facebook. Here are all 3. I'm still blown away by what this implies..



Hi Will,

OK, but you are blown away by what? They normally spray chemtrails on a fairly daily basis.

You are thinking that they sprayed over Newtown to block satellite imagery of what really took place, I assume?

That could be because the government also uses chemtrails to obscure space battles which occur fairly regularly, but the government controls those satellites and the government is behind ALL staged shootings at movie theaters, schools, etc, so they wouldn't release them anyway.

These are good shots of chemtrails from above and below. And the person with long blond hair looks like a man to me (If that's a woman, the human species is in Big trouble).

Tell me if I'm missing something

Best Regards, Ken


Subject: RE: Chemtrail involvement at Sandy Hook
From: Will
Date: Mon, March 18, 2013
To: Ken Adachi

Lol thats funny. The woman in that picture is Tina Navatalova (spelling) that lesbian tennis player from ages back. (not exactly sure what shes doing at the Sandy Hook Hoax) But these chemtrails are specificly targeted over sandy hook and had to be placed way before the 9:30 am Hook event. This pic proves our govt new sandy hook was planned and they did it. They funded the trails to be sprayed and it takes, i dont know, 1-4 hrs for the trails to spread out and dissipate to create the type of cover needed? So they started spraying Hours before the event happened. In preparation. Thats what this picture proves. This qualifies as more than circumstantial evidence. Its proof of a completed project that took 100's of thousands of tax payer dollars all in an effort to dismantle the 2nd amendment. Also, our govt does not control other countries satelites, that's the purpose of these particular chemtrails - anti satellite tech. Does no good to block our satellites if the chinese, russions, etc can see it with theirs. Makes perfect sense to me. I dont believe in coincedence especially involving events such as these. Satellite imagery would have settled the sandy hook hoax questions. but they were made impossible to get by our govt.Thanks for responding but i believe this pic to more substantial and will continue to spread it about.



[Note: Reader Chad (below) says the blond woman is Andrea Jaeger, not Navatalova]

Hi Will,

Oh MY God, a woman ...Whew.

If she's a lesbian, then I guess it's a blessing in disguise.

I've posted your pictures and comments. You do raise an interesting question. If that is the famous tennis player, what is she doing there on the day of the shooting? How could she even get in the area? (It's possible she may live in the area, I suppose).

Mysteries abound.

Thanks, Ken


Subject: Chemtrail Involvement at Sandy Hook?
From: Chad
Date: Tue, March 19, 2013
To: Ken Adachi

Hi Ken,

Just wanted to clear up some confusion concerning the article "Chemtrail Involvement at Sandy Hook?" The picture is actually of former tennis pro Andrea Jaeger. She also "comforted" the victims and families of the 1996 Dunblane massacre in Scotland. She supposedly went to Sandy Hook to do the same.

Thanks for your time,


Newtown chemtrails