The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

The Coming Apocalypse

[Editor's Note: I recently posted articles from Carol White and Barbara Aho that discussed the hidden hand of British oligarchs and their elite organizations which have been promoting and inculcating the idea of an End Times scenario since their agent Darby got the ball rolling in the late 19th Century. This brain washing campaign has been going on for over 120 years and has now accelerated to a fever pitch, which you can verify yourself by tuning into any TV or radio evangelical broadcast. Helen Peters published a book around 1970 titled The Union Jack which lays out the entire scheme of using fundamentalist Christian preachers to convince their congregations that Armageddon, the Great Tribulation, etc. will culminate in the physical return of Jesus Christ, where He will rule an earthly kingdom from Jerusalem for one thousand years. She refers to it as the British Israel 'kingdom of God on earth' deception.

The purpose behind the setup is to get Christian fundamentalists to believe that the wars, famines, plagues, etc that the British oligarchs (and their American, Middle Eastern, and European agents) will engineer into existence are part of God's plan and a fulfillment of scriptural prophesy. When you are convinced that these terrible events are the Will of God, you're not going to be very inclined to resist it or abort it or even look for the human factors behind it. You're going to accept it as prophesy fulfilled. In fact, many fundamentalists are anxious for the Apocalypse to get under way, so they can hurry it along and get to the other side (or go up in the Rapture) where peace, love, justice, etc and Jesus will be found sitting on His throne in the newly rebuilt Jerusalem. It's a deception.

While on earth, Jesus said" My Kingdom is not of this world". He also said that "The Kingdom of God is within". Jesus was specifically admonishing the claim of the Pharisees (the very priests who had Jesus condemmed to death) that a heavenly messiah would come and establish a 'Kingdom of God on earth' and rule from earth-while at the same time putting an end to all the tyranny, injustices etc., of empire builders (who were the Romans at the time of Christ). Does this sound familiar?

The only things we will have after we give up our sovereignty, our constitution, and our liberty in order to be part of "God's Kingdom on earth" headquartered out of Jerusalem are slavery and satanism-for those still alive to see it. I realize that their are millions of sincere fundamentalist Christian believers, as the writer below, who are convinced of the End Times story and I have no quarrel with their sincerity, but it's incumbent on us to use our God-given brains and discern the truth from the very clever and diabolical deceptions that are being placed before us..Ken].
July 1, 2005

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 10:44 AM
Subject: it WILL happen regardless

short note, all this stuff as BAD as it is ( n.w.o.,illuminati,ect. ) and, as EVIL as it sounds has too and, will take place in the near future regardless of what people try to do to stop it, IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE it was fortold by God Himself, it WILL happen regardless of what man trys to do to stop it . best you can do is warn people of this coming rule of Satan , except the LORD as savior ,and live and die for Him only. a true christian that does not have time for all this hoop-la in the internet? I rather spend my time trying to SAVE some folks of all this comeing wrath . HAVE A NICE DAY




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