The Franklin Coverup, Ted Gunderson, & David Hinkson
December 1, 2010The Franklin Coverup, Ted Gunderson, & David Hinkson (Dec. 1, 2010)
Subject: franklin coverup and D. Hinkson
Date: Wed, December 1, 2010
To: Ken AdachiIf Ted Gunderson was instrumental in exposing,investigating, and prosecuting the child molesters of the Franklin scandal then 1) Why isn't he dead, in hiding, or in prison like the others? 2) Maybe he was sent there by his controllers to only go so far in the investigation, focus on the small time local perps, and ultimately help to cover it up because as far as I know noone went to jail and the big names were not named.
Did Ted have a part in the false accusations and imprisonment of DH? If so why? Maybe because Dave's products are cutting edge and Ted's controllers don't want people to be healthy and live longer.
This is just off the top of my head and I am going to look in the DH incarceration and expose it as much as I can.
Psycopaths are good to their friends.
I made it crystal clear on the contact page you used to send this e-mail that I do not like to engage in anonymous conversations with people who refuse to identify themselves and who lack the basic courtesy of addressing me by my name before launching into whatever diatribe they wish to unload.
Your lack of background knowledge on the Franklin case and your eagerness to draw superficial and dark conclusions about Ted Gunderson tells me more about you than you may realize.
I don't know the specifics of why Hinkson was convicted. I assume he had a jury trial and there must have been SOME reason for convicting him that was persuasive to 12 jurors. I'm not sure he was as innocent as you imagine him to be.
Before jumping the gun, I would get a full transcript of the trial so you know what you're talking about. I do know that David was making a lot of money (millions) and he had apparently gained enemies among his employees, but I don't know the details of those intrigues.
I do know, however, that David Hinkson's interview on Ted Gunderson's short wave radio show set the stage for the Art Bell lawsuit and the mountain of negative publicity arrayed against Ted that took a couple of years to finally rebut and set the record straight on.
It was David Hinkson who told Ted over the air that Art Bell had an indictment quashed in Nevada. It was David Hinkson who broadly hinted that the charges against Bell had something to do with pedophilia. Ted Gunderson had no pre-knowledge of these accusations against Bell and merely responded to Hinkson statements with the normal acknowledgments that we all use when engaged in a conversation such as "Oh," or "uh huh," or "really?" etc.
Yet Ted Gunderson gets hauled into court for "slandering" Art Bell while Hinkson is never even served! It was Hinkson who was making the accusatory statements against Art Bell; NOT Ted Gunderson.
Now wouldn't it be easy for me to turn the tables and now accuse Hinkson of being the Player, the "agent," the Set Up guy, the guy with the "handlers," etc. trying to railroad Ted Gunderson and defame his character?
You see, there's a lot more to these stories than you are privy to and it's real easy to ACCUSE people of having "handlers" and similar conclusions while wallowing in a sea of ignorance with mere bits and pieces of information on the topic.
If you're hoping to have a conversation about this, you need to reach down into your draws, re-discover your balls, and identify yourself - by name.
I detest cowardly lions.
Sincerely, Ken Adachi
Subject: Re: franklin coverup and D. Hinkson
From: "James Real" <>
Date: Tue, December 7, 2010
To: Ken Adachiok, I was wrong.
It wasn't Ted G. who accused falsesly and prosecuted DH. It was FBI agent William Long. A while back I couldn't find any news about this and somehow got Ted's name mixed up with it in my brain.
I don't know what to make of the whole Art Bell drama. But why did Ted let DH run his mouth. And why did Dave do that. I like Dave and I don't know why he did something so stupid.
Hi James,
Glad you decided to write back. It's much more pleasant to respond to a person with a name, even if it is a pseudonym, rather than an unsigned e-mail address.
I discussed the Art Bell lawsuit and David Hinkson's radio interview with Ted Gunderson in a lengthy article I posted on May 1, 2000, called The Smearing of Ted Gunderson, Part 1 bear no ill will towards David Hinkson and I approve of the products he was selling, so I'm in agreement with you there.
Ted didn't stop David from talking about Art Bell on his radio show because David wasn't saying anything that seemed libelous or unreasonable to Ted
[Addendum Dec. 18, 2014: Read the radio show transcript at the bottom of this page and readers will know exactly what Ted said and what Hinkson said during Ted's radio show with Hinkson. Hinkson is telling Ted that he (Hinkson) has a "credible source" who told Hinkson that Art Bell had paid money to have an indictment against him and the court records associated with the alleged indictment "disappeared"].
For reasons known only to David Hinkson, David Hinkson brought up the topic of Art Bell and hinted that Bell got an indictment against him quashed in Nye County and that it may have involved children.
Read the transcript at the above link and you will understand that Art Bell's lawsuit against Ted had no merit or basis whatsoever. The entire matter would have been thrown out of court at the pre-trial hearing if two CIA operatives named Kurt Billings and Robert Ghostwolf didn't submit two utterly bogus and untrue affidavits to the court claiming that they overheard Ted tell them that he was going to "get" Art Bell. At the time,. Ted Gunderson didn't even know who Robert Ghostwolf was, let alone ever talk to him.There was no trial and no jury decision. Ted's insurance company told them (Art Bell's lawyers) that they wanted to settle and that they did not want to go to trail. Ted had no choice in the matter. Ted told the insurance company lawyer that he didn't want to settle and he wanted to go to trial to clear his name, but the insurance lawyer said no; they--the insurance company--wanted to settle. Ted doesn't know how much the insurance company settled for with Bell's lawyers because Ted refused to sign off on the release papers of the settlement which required a non-disclosure confidentiality agreement.
And there you go.
Take care, Ken
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Excerpted from:
The Smearing of Ted Gunderson, Part 1 (May 1, 2000)
Transcript of December 9, 1997 broadcast of Ted Gunderson radio program with guest David Hinkson on AFN, WWCR, KHNC and other stations and via short-wave radio
[After a discussion between Ted Gunderson ("TG") and David Hinkson ("DH") regarding the case of Ms. Linda Wiegand, who has accused her ex-husband in a custody fight of molesting and raping her two young boys, the program went to a station break. The following is a transcription of the broadcast after the break. ]
TG We're back and my guest today is David Hinkson. I was telling you about the Wiegand case, Dave.
DH I'm going to tell you something, Ted, I thought was interesting. You do a lot of research. You're an investigator, right?
TG Right.
DH Okay, if I saw some paperwork, or somebody credible said they saw some paperwork, but we didn't have copies of it in our hands, pertaining to an indictment that had been squashed pursuant to a payola, how would you verify that?
TG Well, I'd go to the courts.
DH Okay. Art's my understanding he recently paid to cover up his indictment. Now I can't prove it, but it was a credible source. Can you do a little research on that for me?
TG yeah, let's talk to, we'll.., we can talk. What court district is it in?
DN Pahrump.
TG Well, the record should be right there in Pahrump.
DH I was told, okay, that he bought his way out of it.
TG Well, then, if he bought his way out of it, there's a good possibility that the right person was paid off and the records have disappeared.
DH I won't say anymore than it has to do with the subject you're talking about with Wiegand.
TG Oh, that's interesting. Now, I'll tell you about Art Bell.
DH He's not friendly towards me. I'm not saying too much here am I?
TG Let me just tell you about...We tried to get him to take Linda Wiegand and put her on his show.
DH That's why he won't.
TG What happened was, I had his home phone number, and I called, and his wife said: "Well, he's asleep, he'll be up in an hour" and I said, "Have him call me." That was about ten days ago. I haven't heard from him yet. So, I gave the number to Linda. Linda called. And said, you know, "I'd appreciate it if you put me on your show. We got to protect our children. I need to get my children out from behind that situation." And he got mad and hung up on her.
DH Ah, ha!
TG She called him back and said: "People don't hang up on me." And he said, " I will not put you on my show until you tell me who gave you my home phone number." And so she called me and I said, "Tell Art Bell that I gave the home phone number to you." She said you [sic] told him, and she hasn't heard from him since.
DH Well, the only thing I'll say about this so-called indictment. And I'm not accusing. I want listeners to call Art Bell and ask him to his face "Were you indicted? Did you cover it up, Art?" I'm not accusing him. I'm just telling you a credible source showed me the stuff. ..[unintelligible]...hearsay..
TG [Unintelligible].. You need to get all that, you need...
DH I'm asking you to prove my hearsay. That what I'm telling you is correct.
TG OK, listen, we have a caller. Ruth from West Virginia.
[End of transcript]
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