The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

"The Elemental King and Master of earth wish to make this known"
October 16, 2007

"The Elemental King and Master of earth wish to make this known" (Oct. 16, 2007)

----- Original Message -----
From: Michelle Harrison
To: Editor
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Subject: Orgon generators/educate yourself

Hi Ken

I read your information, then the next day spoke with someone who hosted a presentation by Don Croft.

He, David Lerner, said you'd like to know this information: the Beings responsible for all radionics, minerals, metals, crystals, gems, ores, dowsing and pendulums are Earth Elementals commonly referred to as Gnomes.

The Elemental King and Master of earth wish to make this known. The Sylphs do indeed assist in the activity in the air element, however, it is
the power of the Earth elementals that makes it happen.

Acknowledge this and you will be rewarded is their message to you. They are much more helpful to be friendly with than not.
I get the impression the devices can be even more effective with their help.

Any questions or comments feel free to respond to this e-mail.

Michelle Harrison


Hello Michelle,

Can I presume that you and David Lerner view me as some sort of newbie to the topic of elementals and require a lecture and warning about "acknowledging" the "Elemental King and Master of earth"?

I can't agree with everything you wrote here, but you are entitled to your opinion.

I recognize and appreciate the contribution from the elemental world, but you assign too much credit to them and not enough recognition to the assistance of Spirit in the bigger picture of the battle in which we are engaged.

If you had read my web site more thoroughly, you would know that I've always encouraged people to solicit the aid of elementals to work with an orgone generator in order to increase its effectiveness.

If you can dowse accurately, you do so because you are in clear communication with your Higher Self; and elementals have nothing to do with it. I'm equally confidant that elementals are not responsible for radionic action.

Minerals, metals, earth, and fire, sure, that's the domain of elementals, but they are soldiers and assistants to mother earth. They are not the prime force assisting humanity to repel the Dark Side. Spirit is that force.

Sincerely, Ken


----- Original Message -----
From: Michelle Harrison
To:Ken Adachi
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Subject: RE: Orgon generators/educate yourself

Hi Ken

By no means is that an accurate presumption, it is evident that you are no newbie. Hence I discussed the finer point of elemental awareness and the spirit of consciousness therein. Passing on the message I got from these beings, based on one written paragraph that accredited the Sylphs only.
From reading your web site, I could tell you know full well about the power of Spirit and our connection and realization of Self. They just wanted it known. I do not care personally. No presumptions made on my part,

I love your site, it is so informative and clear. I intend to read more. Normally I wouldn't say a thing, David suggested that it may be useful information, it was to him. please forgive any misunderstanding or miscommunication.

In my perspective and from experience, Yes they are soldiers and assistants to Mother Earth, that we can direct and utilize in the great work, bringing the Light of God to All Levels of Consciousness.

They are one level of Elemental Spiritual consciousness bound to Earth. How can they not be the forces of Spirit that create the elements and actions themselves?

Spirit is the prime force behind it all. We all are part of an Elemental group soul at the 8/9 dimensional level. Different perspectives and viewpoints.
Mercury is in retrograde, difficult time for clear communications, so please have a great day and check out my web site sometime,



Hello Michelle,

Ok, I appreciate your thoughtful reply and admire your sincerity and honesty.

We are kindred spirits.

Warmest Regards, Ken



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