The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

" I am the Goddess Annerley"

[Editor's Note: Sir Laurence Gardner, Illuminatus and Grand HooHa of the Knights Templar has been trying to spin a yarn for the past decade or two by way of books and interviews (along with his 'assistant' William Henry) that Jesus didn't really die on the cross. Nope. He somehow used a double at Calvary or perhaps was nursed back to health after being taken down from the cross (can't remember the tale exactly).

Anyway, according to the Grand HooHa, Jesus somehow makes his way to France where He sires a family with none other than Mary Magdalene! Yep. The teacher from Nazareth, who Christians around the world call the one and only Son of God, develops the hots for a former prostitute, who now becomes the mother of the children of Jesus Christ! Holy Cow, who wouldn't kill to get invited to those bar mitzvahs! Talk about the Ultimate in-crowd and society mavens!

As luck would have it, Sir Laurence tells us, the offspring of Jesus wind up becoming the direct descendants of the Merovingian bloodline in France. That's incredibly fortuitous for us because the Merovingians, you see, are a key bloodline from which large numbers of wonderful folk of royal background, political leaders, and economic, religious, and military leaders have genetically descended! It's almost as if their ascent to positions of power was predestined of divine intent by the Lord Himself! I mean, if you're going to be lorded over by someone, who's in a better position to do the job than someone from the Lord's Family, right?

So I can't tell you how honored I am to have received the e-mail below from Goddess Annerley, who, in a former incarnation, was--yes-- the Mary Magdalen(e). The former wife of Jesus of an earlier incarnation is soon to become the wife of Manu in this incarnation (I don't know who Manu is either, so don't write). Now when you consider what a splash she made in her last incarnation with Jesus, just think what's coming up in this one!

Undoubtedly, the printing presses will roll day and night in order to keep up with demand as Sir Laurence pounds out the latest adventures of the Jesus Clan (as we approach the 'daY OF JUDEMENT', of course).

Do you think I might get an invite to the wedding as well?...Ken]
November 27, 2006

Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006

I am the Goddess Annerley, the sacred blood line to the Merovingians I am the incarnation of Mary Magdalen the wife of Jesus the future wife of Manu a lot more interesting things have happened. Many things that you are unware of. Take care and may God and the Angels, bless you in love and light, forgive me, but their is only two perople in the whole world who have the truth that is Manu and I. The daY OF JUDEMENT DRAWS closer as each day passes

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