Hardin, Montana~ A Breaking Story
September 30, 2009Hardin, Montana~ A Breaking Story (Sep. 30, 2009)
-----Original Message-----
From: MIke
Sent: Sep 29, 2009
To: Editor
Subject: Re: CommentsDear Ken;
Greetings to you and I hope all is well.
Please have a look at the breaking news story on the rumormillnews web site regarding the new Hardin, Montana Police Force. I didn't want to send you the hot link in an email, but please take the time to read this story.
It's happening now. Nothing on MSM outside the state. Ken, all of my immediate family (originally New Yorkers) live in neighboring Billings, Montana and have for almost 20 years. They moved there for the near limitless freedoms still available in a place like Montana and also for the right to bear way of life. Like a lot of Montanans, my brothers, cousin and uncle from the Bronx are Very Hard Core Enthusiasts.
Thank you kindly for writing back and more important, thanks for your work.Mike
Idaho Falls, Idaho***]
Hi Mike,
I just talked about the Hardin story last night over the radio with Don Nicoloff. Steve Quayle (see below) has exaggerated the situation by quoting an unnamed Hardin resident who said some things that are not correct, such as the local council had disbanded the Sheriff department. That's not true, as Don talked to the Sheriff himself yesterday. There's an important story there, but Steve Quayle is not the guy to trust for the details.
Local politicians or gamers sold their souls to gain fortune and now they are trying to stick the citizens of Hardin with the bill for their folly, thus the "need" to bring in a private SERBIAN mercenary group, the "American Police Force", to manage a 20 million new prison facility that has defaulted on its bond payments. The 7 million "operating budget" has apparently disappeared altogether. There's corruption all over the place on this one.
The state legislators, the governor, and the attorney general should open that whole can of worms and go after the players and stop those mercenaries from coming in there. Serbian mercenaries are now to become the "new" policemen and penal colony custodians of Hardin, Montana .Unbelievable.
I don't see why the people in Montana aren't jumping all over their legislators about this. Talk about sleeping sheep. Montana people must be comatose! I thought they were at the heart of the Patriot movement?
Regards, Ken.
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[The following information was posted by fear monger and full time fundamentalist British Israel promoter Steve Quayle. Steve's deal is to shake people up. He's been peddling The Sky is Falling "alerts" for the past 5 or 6 years, each one more "alarming" than the previous. This is his latest effort to have you believe that Hardin, Montana will become a full blown NWO-controlled, "locked down" town in just a month or two. It's vintage Steve Quayle hysteria: exaggeration, hype, overstatements, unsupported "facts", and unnamed "sources". Readers beware...Ken Adachi]
We are Out of Time! City of Hardin & surrounding area is now becoming a police state!
September 28, 2009
“Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1
“…We must remember: how we vote is how we will be visited. In the Greek, the word for ‘visitation’ is linked not only with the concept of overseeing but also with casting a vote.
People who live in a nation with a democratic process that forms how they are governed are allowed by a holy God who rules the earth to choose their future. We, like Israel of old, can demand a king and then wake up one morning and see that those whom we have chosen have now made choices for us that are detrimental to our future…
As the word of God says in 1 Samuel 8:18, the Lord warned the people that if they chose a king who was not His choice, the following would happen: “You will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you in that day.” We can always make a choice that will be detrimental to our lives in days ahead…The factor of time causes our true hearts to be seen and the consequences of our choices to manifest.” (quote from ‘Redeeming the Time’ by Chuck Pierce)
Dear Intercessors,
Things are moving so quickly and we are out of time! The spirit of Pharaoh has entered our land! We have found out that our little town of Hardin is the 'test town' for President Obama’s new law to privatize the police force of local communities. Last night, the city council voted to disband our sheriff’s department and to bring in a private security company to police the town.
Interestingly, earlier in the day, the mayor when asked in an interview about the privatization of our police department completely denied it and said that would not be done with out a council meeting. Then that evening, a council meeting was held in regards to that very thing. At the beginning of this month, our local prison signed an agreement with the American Police Force which is a subsidiary of a larger private security force that the U.S. used in the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina.
Yesterday, a convoy of twelve 'blacked out' Mercedes Benz SUV’s were brought into town. They were already painted with Hardin’s colors and ‘Hardin Police Force’ was already painted on them! Hardin’s sheriff’s department will no longer be in operation after the month of October. During October, the Sheriff’s Department is to train this new security force in all the logistics of running the town of Hardin. If you go on the American Police Force site, you might notice that the logo they use is actually a Russian logo. I have been told that the man who came with this new security force as the captain, has a thick Russian accent. Earlier this month, in an interview in regards to this Hardin prison and the training center that they are planning to build, we were told that seventy five percent of the security officers that were to be trained would be ‘international’. This private security force is already patrolling the town. They had several people stopped yesterday. Also, it appears that they are building some type of heavy duty gate at the entrances of our town.
In an interview, the American Police Force security has stated that they will stay here one month to assess the population and then they will make their permanent base here. They said they are scouting out thirty towns in the U.S. but that Hardin is the first. Also, President Obama has authorized and signed a bill for full government funding of the privatization of the police departments throughout the U.S. By the end of October, it is their plan to have all major cities locked down! In an interview with one of the city council members, he stated that this new H1N1 shot which has not been tested will be mandatory and if a resident of our town refuses, they will be taken to our prison where they will be quarantined. A federal law has been passed that makes it mandatory that all health care workers have to take this new shot. If they do not, they will automatically loose their jobs.
The new federal law that is in place makes gives you four choices in regards to this new shot. One, you can voluntarily take it or you can refuse and be taken to a place to be quarantined, or as an alternative; if you refuse, you can have a chip placed in you to track you or a tracking bracelet which cannot be taken off. The state borders will be manned and locked down in the near future in regards to this mandatory shot. I am also told by a reliable source that today one of the managers at a local business in Hardin was visited by this new private security force which is now the new Hardin Police Department. He is an avid hunter and they came to inform him that they had a list of all fire arms that he owned; this includes all the residents of our town, and that he would need to take his guns down to have them put a marking device on them. Also, today, one of the main streets in Hardin was completely blocked off and they have been setting up information booths where they are passing out pamphlets with information on this new H1N1 shot.
Intercessors, I am not making up any of this information! You can go on the internet and verify most of this information from KULR 8, MSNBC or Fox news. Things have changed so quickly in the last 24 hours! Things are not and will never be the same. We are indeed going into the prophesied 'four years of captivity for America'. I believe we are about to enter into a time of persecution that the Church in America has never known! We must prepare! The good news is that this is also the time when the Glory of God will manifest itself in a way we have never known!
In His Service,
Call and Ask Where Private Firms can Suspend Constitutional and State Rights
Governor Brian D. Schweitzer
Office of the Governor
Montana State Capitol Bldg.
P.O. Box 200801
Helena MT 59620-0801
(406) 444-3111, FAX (406) 444-5529Lieutenant Governor John Bohlinger
Office of the Lt. Governor
Montana State Capitol Bldg.
PO Box 200801
Helena, MT 59620-1901
(406) 444-3111, FAX (406) 444-4648Sen. Max Baucus
(202) 224-4700Sen. John Tester
(202) 24-8594
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