22 Year old Woman with High Blood Pressure Seeks Remedy
July 24, 2007Subject: Re: Second Request
From: Heidi
Date: Wed, July 24, 2007
To: Ken Adachi <Editor>I previously sent an email regarding pulminary hypertension and any remedies/aides you may have for it. My cousin is 22 years old and has to be on oxygen about 85% of the time. Her doctors are wanting to run a DNA test and see if they can find out where the disease came from. They are thinking that she may also have MS and various muscular diseases. Would you please respond, even if you don't know anything about this.
Thank you.
Hi Heidi,
Pulmonary hypertension, or high blood pressure, is usually not a big problem to resolve if you look to Nature for the answer, but .DNA testing is not going to do it. You need to find a Naturopath or traditional Chinese Medical doctor. You need to work with someone who understands how the body works. The people you are seeing don't understand how the body works. They think it's a car.
First, you need a diagnosis as to why this has occurred in such a young person. THERE IS A REASON that will become apparent once you find someone who understands the body. There's likely a SIMPLE reason, it's just not being recognized.
Homeopathy is another approach that you could look into for more answers. You can buy homeopathic compounds or liquids at most big health food stores. Homeopathy is a Nature based therapy. The reason the Federal Drug Advancement people can't require a prescription from a state-licensed, medical doctor in order to buy homeopathic compounds is because homeopathic compounds are physically composed of only sugar pills (or just water if liquid), but there is a Nature-based energy pattern encoded within that sugar pill (or water or alcohol tincture) which will allow the body to overcome the health condition to which that particular homeopathic compound is intended to address.
If the mechanics in white lab coats with "MD" after their name tag and stethoscopes around their necks understood that the human body is a complex energy system composed of mind, spirit, and matter, rather than a Ford Escort ZX2, then they would realize that a Nature-based energy medicine (homeopathic compounds) can have a profound affect on a Nature-based complex energy organism (you).
There are many fine books on homeopathic treatment that will explain to you which homeopathy compounds work best for a given set of symptoms. One of my favorites is Homeopathic Remedies by Asa Hershoff, ND (1-800-663-8272). It was recommended to me by my friend Luke Gatto. Here's what Asa has to say in his book about treating hypertension (p 186):
The Condition
The blood pressure indicates the tension within arterial walls and fluctuates according to the body's variable need for a supply of oxygen and nutrients. The nervous system and circulating hormones, specifically those from the adrenal glands and kidneys, are involved with short- and long~term maintenance of blood pressure. Pressure receptors within specific blood vessels provide further feedback in the complex balance between fluid levels in the blood and the tissues. Hypertension is a disease of modem culture. Over 40 million Americans, including half of those over 60, have elevated blood pressure which predisposes them to heart attack and stroke. Further, continued high pressure levels weaken the heart and can damage the eyes, brain and kidneys.Over 90% of cases are essential hypertension i.e. the causes are unknown. However, it is closely related to hardening of the arteries, arteriosclerosis, as well as increased levels of stress hormones, obesity. diet, lifestyle. and toxins such as heavy metals and alcohol. Medicine considers hypertension, like most chronic disease. incurable, with only symptomatic treatment available. However, diet and natural therapeutics have been shown to both prevent and reduce blood pressure significantly.
Homeopathic Solutions
Homeopathy is an important part of an overall strategy of diet, herbs, nutritional supplements and stress~reducing methods like meditation and yoga. Medical drugs should not be abandoned while these are undertaken, but can be used simultaneously until real improvement in the underlying condition is stabilized Crataegus and Viscum album can be taken routinely in all cases, in lower potencies (1x, 2x or 3x). Belladonna and Veratrum viride are particularly suitable to short-term acute care, taken as often as symptoms indicate in the 30th (30x) strength. Aurum, Lachesis and Strontium, or one of the remedies shown in the Arteriosclerosis chart should be used for the chronic problem. Of course, there are many other possible remedies and the help of a professional homeopath is advised.Dosage
One dose daily of a chosen remedy can be taken for one month, monitoring results. As with all homeopathic treatment, if the remedy seems to be working, or causes a strong reaction, do not repeat the dose until the body requires it again. One dose can sometimes last days or weeks.Cross References
See also *Anxiety*Arteriosclerosis*Kidney Disease*Liver DisordersChoose the remedy below that best matches your symptoms:
*Hypertension. arteriosclerosis, weak valves. Surges of blood to the chest.
* Violent headache, intense pains at night. Menopause. uterine disease. .
* Palpitations; heart seems to stop beating, then starts again. Angina. .
* Depression, hopelessness, suicidal despair. After severe loss or failure. .
* Worse: cold, winter, sunset to sunrise. alcohol. Better: warmth, rest.Belladonna-Nightshade
*Acute hypertensive symptoms: flushed face. dilated pupils, great heat. .
* Pounding headache, throbbing blood vessels. Effects of rage and anger.
* Worse: 3 p.m., at menopause. pregnancy. motion. heat of sun, jarring.Crataegus-Hawthorn Berry
* Weak. exhausted. Hypertension, arteriosclerosis, short of breath. Edema. .
* Palpitations with anxiety. Weak valves and heart muscle. Aneurysm.
* Angina. Pain under left collarbone and shoulder blades. Grief, sadness. .
* Heart symptoms of elderly. Worse: warm room. Better: rest. quiet, fresh air.Lachesis-Bushmaster Snake
* Hypertension. Flushes of heat. Irregular heart; fears it will stop at night.
* Constriction in throat, abdomen, head. Trembling everywhere. Bruising. .
* Jealousy, suspicion, talkative, vivacious. Suffocating during sleep.
* Worse: before menses, after sleep, heat. Better: when menses begins.Strontium carb-Strontium carbonate
* Hypertension with flushed face. pulsating arteries. Arteriosclerosis.
* Heart feels smothered. like a load on the chest. Expansive headache.
* Strong sense of social responsibility. * Depression, guilt. Sudden anger. .
* Worse: cold, evening. night, walking, stooping. Better: hot bathing.Veratrum viride-Green Hellebore
* Hypertension. congestive headache, vertigo. Full, throbbing arteries.
* Burning pains. spasms, twitching. Effects of alcohol. tobacco or drugs. .
* Sudden, violent symptoms. Arrogant, suspicious, guilty. Insomnia.
* Worse: heat, sun, rising up, cold water. Better: lying with head low.Viscum album-Mistletoe
* Hypertension, enlarged heart, weak valves, angina. Vertigo, buzzing.
* Chest feels heavy. squeezed, oppressed. Palpitations, irregular heart. .
* Short of breath, worse lying on left. Double vision, top of head feels as if lifted off. Worse: winter. cold, storms, in bed, motion, during sex.***
Read the books of Dr Hulda Clark to understand more about how the body works and learn how to take care of yourself at home with simple, inexpensive remedies. Knowledge is the key to maintaining your health. The body is capable of curing itself of any disease condition if you learn how to work within the rules of Nature.
Regards, Ken
Subject: RE: Second Request
From: Heidi
Date: Wed, July 25, 2007
To: EditorThank you for the quick response. I will most definetly check out the information you have given . . . thank you again!!!
Many Blessings,
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