The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

An Honest Question
April 29, 2007

Subject: an honest question
From: Michael Gordon
Date: Sun, April 29, 2007
To: Editor

Why do you think it is that these people don't just come and gun you down or maybe stage a car crash, suicide, heart attack or something like that. not to downplay what you are doing, but if you really are disrupting there agenda so much, why are you allowed to live? don't get me wrong, i'm a believer, i'm just seriously wondering why your still alive. i'd like to help, but i'm not sure i like the idea of drawing attention to myself and my family.


Hello Michael,

I've been asked that question before and the answer is not that complicated.

1. I'm not disrupting their agenda very much, trust me. You could compare my effect to that of a single gnat on a 20,000 acre ranch. The total number of people who are affected by my words versus the billions on this planet who are clueless of the genocidal Illuminati agenda can be compared to a bucket of sand and all of the beaches along the entire Baja California peninsula, both sides.

2. Don't assume that I've been left untouched. People like Carol Croft have told me that I've been saddled with government psychics, military remote viewers, alien energy-draining etheric "cords" etc. It hasn't been fun, fun fun, 24/7.

3. You don't realize that you get help from the Other Side when you are trying to do things to aid humanity against the Dark Side. The more "innocent" you are, the greater the protection you get. I was told by a woman teacher in a psychic development class that I attended in 1997 that I had all this 'light' and "powerful protection" around me. I was the only person who was told that in a class of about 20 people. I wondered to myself at the time: why? What's so special about me? I think I started my first web site in 1996, but it was strictly info about Natural healing and alternative medicine. I first became aware of the NWO agenda in late 1995, but didn't start uploading articles about it until maybe late 1997 or early 1998, I can't remember exactly. Anyone who does this sort of work, quickly realizes that you are getting help from the Other Side, including help from unseen, but friendly aliens.

Ted Gunderson told me those very words in 1999. He has had seven direct attempts on his life since retiring from the FBI in 1978 and he's escaped unscathed from each attempt; including hearing a voice in his head that told him to keep on driving and not go into a house that he was planning to visit. Ted later found out that there was a hit team waiting for him inside the house. Ted is going to be 79 years old this year and he's still going forward like the lead dog of a Dideron sled team. I'm amazed by the tenacity and determination of Ted Gunderson. I wish there were a couple hundred more like him. Ted's definitely a major thorn in the side of the Illuminati in America and the "new" FBI who are working with and for them.

4. I want security and peace for myself and my family just as much as you do. Don't think that I am any different from you or any other average Joe American. If you want to keep your way of life and protect your family from being destroyed by wolves who are snarling at your very doorstep, do you hide in the bedroom closet and hope that someone else will come along and save you, or do you get out your shotgun and start pumping some double ought buckshot into those predators and let them know that it ain' t over till' the fat lady sings?

Your choice, your life, your future. Protect it or lose it. It's completely up to you.

An honest answer.

Regards, Ken


Subject: Re: an honest question
From: Michael Gordon
Date: Fri, May 4, 2007
To:   Editor

Thanks for the response. I busted my first couple of towers a few days ago. I also surrounded the house. It's been raining since I started doing
this. coincidence? I put a few TB under the bed and I've started to feel the energy.

Any more tips?

Thanks again.


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