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As humanity becomes more aware, our future changes for the better

May 2, 2012

As humanity becomes more aware, our future changes for the better (May 4, 2012)

Subject: As humanity becomes more aware, our future changes for the better
From: June
Date: Wed, May 2, 2012
To: Ken Adachi

Dear Ken,

Our future looks very bright. I believe that we here on earth are expanding our awareness and as a result, our future and the future for our planet continues to improve, rather dramatically. I listened to Kerry Cassidy, of Project Camelot’s interview of Courtney Brown which is presented on


published on the 29th of April 2012. He, in conjunction with the Far Sight Institute are in the process of a remote viewing experiment that includes visions of June 1, 2013. One of his findings indicate that an expansion of awareness may positively impact the future. I believe that visions for the future, if remote-viewed now, would be better than the visions for 2013 that Courtney Brown reported. The reason for that is that we, humanity on earth, are positively impacting our own future. Let me tell you what I’ve seen in visions that were given to me and when I received these visions. I believe they are in agreement with the above referenced research by Courtney Brown and his Far Sight Institute.

I have been shown worse-case-scenarios for the future. The first one was given to me the end of December 2004. The worse-case was, indeed very bad. There were only 9 people left on the planet, living in a cave, and they/we were in very bad health. I was asked if it was better to be dead. I suggested a third alternative. I suggested a breeding population be kept on a friendly-to-earthlings planet, if it came down to this horrible scenario. The vision I was given in 2009 was a vast improvement on the first worse-case vision of the future, given in 2004. Based upon the vision I was given in 2009, the future I saw was compatible with Courtney Brown’s report for two possible timelines in 2013. He reports massive relocation of people, looking for food. My 2009 worse-case vision was of my husband and I living in a large tree in Hawaii with a lot of children that appear to have been adopted by us. We had moved to Hawaii so we could more easily feed all these children.

At the bottom of this letter are some of what I wrote to a friend about my visions, if you want more details of the visions themselves. I can tell you, I was relieved to get the vision of living in a big tree with lots of children! What an improvement on the worse-case seen back in 2004! At the time of the 2009 vision, I thought: “Whew, we (humanity) made it!”

In addition to listening to the Project Camelot interview of Courtney Brown, I read his web page about the remote viewing experiment that is ongoing. I also listened to the imbedded video Courtney Brown has there. That page is on his Far Sight Institute site on the internet.


The title of the page is: “2012, A Global Climate Change Remote-Viewing Study, Multiple Realities, Timelines, and Events”. What he details there is an experiment of the best quality research in remote viewing. He outlines the care that was taken to have the best possible controls for this experiment. The best remote-viewers were given nine target sites to be viewed for June 1, 2008. And the same target sites to be viewed on 2 time lines on June 1, 2013. One timeline is if the mainstream scientific community ignores the reality of remote-viewing phenomenon and the presence of extraterrestrial life on earth. The second time line is if they acknowledge these two subjects.

The difference in the 2013 time lines turns out to be small, but better if remote viewing and extraterrestrial (even if only microbial) life on earth are acknowledged, he said. The remote-views were opened a few days after June 1st, 2008. The 2008 views were reasonably accurate. (He details the accuracy in the lecture, on the video, imbedded in the above Far Sight Institute webpage.) Each of the 2 future views of the nine sites all reported extensive damage of costal areas, possibly by tsunamis. The water even made it up part way on Mount Kilimanjaro. There was massive “self-organized” migration of people on foot. In some places, people were learning how to raise their own food. According to these remote-views, a huge event happened between June 2008 and June 2013 to cause these changes in the conditions of all nine sites, on the two timelines.

I haven’t had any visions of worse-case since 2009. I do not need them. Our future just keeps getting brighter. We’ve thwarted two events that could have created the tsunami devastation Courtney Brown’s researchers saw, already! Those two events being: 1. The terror that has been rained upon Japan in the form of earthquakes, failed Pacific Ocean wide tsunami and nuclear radiation. 2. The two Richter 8+ quakes and predicted tsunamis in Indonesia last month, in April 2012. I feel that our view of the future in and around 2009, 2008, and well after 2004 includes a world wide disaster that was so disruptive that people had to resort to fairly primitive conditions. My view of the future back in 2004 for a worse-case scenario was much worse than that. As our awareness increased, our future became better. That seems to be in agreement with Courtney Brown’s assessment of the two time 2013 lines in his research. More awareness improves our future. I speculate that if Courtney Brown’s targets were to be remote-viewed now, we would see an even better world.

Blessings, Ken, And World Peace



Notes on key visions given to me:
Written: Fri 10 April 2009
Vision: The end of December 2004

As for Mother Earth, Mom, I feel it is time for me to tell you of a vision I had. It was at the time of the first big quake in Indonesia. (The 9+ earthquake in Indonesia was on Boxing Day, 2004. The day after Christmas.) The supposition was that quake was man-made. I saw the earth fly apart at the seams, like a giant hacky-sack that all of a sudden lost it's threads and the skin flying apart in triangles, and molten rock showing where the seams had been. Then I was the last woman on earth in a cave with the last 8 men. With the need to procreate, they had rape on their minds. All of us were in bad shape. We were ill with sores on our bodies.

What a sad state of affairs. I was being asked what I would want if this situation came to pass. I was given 2 choices: Stay and get raped or die before that. I suggested what I considered to be a better alternative. If it comes to this awful future, ask the Sirians to take and keep a seed population. The Sirians do not allow earthlings to mingle on their planet, so the seed population would be incarcerated. But, hey, incarceration on Sirius is pretty good and a whole lot better than the cave scene. In regard to the artificial earthquake, how, oh how, can anyone be so stupid to risk the life of the planet and everything on it? Even parasites show more intelligence and work a strategy to keep their host alive. And such a beautiful planet. Makes me wonder what Mars used to look like.

Written 4 February 2011:
Vision in 2009

I've been "privy" (Ha!) to worse case scenarios for the future for some time now and they keep getting better. The first one was really bad and I was asked what my preference was. Both of the options were grim, very grim. I suggested they see about getting a population to be housed on another planet that loves us as the back-up plan, instead. Well that grim future is no longer an option because folks are starting to wake up.
(I do not see a lot of evidence of that, but hey, my angels don't lie.) The last"worse case scenario" wasn't bad at all. My husband and I had to move to Hawaii, so we could feed our raft (half of a dozen at least) of kids! (Adopted?) We lived in a tree house. Nice, for a tree house... but pretty open! We had a big rough-hewn kitchen table and he came home one day with a solar powered heater to put under the table for cool evenings. It about doubled our standard of living! The kids were dancing around him saying he was the best daddy. I told him this story and he just smiled and said it was good. My sense now is that our future looks even brighter than the Hawaii "worse case scenario".

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