Jackie, The Ultimate Covert Assassin
October 1, 2010Jackie, The Ultimate Covert Assassin (Oct. 1, 2010)
Subject: JFK assasination
From: Larry (Germany)
Date: Fri, October 1, 2010
To: Ken Adachire. Jim Marrs: Another Gatekeeper Shows His Colors (Updated, Sep. 26, 2010)
Hi Ken,
I don't know if you are yet aware of the following (I assume you do) but if not I think it deserves attention:
if you have not yet done so and have the time and interest please check it out-
we all are truly living in a world of deception/the absurd- you already know that- when will this insanity stop?-
hope you are well
- many regards-
Larry M
Freiburg, Germany***
Hi Larry,
The url tells me everything. I don't have to read it.
When I was a younger man and went through my "literary' phase, I was especially drawn to the writings of Ernest Hemingway and I read a great deal of his work, Reviewers often ascribed Hemingway's popularity and magnetism to his careful application of "verisimilitude" in writing. That means that his characters, plot lines, and descriptive narration closely paralleled actual people and actual events. In other words, he didn't exaggerate or over-embellish a character. His characters talked and behaved as REAL people might talk and behave in real life circumstances, which made his stories seem more believable.
Now when we get to people whose sense of proportion and reality has become so bent that they can seriously entertain the notion that Jackie Kennedy shot her husband JFK while they were riding in that limo in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, then we can throw any sense of verisimilitude right out the window.
We can also throw logic, common sense, and sane thought processing out the window too. In fact, we should throw the imbeciles who conjure up such absurdities right out the window, as well, as they give the word "conspiracy" a bad name.
This web site and the Loony Tunes behind it are trying to create a distraction to shift the focus away from the limo driver, Secret Service agent William Greer, as the shooter, since the Zapruder film makes it crystal clear that Greer shot the exploding pellet that caused JFK's head to burst wide open at Zapruder frame 313.
I'm sure in time, someone will put up a web site that accuses Connally of firing the fatal shot. And later on, we'll be told that it was Mary Moorman or Jean Hill who shot Kennedy from the grassy area where they were standing right near the limo. Yea, there's a lot of fascinating reading to look forward to.
Sincerely, Ken
Zapruder Film Shows JFK's Driver Firing Fatal Head Shot (Aug. 8, 2007)
Subject: Proof that Jackie fired the fatal shot
From: Kenneth
Date: Mon, October 4, 2010
To: Ken AdachiDear Mr. Adachi,
If you have not yet read the following link, I think you will be very interested:
http://loveforlife.com.au/node/7245or this:
Kenneth D***
Hello Kenneth,
Only interested from the point of view that people like Arthur Cristian, obviously saddled with an addled brain, could be suckered into believing such mendacious tripe from "Dr Neville Thomas Jones, Ph.D."
Dr Jones' presentation is a classic CIA/military/MI5 sponsored COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE motif. They always try to impress the gullible with VOLUME. Lots of photos, repeating loop video clips, and long, erudite-sounding "explanations" to get you to doubt the most basic precepts of analytical thinking and logic. It's the old Hitler thing: repeat a BIG lie often enough, and people will begin to accept it as true.
These disinformation campaigns are ALL intended to draw attention away from the Nazis who control the CIA, and their TWO covert agents - Greer and Kellerman - who were caught red-handed on the Zapruder film participating in the murder. This is why I became so incensed with Jim Marrs and felt obligated to out him for supporting such blatant deception.
Update Oct. 5, 2010. After posting the above reply, I went back to Dr Neville Thomas Jones' web site, www.realityreviewed.com, and spent considerable time there reading what he had to say. It wasn't easy sticking with the 'Jackie killed JFK' rubbish because the absurdities of his claims are so outlandish that it makes you really irritated and frustrated to read such warped thinking, but t I stuck with it anyway in order to know his stance. His claimed authority as a Ph.D. is in physics and his fantasy about Jackie shooting JFK with a small handgun which she had secreted in the limo next to her is buttressed with much talk of trajectory angles and unexplained smoke plumes, etc., etc. In my initial reply to Kenneth (above), I sarcastically alluded to the idea that either Connally or the two women standing on the grassy area next to the limo would be next in line as candidates for the shooter that caused Kennedy's head to explode.
Well, I didn't have to wait very long because upon reading the entire text of Dr Jones' (dare I suggest Dr. Indiana Jones?) movie script, he actually has Connally given Jackie the "OK" signal with a knowing look before Jackie finishes off JFK with a handgun applied directly to his head. Prior to her delivering the final coup de grace to the President, according to Dr Neville Thomas Jones, she was anxiously looking to Connally for his "go ahead" signal, and upon receiving it, finished off the Prez.
Folks, I'm not making any of this up. This is what the man is actually claiming.
Now, compare this lunacy with the other articles and essays he has posted on his web site and you would think that he was another Ken Adachi or David Icke. He rails about the fraud of Global Warming, the fraud of Gore, the phony War on Terror, the phony Obama, 911 was an Inside Job, the Zionists are behind the whole takeover scheme, etc., etc. He even posts some of Ahmadinejad's speeches and heaps unending praise upon this man as a truthteller (which he is, as my recent posting of Ahmadinejad's UN speech on Sep. 23 will attest).
So what do you make of a man who has a doctorate in physics, has been a faculty member of a major British university, seems to be so well informed on the schemes of the NWO, and can see through the veil in so many areas, yet will embrace such an INSANE theory about Jackie shooting JFK?
That's where mind control and MI 5 come in.
Dr Neville Thomas Jones either A) truly believes that Jackie shot JFK or B) was programmed to believe that Jackie shot JFK or C) is knowingly engaged in disinformation peddling.
I'm going to put my money of "B" as the most likely candidate.
The intelligence services (CIA, British intelligence, Mossad) USE people like Dr Jones to promote their diversion schemes. In this case, the CIA, first and foremost, wants to divert attention away from the Secret Service agent and limo driver, William Greer, as the true shooter responsible for exploding Kennedy's head. They use a guy like Dr Jones, who has impressive academic credentials and an extensive academic background, to project an aura of respectability and more importantly, believability. Dr Jones seems be so clear headed and up to speed in so many sectors of the NWO takeover game, that he pulls in the lame brains and half wits of the Arthur Cristian variety, who then buy into the whole Dr Neville Thomas Jones package because so much of his web site seems legit and honest, and accurate.
People have to realize that we are living in 2010. We left Kansas a long, long time ago. It's time to WAKE UP and recognize deception for what it is when placed right under your nose.
Regards, Ken
Jim Marrs: Another Gatekeeper Shows His Colors (Updated, Sep. 26, 2010)
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