Japanese Blog: "Clear Evidence" Rockefeller Behind 3/11 and Sabotaged Nuclear ReactorsFrom Richard Koshimizu, Tokyo <sunrisesjapan@yahoo.co.jp>
April 9, 2011Clear Evidence: The truth of 3/11 seismic terror
(Blog articles only in Japanese: http://richardkoshimizu.at.webry.info/)
It's a Rockefeller set up.
1. The 3/11 quake was the combination of three consecutive man-made quakes triggered by nuclear weapons. Thus, the initial peak of seismic wave was high and long. This cannot be a natural earthquake.
2. The 3/11 TSUNAMI was created with nuclear weapons planted at seabed by U.S. Forces, therefore, those who swallowed the sea water into lungs are diagnosed with internal radiation and are dying.
2. Seawater is contanimated with radioactivity by the 3/11 nuclear weapons while the Japanese government, controlled by David Rockefeller, tries to blame the radiation of on No.3 Reactor, pretending there is leakage.
3. No.3 Fukushima Nuclear Reactor's building was secretly destroyed by a small plutonium bomb so that people would think all the radioactivity came from No.3 Reactor.
4. David Rockefeller may still use more Nuclear weapons in Japan and will pin the guilt on No.3 Reactor for any radioactive leakage.
5. D.Rockefeller's next plan is to cause a Japanese volcano to erupt. More than 10 active volcanos are already attacked by nuclear bombs that could promote leakage of magma. They have already managed a case at Mt. Shin-moe-dake.
6. D.Rockefeller will implement a similar tactics in the U.S. and other areas in order to allow Christians to believe that this could be the initiation of Armageddon before the "Second Ccoming". But, one should know that D. Rockefeller is a Marrano Jew who tries to make use of Christians to establish a ONE WORLD to be reigned by STEALTH JEWISH masters.
Richard Koshimizu, Tokyo
http://richardkoshimizu.at.webry.info/ (Japanese only)
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