The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Letters to The Editor

It's Just Around The Corner
May 23, 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: forde
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 3:50 AM
Subject: Great and exciting news!

Hello again Ken!

Thank you very much for your Newsletter I received this morning. (In)credible reading.

I shall send this newsletter, via email, to my brother and his girlfriend in Welling near London. This brother of mine but especially his girlfriend, have read many of David Icke´s books and despite their unbelieveably and horrific contents, they have a very optimistic attitude towards our continuing existence on this planet.

But enough for now. You surely have more than enough to do by "spearding the positive word".

Once again I thank you for your correspondence and look forward to your next.

Take care Ken. David


----- Original Message -----
From: Editor
To: forde
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: Great and exciting news!

Hi David,

Thank you for your kind note. Yes, David Icke has done a superb job in lifting the veil of Illuminati deceit, but I agree, liberation is at hand.

I continue to be led to inspiring and life affirming information daily. It's amazing!

We are the creators of our reality and Love is the source of all creative endeavors. Once you connect with the Father within the quietude of the heart, fear and anxiety cannot remain.

The dark side has no PRIMAL power, only derivative. We are witnissing the final days of oppressors and parasites on this planet. Imagine the New Earth soon to exist. A community of sharing and brotherhood with plenty for all. It's just around the corner.

Regards, Ken

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