The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

The King James Bible
October 2, 2006

Subject: KJ version
From: Becky
Date: Mon, October 2, 2006
To:   Editor

Mr. Adachi,

I just found your site today and am enjoying the articles so much. I had never heard of Alton Raines before and don't know how I missed him! I recently began researching zionism as I already studied Scofield and his lies. This is such a complicated issue. Is there a way to contact Alton Raines? I have a few questions I would love to ask him or maybe you would try to help me. I am sure you have your hands quite full with this site, so I am not expecting a speedy reply. In your opinion, do you think the KJ version of our bible is totally accurate? When Jesus told the pharisees their doctrines and teachings of men had made the word of God to no effect and also that a little leaven leavens the whole lump, it seems there is more of a message there than what we may think. I can take a bowl of flour and sit it on the counter and put beside it a spoonful of leaven.

I could hold the leaven over the flour, move it all around the bowl of flour and even touch the spoonful of leaven to the bowl and the flour will still be pure. It is only when I pour the leaven into the bowl and mix it in the flour that ALL the flour has be leavened and there is no way to remove it. I read The Controversy of Zion and Mr. Reed seems to have a different view of coming world events and also thinks there is much talmudic influence in the OT. He also indicated that some of the OT prophets were not of God. I have also read the works of others who declare Paul never changed from being a pharisee and only became a self-appointed apostle to destroy what Christ taught. Right now I am so confused my head is swimming. I try so hard to follow what goes on and be alert, but there are so many voices and so many different opinions and I guess I am not bright enough to untangle some of it. I just would like to get pointed in the right direction. Thank you for even reading this.



Hi Becky,

See below

: Mr. Adachi,
> I just found your site today and am enjoying the articles so much. I had
> never heard of Alton Raines before and don't know how I missed him! I
> recently began researching zionism as I already studied Scofield and his
> lies. This is such a complicated issue. Is there a way to contact Alton
> Raines?

I don't know him, only posted his article.

I have a few questions I would love to ask him or maybe you would
> try to help me. I am sure you have your hands quite full with this site,
> so I am not expecting a speedy reply. In your opinion, do you think the KJ
> version of our bible is totally accurate?

No, I've already posted a story discussing the influences of Sir Francis Bacon and Roger Flood in translating the KJ. Kind James was a degenerate in more ways than one. Hardly the sort of person to have a Bible version named after him.

When Jesus told the pharisees
> their doctrines and teachings of men had made the word of God to no effect
> and also that a little leaven leavens the whole lump, it seems there is
> more of a message there than what we may think. I can take a bowl of flour
> and sit it on the counter and put beside it a spoonful of leaven. I could
> hold the leaven over the flour, move it all around the bowl of flour and
> even touch the spoonful of leaven to the bowl and the flour will still be
> pure. It is only when I pour the leaven into the bowl and mix it in the
> flour that ALL the flour has be leavened and there is no way to remove it.
> I read The Controversy of Zion and Mr. Reed seems to have a different view
> of coming world events and also thinks there is much talmudic influence in
> the OT. He also indicated that some of the OT prophets were not of God.
> I have also read the works of others who declare Paul never changed from
> being a pharisee and only became a self-appointed apostle to destroy what
> Christ taught. Right now I am so confused my head is swimming. I try so
> hard to follow what goes on and be alert, but there are so many voices and
> so many different opinions and I guess I am not bright enough to untangle
> some of it. I just would like to get pointed in the right direction. Thank
> you for even reading this. Becky Story

You should not allow your spiritual faith or belief in the divinity of Christ or His message to be shaken because of the contested words written by men with ulterior motives. The bible is not infallible, but Jesus never said it was. The Bible contains a great deal of INSPIRED thought and that is what makes it valuable, despite the errors, omissions, and intentional mistranslations that were introduced into the various versions.

These controversies should not throw you one little bit. Stick to what you KNOW is true and honest within your Heart. Jesus kept it real simple: Love they neighbor and do unto others as done unto you. Period. Everything else is window dressing.

Regards, Ken


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