The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

Letter from Belgrade
October 21, 2004

----- Original Message -----
From: Milan Alic <>
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:19 PM
Subject: Introduction

Hi Ken

My name is Milan, I am 23 years old and live in Belgrade. I've recently dropped out of university and am unemployed.

A few years ago, someone asked me what I wanted to do with my life, and I answered "I want to help people." Then I came across your website and thought this is it. Somehow everything you write about makes sense and I always felt that I already knew some of these things.

Then I started talking to people about it, but the general response that I got was apathy and disbelief. As time passes by, I am becoming increasingly introverted and despondent. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I can't help it and I feel sorry for burdening you with my problems but I don't know who else to talk to. At least I am glad that there are still people like you who are providing a real service to humanity.

The reason I am writing you right now is because I just read something really frightening in a newspaper called "Blic", which I think is owned by George Soros. I've translated the article from Serbian to English to the best of my abilities. I hope you find this information useful.

Keep up the good work, you are making a difference,




The FDA in USA has given the green light for the commercial use of the first electronic chip which will be implanted in the human organism. Approval was granted to the company “Applied Digital Solution” the manufacturer of veri-chip, a chip which should help doctors in quickly accessing patient’s medical records.

In an announcement the Florida based company stated that the veri-chip is implanted into the human body in only a few minutes during painless surgery. Right after the announcement of this news, the stocks of “Applied Digital Solution” jumped 68 percent on the market and now their price is 3.57 dollars.

The chip the size of a grain of rice is implanted above the elbow and works using radio-waves. It emits a code of 16 numbers which the doctor decodes via a scanner to confirm the identity of the patient and his medical records (history of previous illness, allergies, blood type). This data will be stored in a special data-base. Doctors claim that this is an ideal solution in cases when the patient is unconscious or when he is having trouble communicating. Similar technology has so far been used by ranchers and pet owners.

Scott R. Silverman, manager of “Applied Digital Solution” claims that the federal authorities have “overcome the creepy factor” of this newest technology.

“We believe that today a lot less people are afraid of this technology”, says Silverman.

However, experts are concerned about the security of confidential information and claim that the veri-chip could be used to track patients:

- Unless the protection of the patient is based on complete confidence, a number of complications could arise – says Emily Stuart, analyst from the project for protection of privacy in healthcare.

Mark Rotenberg from the informative center for electronic privacy is of the same opinion:

- Will the people who accept chip implantation be able to remove it? I think that the real debate in society will begin when this technology begins to be used on inmates or people who are out on probation, maybe even foreigners visiting America.

He points out that there will be debates about the protection of human rights and privacy in use of modern technology. Critics warn that this technology could be misused by companies, government agencies or those who have wider authorization. For example, will the veri-chip replace the legendary plates that are used to identify military personnel or will workers in nuclear plants in every moment be accessible to authorities.

The US department of health announced that it will, with 139 million dollars, support the decision of President George Bush in introducing electronic medical records for most Americans within the next ten years. The Florida based company announced that it will freely distribute 200 scanners to emergency services, each scanner costing 650 dollars. Chip implantation will cost between 150 and 200 dollars.


During this summer Mexico’s supreme attorney Rafael Macedo de la Concha confirmed that he and his colleagues have been implanted with chips that allow them access to objects with maximum security and documents vital in the battle against drug cartels. Mexican company “Solusat” confirmed that 1000 Mexicans underwent chip implantation.


In March of this year the “Baja Beach Club” in Barcelona offered its visitors the veri-chip as means of identification and assistance in paying services. In an announcement it is claimed that around 50 VIP guests accepted chip implantation. Last Tuesday the program has been expanded into Holland. In an exclusive club in Rotterdam, which is also owned by the “Baja Beach Club”, 35 people accepted chip implantation.

Source: A. Petrovic, Blic, Thursday, 21st of October 2004


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