[Editor's Note: This is the second thread of an E mail correspondence I began with an anonymous woman on the subject of chemtrails. You can read her original message here: http://educate-yourself.org/lte/ltectconspiracysolved18jul02.shtml
I thought she was a plant at first, but now I see that she wasn't. It's a shame that so many Americans are so programmed by the corporation that they can't recognize they are being duped. Don Croft calls the great Sleeping Majority "Pajama People", an apt description. Johann Sebastian Bach wrote a beautiful composition called "Sleepers Awake" . If it were only so simple...Ken Adachi]---- Original Message -----
From: Hidden River Farm
To: Editor@educate-yourself.org
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: chem trails
Thank you for the links. I couldn't believe your first sarcastic reply, since you said you don't respond to emails without names. I asked an honest question and you responded very rudely for no reason.
I still wonder why, if this is such an issue, I have never read any article in any newspaper. Why aren't scientists and others telling of the dangers to the public? I would tend to believe a scientist, especially if he is not selling a related product. So why hasn't this been on 60 Minutes?
----- Original Message -----
From: Editor
To: Hidden River Farm
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: chem trails
Hello Anonymous HRF Person,
OK, let's review.
If you already knew my policy about unsigned E mail, why did you send me an unsigned E mail ? Is identifying yourself a big hurdle for you?
I try to not be rude. Sarcastic sometimes, but I originally answered you with tongue-in-cheek which is not the same thing as sarcasm or rudeness. Look it up in a dictionary if you don't believe me. I definitely had a reason for responding the way I did. I assumed you were yet another government employed shill sending me E mail trying to dissuade me from believing that up is really up and black and white is really black and white. You get a lot of those when you have a web site such as mine.
I did not interpret your original question as sincere based on the ridiculousness of what you said was your husband's 'explanation' for chemtrails (NOW I'm being sarcastic-just to let you know). If your husband really said that to you, then he is either pulling your leg or should be working in a recycling center.
If you apply even a 5th graders level of logic, you would know that pilots do not not fly back and forth repeatedly over the same area of the sky spraying parallel lines of chemtrails cross hatching the entire sky . Notice I said SPRAYING: that means an aerosol substance coming out of SPRAYER NOZZLES located on the wings and tails of the aircraft, and not COMING OUT OF THE PLANE'S ENGINES which is WHERE REAL CONTRAILS would come from (hundreds of photos on the web to verify this). You should also realize that chemtrails are as different from REAL CONTRAILS as night is from day. Real contrails only form under certain atmospheric conditions and only in certain times of the year when it's cold enough to allow ice crystals to form and the moisture layer is ripe for formation. At best, they last for less than 5-10 minutes and leave no residue in the air or on the ground and are only RARELY seen.
Were you born yesterday? Don't you EVER remember seeing REAL CONTRAILS sometimes in your life? During the 1960's or 70's or 80's , have you never noticed what real contrails looked like? How can you be so unobservant and so gullible to believe that chemtrails are real contrails? What you are seeing today is an aerosol spray that fans out to become a diffused, not-quite-right- looking "cloud" of differing shapes, but they always have an unnatural glow to them at sunset. As the spewer planes lay down the chemtrails at sunset, the chemtrails look like a pink phosphorescent paint coming off the plane during a critical time window of sunset. This phenomena only lasts a few minutes at sunset, but I'm sure plenty of people have noticed it as I have ( I have many photos of this). Chemtrails also produce a gasoline-like halo around the sun in some situations. Recently, a newspaper published a photo of the Florida sun with a chemtrail-caused halo and the CONTROLLED newspaper explained it away as a NATURAL phenomena (apparently, the sort of "natural phenomena" that we've never seen before they started spaying chemtrails). Chemtrails also FALL TO THE GROUND, on snow, into lakes and rivers, etc. and LEAVE RESIDUES that include cob web -like fibers , barium, aluminum, pathogenic organisms, etc., etc. Haven't you ever noticed that sticky, hard to wash goo that keeps showing up on the window glass of your car if you leave it parked outside? (Note: end of sarcastic paragraph)
I can see from this E mail that you are honestly ignorant of what's going on, so I'll refrain from being acerbic and explain it to you BRIEFLY.
The reason you don't see anything on 60 Minutes, or newspaper articles, etc. is because the media, the press, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, scientific journals, universities, etc. are no more independent than a canary in a cage or a dog on a leash. These news outlets and all institutions of official science, official journalism, official academia, etc., etc. are CONTROLLED, DIRECTED and usually OWNED by corporate monopolists who are sometimes called globalists since they are striving for a one world government. We also refer to this surreptitious controlling elite as the Illuminati. I'm talking about the people who own Chase Manhattan Bank, AT&T, IBM, GE, Sony, IG Farben, Midland McDaniels, Time/Warner, Proctor & Gamble, Nestle's, Microsoft, Disney Enterprises, RCA, etc. , etc. Read my intro page on the New World Order to get a general overview of who these people are and what their goals are
http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/To obtain a one world government, they have decided that they need to destroy the United States and most of its people. Chemtrails have been sprayed over your head almost daily for the past FOUR YEARS in an attempt to prepare you for your termination and/or enslavement by very sophisticated technologies that you haven't got a clue about. This activity is called GENOCIDE. Read this link to learn more about the what is euphemistically called "population control". http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/nwopopcontrol.shtml
Once you've acquainted yourself with the bare essentials of the New World Order, you might read this 4 part transcript from recordings made by Myron Fagan in the late 1960's in which he was trying to wake up the Sleeping Majority, such as yourself, to the reality of the deception being fostered upon them.
Then you should read this ten part series called "The Brotherhood and The Manipulation of Society" The Brotherhood refers to the Illuminati globalists that I've already alluded to: http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/brotherhoodindex.shtml
If you want to read a more current explanation of the lies and manipulations of the media and the government, then you should read the newsletters of Dave McGowan:
If you truly want to wake up and leave the ranks of the Pajama People, then you need to read the books that tell the story in far greater detail than this E mail can explain it. I first began to understand the New World Order game by reading "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper. David Icke has the best books currently available. There are hundreds and hundreds of books available on the New World Order and the satanic, child abusing, murdering criminals behind it. You simply have to look a little.
I already know writing this E mail will probably make no difference in your life. You will likely continue in your ignorant bliss and sleep walk right up to the moment they haul you off to a detention center. You are unaware that UN sponsored military practice exercises are taking place in this country at this very moment while you are reading this E mail. They are practicing for martial law which will be declared in the not too distant future. Of course, you'll be told that it's due to the 'terrorists' who will now be found lurking on every street corner and in every neighborhood. Perhaps, you'll be one of those giddy Americans who will soon turn in their neighbor on some 'suspicion of terrorists involvement' to the Bush Team. It didn't take the French long to betray their brethren under Vichy control during World War II. Of course, I don't know. We'll have to see whether you can wake up or not.
Final item, read this link . It's an allegory, but like all good allegories, it speaks volumes of truism. This is what it means to join the ranks of the New World Order gang: betrayal, slavery, domination, and allegiance to Satan
That's it from me. End of class. School's out. Nighty, night.
Sincerely, Ken
----- Original Message -----
From: "HiddenRiverFarm.com" <hiddenriverfarm@yahoo.com>
To: "Editor" <Editor@educate-yourself.org>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: chem trails
Ken, I didn't leave my name because your website made it sound like you rarely answer emails, so why bother leaving my name? You have so much knowledge on this subject, why don't you find SOMEbody who has the courage to bring this out in the open? If it's true and there is compelling evidence, then there ARE ethical people who will listen! I am 60 and I have lived long enough to know what evil lurks around us. I have written countless letters to the editor, etc. trying to do my part, but if YOU have evidence of something truly evil, then get to work! Your website is not enough, and you undermine your credibility by selling a related product. I know you mean well, but that't how the public sees it.
You say ". . .sleep walk right up to the moment they haul you off to a detention center." Well, I guess you
will be right beside me when they do.
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