The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

Hiel Satan!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 5:29 PM
Subject: I noticed you spoke of Satanism

I couldn't help but notice your lude use of the religion of Satanism.

How dare you blame Satanism for crimes and a range of other delinquencies. If you would actually read about Satanism as it is practiced today you would see that there is no acceptance of such things.

I recommend you read the Satanic Bible or look around at the Church of Satan web page.

In the satanic Bible you would find that Satanism is about doing what you 'Will.' We are all about will, and though we satisfy our own will we do not impose our will on others. To do so would make up psychic vampires, and you would read that we do not approve of psychic vampires in anyway.

All I can say is read the book and gain some understanding, because from what I read it sounds like you know nothing about Satanism outside of rumor and movies.

How would you feel if I judged the Christian religion by all the I have seen in the media?

You call your page 'educate your self' I can't help but think that's an ironic name considering your lack of Satanic knowledge.

                                                               Hail Satan!

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