The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

Why aren't Timestream warning us of the NWO?
 ----- Original Message -----
 From: <>
 To: <>
 Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 3:24 PM
 Subject: Why aren't Timestream warning us of the NWO?

 Hi! I've just discovered your website and had a mind-opening and exhilarating read through its pages. Something is holding me back from totally buying the NWO theory, though, and I'd be interested to hear your remarks. I assume you are aware of the communications of such spirit teams as Timestream? Now I may be wrong, but to my knowledge, Timestream have not warned its contacts about the threat of a NWO. I would have thought that they would be well aware of the truth, and secondly wish to pass that information on to their earthbound contacts (if a 'prime directive'-style motive was presumed, why contact  earthbound humans at all?)

While you ponder that one, let me tell you that I have resolved to change my (unhealthy) lifestyle for the better - thanks for the inspiration!


---- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: Why aren't Timestream warning us of the NWO?

Hi Dave,

Thanks for writing. If you are just becoming aware of the NWO scenario, it's really a huge change in ones perceptions and it takes some time and a lot of reading to grasp the big picture. Unfortunately, the greater part of the public is wholly unaware of the NWO game and will soon suffer great and unexpected misery as a result of that ignorance.  It's bad enough that Big Brother enslavement is actually manifesting right before our eyes, but intentional elimination of 80% of the world's population to satisfy the Illuminti's idea of an 'ideal' earth population is the greater evil.

I'm not familiar with Timestream. You can't place a lot of faith in channelled material unless you really know the character of the channeler. According to Steward Swerdlow, most channeled stuff in the public domain are satellite transmissions to mind controlled individuals. Even names like Sai Baba are in that category,  sad to report.  I depend more on human investigators like David Icke and John Coleman to get the story about the NWO.

Enlightened spiritual groups don't necessarily know about the NWO anyway. They are focused on spirit development, not worldly matters.

Regards, Ken

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