The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Why Bother?

----- Original Message -----
From: Beverle Sweitzer
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 12:17 PM
Subject: Re:

  I have been reading "Coming Attractions" from your website and I can't seem to get it out of my mind.  Your information kind of took many of the various pieces of information that I had floating around in my brain and drew them altogether.  Now I find that a part of me is saying "Why bother?  Why work so hard and struggle so long when it most likely will all fall apart in the next couple of years?"  I am  a 55 year old female and  I work every day to keep my business alive for myself and my family but now I feel as if I will never see the rest and retirement that I have been looking forward to for so long.  I don't really expect you to answer - I just wanted to reach out and touch you since I can't really talk about this with anyone else.

Thanks for listening,

 ----- Original Message -----
To: Beverle Sweitzer
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 2:38 PM
Subject: Re:

Hi Beverle,

I don't have too much time for a long reply, but I will give you my opinion briefly. The purpose of Life is to live it and to try and grow spiritually. The best way to grow spiritually is to help others in any way you are capable of.
About 10-15% of the present population will survive these events. Those who survive will either be lucky enough to be in the right place with access to food or they will have foreknowledge and prepare. If you have kids and grandchildren, you should think about helping them to prepare and get out of Harm's Way. What you can do is to TELL people about this and try to open their eyes to the NWO End Game. Go to Troubled Times and read their stuff. They aren't sitting on their hands. They're preparing and gaining enormous energy and confidence from that effort. You can too.
Don't spend a lot of effort on skeptics, but invest your time with those who are open to the info. Those who prepare have the best chance of making it. The NWO can be defeated through mass collective thought to change the Ending of the Story. See a "Letter From Karen" in the Letters to Editor link for more info. Also, read the Anna Hayes link.

You decided before entering this life to incarnate at this time and be part of this transition.  Why don't you make the most of it and accomplish things that will help others? Forget about your retirement, there's work to be done. I'm older than you and plan on doing as much as I can in the time that I'm given. Meditate and pray for assistance to guide you in what to do. Assistance will come if you ask for it.
Sincerely, Ken

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