The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

New Age Deception and Illuminati Symbolism Posted on the E-Y Forum

By Ken Adachi propaganda25jan09.shtml
January 25, 2009

New Age Deception and Illuminati Symbolism Posted on the E-Y Forum (Jan. 26, 2009)

The New Age Movement was largely orchestrated and set into motion by the Illuminati to bamboozle and misdirect sincere people into believing that all of the feel-good, happy-talk rhetoric about the wondrous coming of The Aquarian Age, will bring in untold riches of expanded consciousness, heightened awareness and LIGHT from the "Illumined" realm etc. It's really just a snow job to get you to remain PASSIVE and to slip in the Illuminated PROPAGANDA subsets among the feel-good clap trap.

A few examples to illustrate this subterfuge are posted below. I've excerpted some comments from the articles which were posted in their entirety to this forum by "mikael" <> from Patricia Diane Cota-Robles and Barbara Hand Clow

Mikael, by the way, with the "x" and the "333" in his e-mail name, will, unfortunately, no longer be posting additional examples of feel-good, New Age clap trap to this forum. His latest postings are FULL of satanic and Illuminati SYMBOLISM, such as " 2009=11 the great work/invocation.." re-printed below.

The number "11" is an Illuminati/Satanic occult symbol. It means "that which is above God". In other words, it's a symbol for LUCIFER. That's why they pulled off the World Trade Center attack on 9-11 (9+1+1 = 11) when the TWIN towers ("11") .came down murdering over 3,000 people. That's why they installed TWIN blue beacons at ground zero to commemorate that SATANIC RITUAL SACRIFICE. Those who promote the number eleven as a "great work" or " invocation" are promoting the Luciferian/ Illuminati agenda. That's why subsequent false flag operations around the world in the wake of 9-11 ALWAYS have a numerological component that will add up to "11" (thank you Don Nicoloff).

Dr John Coleman laid out the subterfuge and deception of the New Age Movement (and the "Aquarian Conspiracy") in his books. Dr Coleman's books are a MUST read if you want to learn who the players are and how the deception is promoted. .

Barbara Hand Clow

Her comments are LOADED with propaganda subsets to get you to view Obama (and Hilliary Clinton) as nothing short of a saviour and a messiah. To save room, I've edited out the feel-good clap trap and left the Obama brain washing.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Aquarius: Jan 25-26, 2009

by Barbara Hand Clow


This year's Aquarius New Moon occurs six days after the Inauguration
of Barack Obama, the man who calmly and patiently focused on very high
ideals throughout his whole campaign
. Because of his reassuring
peacefulness and strength, the whole world is hoping that Obama can
cleanse the horrific, negative fields conjured up by the Bush/Cheney
. I will examine this New Moon to see how its frequencies can be
used as a potent tool to clear out American political toxicity. The
whole world must get back on course; thus, each one of us needs to
realize that we can move mountains this month by taking advantage of
this great Aquarian power.

[snip]... The Inauguration was supposed to
occur at 12 noon, when the Moon was void-of-course in 29 Scorpio. But,
first the swearing on Lincoln's Bible was delayed until 12:07 by a
magnificent string quartet, the perfect reflection of Obama's lack of
fear about the exact power transfer
. Secondly, Obama brought the real
power into himself right at 12:27 PM when he finished his
speech-exactly when the Moon went into Sagittarius and Jupiter in 3
Aquarius was exact on the MC
. And thirdly, my interpretation of the
transition is supported by the flap over the Supreme Court chief
justice, John Roberts, muddling Obama's oath of office [yea right, Obama did the muddling],
that resulted in him redoing the swearing-in ceremony the next day. The facts are:
Obama took his power by his brilliant speech, not from the Supreme
Court, the entity that played the role of Judas to the American people
by allowing Bush to win Florida, and the election, in November 2000.

Other astrologers may disagree with my interpretation of the timing,
but it was Bush who was void-of-course in Scorpio, and the string
quartet at 12 noon transmuted this atavistic force. Then, during his
speech, Obama flushed the Bush/Cheney cabal right down the Potomac and
out to sea.
Note that I am reading house positions in the chart cast
for Washington, DC, as posted here. I usually skip house analysis in
order to avoid over-emphasizing America, but this New Moon is Obama's
first significant catalyst
. During the New Moon in Washington, DC, six
days after this extraordinary president takes over, the potential for
a virtual rewiring of political systems in the US is a distinct
. I really have never seen astrology flow so consistently
with the times, which makes visible the direct flow of divine
consciousness into Earth

[snip]...just a few days after the Inauguration, which inspired great hope for material improvements, a
change of ideals, and clear communications from Washington. Obama's
natal Jupiter is 1 Aquarius, and he just had his Jupiter Return on
January 9, showing that he easily encourages the public to hope for
the return of peace and plenty
[Barack Obama: 7:24 PM, AHST, August 4,
1961, Honolulu, Hawaii]. Hope, clarity, and the desire to be connected
have returned, and were cemented right into the Washington, DC, sacred
site matrix during the Inauguration
; and now the New Moon releases
these desires in the people's hearts. Strikingly, the New Moon in 6
Aquarius is combust the South Node of the 1776 Chart. This means that
this New Moon resonates with the intentions of the original founders.
Confused politicians may remember why they have the job once the
original laws are honored again. Chiron/Neptune quincunx Saturn
circulate mystical beliefs that we can heal our hearts by creating new
structures that express the pure potential of Virgo elevated to oneness.

Chiron conjunct Neptune in Aquarius opens the people to the healing
powers of spiritual inspiration that flow through Obama
. Neptune has
been in Aquarius since 1998 and will remain until 2012;


Cast for Washington, DC, the second house in Sagittarius is extremely
fascinating with Pluto, Mars, and Mercury retrograde intercepted in
Capricorn. These three goats-Pluto ruling the Underworld, Mars ruling
the world of power, and Mercury ruling our mental acuity-are stuck in
this intransigent, out-of-time interception, which perfectly expresses
the extreme level of resistance to releasing power and control
gripping many politicians. Of course, this is always a big problem
when power is transferred, so Obama's scathing and brilliant verbal
dismissal of Bush
(sitting right behind him), set the tone for the game...[snip]

[ below, Illuminated mouthpiece Barbara Hand Clow, wants you to know that the "financial collapse" that the Illuminati and their minions in mass media are so anxious to convince you is inevitable and is 'just around the corner'--that ought to perk you up, hey Bubby!]

The financial collapse will constrain America's economic and political influence in
the greater world, so hard choices have to be made now. Whatever
happens, the second house in the chart cast for Washington is a bit
like a big stink bomb that could draw the new US administration away
from its most pressing problem-the monumental financial meltdown. Mars
and Mercury in Capricorn trine Saturn, so at least power will be used
with insight as the stink bomb vents.

[snip}...Now Uranus is joined by Venus in Pisces-her
most exalted position-and women now lead, either on the stage or
behind the scenes. Venus/Uranus in the fourth house says that
compassion is flooding each home and lighting each hearth-the ideal
way to transform the world. Isn't it fascinating that Hillary Clinton,
who has always been a major supporter of Israel, could be the one to
help negotiate a peace?
To imagine how these changes could possibly
happen, it is time to examine Saturn

[Saturnalia:, "an unrestrained, often licentious celebration or ORGY" Something routinely practiced by the Roman empire and at SATANIC rituals]

, which looms over all the planets grouped into planetary pairs in the second, third, and fourth houses.
Saturn sits in his ultimate power position, the tenth house. Obama
embodies Saturn now
, since his natal Saturn in 25 Capricorn conjuncts
Mars/Mercury, which are all right on Pluto in Capricorn in the 1776
USA Founding Chart.


...The Pluto Return of the US has just begun with the ingress of Pluto into
Capricorn in November 2008 just after the first Saturn/Uranus
opposition, exactly when Obama won the presidency. And, Obama is the
man of the hour because his natal Mars in 23 Virgo is right on the
1776 USA Neptune
. Since Saturn is in 21 Virgo, Obama is having a
Saturn transit
on his Mars conjunct the 1776 USA Neptune. Thus, Obama
has no illusions about America's foreign wars, and his only problem is
negotiating through the deeply entrenched fantasies
. His Mars in Virgo
trines his natal Saturn in Capricorn, which means he will not quit
until he lances this suicidal fantasy with peace in the Middle East as
the lynch pin.

[snip Mayan Calendar clap trap and Richard Hoagland (USAF intel) promotion]

Obama is signaling that the "War on Terror" is over, a term that was
used to avoid focusing on immediate problems and as a cover for the
real terrorist-Dick Cheney
. The astrology for the Aquarius solar
eclipse indicates we will be able to open ourselves to welcoming and
accepting the whole Universe in order to move beyond this limited
Earthly perspective. The Leo Full Moon on February 9 is also an
eclipse, but this time, the light of the Moon is obscured, offering us
greater access to our left-brain powers of identification. During the
Full Moon, Chiron/Neptune in Aquarius are exactly conjunct the Sun,
which means we will be healed by great spiritual insights during this
second eclipse, so receive it. It is easier to accept the truth than
to keep on defending the lies, which would be a great epithet for
George W. Bush's presidential tombstone.


Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Just before the inauguration of President Barack Obama, a plane
crashed into the Hudson River in New York City. All 155 people on
board were saved. This was considered a miracle by everyone who
witnessed the unified efforts of all those who were involved with the
rescue. For several days, this event held the attention of people all
over the world. Throughout that time, the collective consciousness of
Humanity bathed the Earth with hope, joy, happiness, wonder,
amazement, and gratitude. This positive influx of Light paved the way
for the historical inauguration of Barack Obama.

It was reported that more people watched the inauguration of President
Barack Obama than any other event in the history of television. This
collective cup of Humanity's consciousness was overflowing with
wondrous expectations, hope, gratitude, commitment, oneness, prayers
for peace, and prayers for viable solutions to the maladies existing
in the global economy, as well as every other facet of Life on Earth.


[The Mt Shasta group started in the 1930s known as "I AM" is one of many New Age mind controlled cults who are working for the Dark Side, while masquerading as messengers of "light " People who constantly invoke the all-capital "I AM" expression are working under the aegis of that cult, whether directly or indirectly]


O, Supreme Presence of God within all Life, into your Eternal Heart of
Love do I immerse myself and all Life on this sweet Earth. I
consciously surrender my vehicles to be merged with the Love Nature of
Your Being until I AM a pure focus of Love—a living jewel in Your
Crown of Adoration.

The path I walk in Life leads only to Love. My physical body filled
with Love becomes shining and invincible. My etheric vehicle radiating
Love transmutes the past. Love in my mind ensures the expression of
Your Divine Thoughts. Love in my feelings reaffirms that God is the
only power acting.

As I AM thinking, feeling and remembering only Love, I know that my I
AM Presence is working through me, radiating forth the perfection of
my omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent (Almighty)Father-Mother God,
All That Is, to Humanity and all Life, which I have promised to Love free.

In this awakened consciousness of Divine Love, my spirit becomes Holy
Spirit, and I AM the Love of God reaching out to claim this Earth.

In Love I magnetize all of God's blessings to me, and in Love I
radiate these blessings forth to all Life around me. I AM the Spirit
of Love permeating form until all is drawn back into the indivisible

I feel the pulse beat of Love in all Life and the continuity of Love
in all of the experiences I have ever known. It is ALL Love.

I was born out of Love, I AM evolving through Love, and I AM Ascending
back into Love.

I AM ALL LOVE, and I AM Grateful.

And so it is, Beloved I AM."


[Below, you will note reference to the "Great Invocation" explained above, and the Lucis Trust. The Lucis Trust was originally called The LUCIFER Trust when it first began publishing the books of SATANIST Alice Bailey in the early part of the 20th century. The "Tibetan" mentioned below may be a referral to the Red Hat Tibetans (Dark Side monks) who worked for Hitler in the 1930s and 40s. The reference to Triangles is ANOTHER HUGE TIP OFF that you are reading Illuminati /Satanic propaganda. Why do you think Rockefeller called his Zbigniew Brezinski NWO installation-organization the Trilateral Commission?

Whenever satanists or the Illuminati refer to "God " or "light" in their writings, they are talking about LUCIFER, not the Heavenly Father. The references seen below to the Rainbow Bridge, the Kabbalistic formula, illumination, illuminant, the Great Plan, the Morning Star, Terra Gaia, etc. are ALL Masonic/ Satanic/ Druid/ Illuminati /mind control code words.

After you get through the Great Invocation crap, you'll see yet another posting that lauds Obama as the Messiah Who Has Arrived. ]

"The Great Invocation is the third of three "stanzas" of a longer
invocation revealed by the Tibetan Master over the period 1935 to
. It has become a universal prayer recited throughout the world by
people of all religions, or of no special religion at all. The first
two stanzas reflect the struggle against evil during the war years,
while the third looks forward to the expansion of planetary
consciousness in the Aquarian Age. The complete invocation is
reproduced below.
Punctuation and capitalization are as in the
original texts.

The Tibetan himself makes several references to the Invocation. "The
beauty and the strength of this Invocation lie in its simplicity, and
in its expression of certain central truths..." [The Externalisation
of the Hierarchy, Lucis Trust, 1957.] "The Great Invocation relates
the will of the Father, the love of the Hierarchy, and the service of
Humanity into one great Triangle of Energies; this triangle will have
two major results: the `sealing of the door where evil dwells,' and
the working out through the Power of God, let loose on earth through
the Invocation, of the Plan or Love and Light." [The Rays and the
Initiations, Lucis Trust, 1969]. Among the uses of the Invocation is
the Triangles Movement, in which groups of three people commit to
daily recitation, while visualizing interconnecting rays of light.
Thousands of such Triangles groups have been formed throughout the world."


2009=11 the great work/invocation...
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men
May Christ /buddha consciousness to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the wills of men
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells. (portal/grid?)

Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Plan on Earth.

Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.
Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be, and help us to do our part.

Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth.
Let Them bring succour to the sons of men.
Let the rider from the Secret Place come forth,
And coming, save.
Come forth, O Mighty One.

Let the souls of men awaken to the Light,
And may they stand with massed intent.
Let the fiat of the Lord go forth;
The end of woe has come!
Come forth, O Mighty One.
The hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived.
Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One.

Let Light and Love and Power
Fulfill the purpose of the Coming One.
The WILL to save is here.

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men
May Christ/buddha consciousness return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the wills of men
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Plan on Earth.

The Great Invocation is the third of three "stanzas" of a longer
invocation revealed by the Tibetan Master over the period 1935 to
1945. It has become a universal prayer recited throughout the world by
people of all religions, or of no special religion at all. The first
two stanzas reflect the struggle against evil during the war years,
while the third looks forward to the expansion of planetary
consciousness in the Aquarian Age. The complete invocation is
reproduced below. Punctuation and capitalization are as in the
original texts.

The Tibetan himself makes several references to the Invocation. "The
beauty and the strength of this Invocation lie in its simplicity, and
in its expression of certain central truths..." [The Externalisation
of the Hierarchy, Lucis Trust, 1957.] "The Great Invocation relates
the will of the Father, the love of the Hierarchy, and the service of
Humanity into one great Triangle of Energies; this triangle will have
two major results: the `sealing of the door where evil dwells,' and
the working out through the Power of God, let loose on earth through
the Invocation, of the Plan or Love and Light." [The Rays and the
Initiations, Lucis Trust, 1969]. Among the uses of the Invocation is
the Triangles Movement, in which groups of three people commit to
daily recitation, while visualizing interconnecting rays of light.
Thousands of such Triangles groups have been formed throughout the world.

Many people have commented on the beauty and significance of the Great
Invocation. Notable are two books by John Berges: [Sacred Vessel of
the Mysteries, Planetwork Press, 1997, and Hidden Foundations of the
Great Invocation, Planetwork Press, 2000]. Berges comments: "The
vision offered us by this glimpse into the energy field of the Great
Invocation drives home the esoteric fact that we are fully engaged and
immersed in a Plan of cosmic proportions. This Plan encompasses Beings
Whose Lives are lived at levels of consciousness beyond our human
comprehension... "

The wording of the Invocation deserves comment. The Great Invocation
was revealed in English, and the words were carefully chosen to
preserve important numerological information and mantric power. "Men"
should not be interpreted in an exclusive, gender-specific sense.
Rather, it should recall the Sanskrit word manas, which means "mind"
or, in the present context, "one blessed with mind." Gender-neutral
versions of the Great Invocation are in use, but they lack the power
and effectiveness of the original. Also, it should be noted that The
Christ is the eternal embodiment of cosmic love and the World Teacher
of all religions, not just Christianity.

JKM 1-25-09 Humanity Crosses the Paradigm Threshold

(see )

Judith and Randy in Chimayo and Sean in Port Alberni 5am

J. We are just connecting to the Divine Source of Creation, opening
our hearts with gratitude and prayers of Divine Grace. Prayers that
express from our heart thankfulness and willingness to flow in this
river of life right now whatever it brings us to.

This is a time Creator God where we witness the fruition of our labor
through the Obama inauguration
. It is when we, as a community of
light, have seen a powerful affect of the collective, the influence of
our vision on millions of people through this voice that came through
the darkness and brought the word HOPE to the world. Our faith has
been tested, Creator God, we who have agreed to be light bearers. We
who have agreed to surrender everything and even our lives for the
cause of this service and then have our lives return to us and many of
those in our soul group who have crossed over to do this work on the
other side. We are all part of one golden ring of light and the one
thing that we can all share is that ultimately our journey has been
one of utter faith, total willingness to awaken, to be guided and to
serve. Now we stand as witnesses from this position of awareness that
the illumination is at hand and that these seeds that we nourished
through millennia are sprouting forth and that we as vessels of light
have channeled cosmic energy into the Earth. We have prayed together.
We have journeyed together this journey of faith. Now as witnesses of
that journey, we see the seeds of hope burst forth from the
consciousness in the collective. We see on the face of those people
who felt there was no hope, hope comes, faith illuminant. Many of us
have felt that such deep despair because we have been willing to feel
the despair of others and the despair of this Earth that suffers from
environmental havoc. We have done this in the spirit of lifting our
hands up in praise. We have done it in the spirit of the faith of the
mustard seed. Today in a prison in Guantanamo Bay prisoners that where
in the pit of suffering, victims of a regime that was mindless,
heartless and cruel, those prisons today had hope. Because great
action has been taken and it is the beginning of action and we know
this. Everything that is spoken here, everything that has been shared
in this prayer, we know and it is affirmed. The affirmation of this
truth, we open now our hearts to receive the wisdom for today, for
this day that we live, this time of great alchemy, golden alchemy.

The illumination of a living force of Creation guides you now. The
light that lights the world is radiant. It radiates from the heart. It
radiates from the soul and it radiates from the mind. This
is promised that this truth that you serve has not
betrayed you. That indeed manifestation of the Great Plan is evident.
In these messages, we have spoken of the threshold and now with your
own eyes you can see, with your heart you can feel, with your ears you
can hear as witnesses the evidence that a collective group of humanity
has crossed the threshold, a collective group of diversity. From this
space of witnessing the vision is vast. The joy is immense. That truly
a brethren of light that you are unable to conceive the light that has
awakened in the places that you do not know. This is the light that
will guide you into the matrix. It is availability of what we call the
heilieon light in this vast illumination of hope that you are unaware
of because it has reached into places that you do not know.

For you are this soul group, the Bringers of the Dawn. You are already
manifesting a 5th dimensional hologram in your field moment by moment.
It is your heart that connects you to the old paradigm and it must
connect you to the old paradigm. Do not leave it behind. Do not turn
your back as they did at Sodom and Gomorrah. At that time that action
was necessary because that devastation would have consumed them. But
now it is your heart that is the bridge, this rainbow bridge that must
be sent back into the old paradigm as an invitation for others to
cross and join you in the 5th dimensional world. But you cannot go
back to the world the way it once was for you. You must know that your
visionary sense be focused on the Morning Star. Through the Morning
Star and the Prophecies that you serve you may with full compassion,
send a ray of hope into those realms of suffering that others may
climb Jacob's Ladder and join you and the ascension of souls that
transpired on the 20th of Jan., 2009 is massive. Massive amounts of
souls crossed the threshold simultaneously.

You may find that a part of yourself is still lost in the maze of the
old paradigm. Know that this part of you serves the whole because when
you find a part of you that is still lost in the old paradigm even
though you are 5th dimensional humans, that part of you is an
anchoring point for your bridge of light, for the Rainbow Bridge that
others may cross. Do not fear the part of you that still dwells in the
maze and the chaos of old paradigm. Do not fear it. Do not feel that
you must force it to change. For now this change is at hand it is the
Force of Creation. It is the Force of God and the timing for your soul
to know wholeness and be full present in the new paradigm. That timing
is perfect and it is through this Rainbow Ray of Love that you may
embrace the old paradigm without creating more separation or a desire
to control the destiny that your soul has chosen on this archetypal
journey of the illumination of the holy spirit. For the Holy Spirit
has descended upon the Earth and as we have spoken as witnesses from
the Golden Hoop of Light, there are millions, billions of spirits,
souls and beings that have actualized a new potential in this
threshold experience.

Your mind may minimize the vast nature of this paradigm shift, but
this message comes to tell you, this message comes to share a truth
with you. It is vast beyond your ability to conceive or comprehend and
when you are in the midst of such end-volution it is beyond your
mind's ability to conceive. The acknowledgment of this truth creates a
space in your psyche that expands your ability to comprehend,
integrate, actualize and manifest the power that is at work, the power
and the way and the truth that is work in the world, in this point
that is the meeting of the agony and the ecstasy through the heart of
Christ, the Gateway to the Resurrection.

Each individual has a myriad of potential destinies, pathways, the
mind, body, spirit and soul may choose that are diverse. But be
assured that each pathway as diverse as it may seem and as different
as your choices may appear, each pathway ascends the mountain from
many different points. So your perspectives a different depending upon
the pathway you choose. But more than ever in the experience of human
existence, all pathways converge at one point of light that is
manifest in a new potential from Source Creation, that is manifest
through a living blueprint that is viable now. You enter a state of
building and you exit a state of dismantling and this is the threshold
that the collective reality of Terra Gaia 3 has crossed.

2009 – When you examine that write it down and look at it. It is
telling you that the point of duality, polarity, yin/yang both in the
extreme polarity and the polarity in balance has entered an infinity
point which the 2 zeros can easily be made into an 8 the infinity
symbol that completes itself through the number 9. Duality has reached
a point of infinite resolution and that is visually shown to you every
time you write the date 2 00 9. In the date 1-20, you are being shown
that the oneness has illuminated duality into a state of wholeness and
balance. The oneness, duality as in the 2 and the 20 and the zero (0)
is absolute center Oneness. So this date is significant symbolically.
In the archetypal energy of the collective a new alchemy has been
catalyzed and entered a quantum space of actualization. This is not a
pendulum that will swing into a state of resonance and then return to
a state of decline. This is when the pendulum moves full circle. That
statement is very important. It is about the nature of the universe
and the motion of the pendulum in Creation. As I said that I saw a
pendulum swinging and I saw it hit the threshold point and instead of
going back, it went all the way around the circle and kept swinging

S. In keeping with the 13 Grandfather's Message of 1-22-09.

J. The power of finassilism. The new manifestation of the new
kabbalistic formula
which has altered Earth's holographic potential.
From 2009 to 2012 manifestation of miracles will exist parallel to
extreme chaos. The chaos factor has not completed its purpose. You are
still in the creation continuum in which chaos precedes creation. But
now a point of vibrancy has been attained and a circle, a golden hoop,
is fully illuminant and capable of moving the energy in balance with
universal law. Capable of it and not simply having the knowledge that
it is possible, but its capacity to actualize the energy of this Oneness.

Many things must be completed in the year 2009, many things in your
personal life and in the life of your soul group and in the life of
your nation and in the life of your global community. For in this
state of transition and the state of genesis, many ideologies were
initiated and were unable to reach a point of manifestation . They
reached points in which potential seemed apparent and ideas were
sound, plans were in place, but they could not be fully manifest
because there was an element of this distortion in the hologram of
every experience that a renaissance would be followed by a period of
decline. Now the renaissance is followed by a period of expansion
changing history, changing the course of history, changing the
potential for the human experience.

It is important that you truly experience this message not in a
distant way but in an intimate way, a deep and real way. Make it part
of you, part of your heart and part of awareness that forms your
perception of world events and personal events.

You are no longer sinking into a period of decline. Spirit is no
longer being destroyed. Society is no longer collapsing. Simultaneous
to every experience and parallel to every experience that would
deteriorate the fabric of the collective paradigm, parallel to that
experience is the mirror of actualization of a greater potential. That
is the holographic nature that you have entered into. For every
sorrow, there is a joy manifest 10 times. Do you hear us? For every
sorrow there is a joy manifest 10 times. 10 times 10. So when you
witness human suffering in this action of sending the Rainbow Bridge
to that part of you that is suffering, still in the old paradigm.
Because every soul that suffers in the old paradigm is a part of you.
Send the Rainbow Bridge with the thought that for every sorrow there
is a joy manifest 10x10. That each lost soul has 10 partners on the
other side of the threshold. 10 people to encourage that lost soul to
release its own fear, shame and guilt. Forgive itself and be forgiven
and be encouraged to cross the Rainbow Bridge through the Threshold of
into the New Birth of Peace.

So this is the partnership now, the partnership between you who have
crossed the threshold and those who are still lost in pain and
suffering. It is the 10 fold 10 theorem. It is a formula of light
right now. For every act of hate there are 10 acts of compassion.
10x10 and 10 to the 10th power.

It is essential that you are aware of this quantum mechanics. For
within your memory, in the not too distant past, for every act of
greed, for every 10 acts of greed, every 10 acts of fear or hatred
there was only one act of compassion. The formula has changed and yet
because of the nature of the balance of duality the harmonic
frequencies that balance the polar opposites, it does not create an
imbalance that would tip the matrix in the opposite direction. But
rather create a vibration of wholeness that supports and sustains

This is an ultimate point of alchemy. Now being aware of this truth,
empowers the action of this truth. Being aware of this message
empowers the awareness of the Legions of Light for the entrance of
Gabriel's Gate and guides those angelic forces to the precise point of
effective action in the support of those in the process of releasing
the chains of the past and this is a time of precise action and vast
results. Know this you have much work to do to be the facilitators of
the guiding energies to anchor this energy in the New Hologram and the
labor of love that you began so long ago is at its peak and your
dedication, your willingness to serve and your faith must be stronger
than ever. But be encouraged, this is a message of hope.

Blessed be.

Kodoish etc.

*** (end of re-printed text)

Ken Adachi

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