The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©Letters to the Editor
Any Good Forums for Learning About the New World Order?
Feb. 15, 2012
Any Good Forums for Learning About the New World Order? (Feb. 15, 2012)
Subject: New World Order
From: Elizabeth UK)
Date: Wed, February 15, 2012
To: Ken AdachiDear Ken Adachi,
I have a friend who is a political activist in spreading the word about the new world order conspiracy, and I was wondering if you knew any good forums where I could discuss that sort of thing with other people? I want to know more about it because it's something he's really passionate about, but feel that hearing his point of view alone would be biased. A lot of the sites out there also seem to be very biased and since I can't ask questions on unexplained ends of theories then I don't consider them a sufficient source either, so I was wondering if you knew the best place to go? Sorry to ask, just I didn't know where else to look.Thank you, Elizabeth H
Hi Elizabeth.
I don't really have a ready answer, since I don't have the time to read or participate in forums anymore. I have my own forum, which you can look at and decide if it works for you.
It's better in my opinion, to read the web sites and books which appeal to you, rather than try to learn from forums where the opinions will be all over the place.
With forums, you essentially have the blind leading the blind. You can invest a lot of time in them and not really obtain very insightful information. A lot of people participate in forums because they like the social aspects of it or they simply enjoy debating or engaging in combative conversation.
If you listen to the radio shows that I and ZS Livingstone have done with Don Nicoloff over the years, I think you can learn a lot about the NWO agenda. Also, the books by Dr. John Coleman (Committee of 300) are very accurate in explaining who's doing it to us and why.
You should read Bill Cooper's "Behold a Pale Horse" since I think it's one of the best tutorials on the NWO. Bill easily saw through the Art Bells of the world and all of those phony "ex" government/military crap-olla artists they have as guests on Coast to Coast radio, pretending to be "good guys" trying to "help" us overcome the NWO. Right.
I just heard one such phony on Feb 13, 2012 named Stephan Schwartz. To the uninitiated, he sounds like a spiritually advanced "good guy"/helper/teacher only interested in "helping" the listeners survive and get through the "rough times" ahead, as do their regular stable of phony "Disclosure" gurus like Steven Greer or Doom & Gloom promoters like Steve Quayle or L. A. Marzulli.
You don't hear Coast to Coast radio in England, but I'm sure you have something equivalent to it over AM radio. The BBC is total Tavistock sponsored disinformation/misinformation, as is its equivalent here in America called NPR or National Public Radio.
David Icke's books tell the story fairly well. He has said some things in the past that are just flat out wrong, but no one's perfect. Alec Jones tells the story fairly well, but he's all about Fear promotion and little else (other than buy his DVDs). He's also doesn't say two words about Israel's role in the NWO, which is a little like trying to explain World War II and never mentioning the name of Adolf Hitler.
I have a lot of information at my web site. Start reading and see if it resonates with you. You should always depend on what your inner voice is telling you. It will lead you to the truth every time. Just listen carefully and in quietude, since it's whispering to you in such a soft voice.
Kind Regards, Ken
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