Dear Sir/Madam: "If You so Smart, Why Ain't You Rich?"
August 28, 2004
----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Holton <>
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 7:54 PM
Dear Sir/Madam,re:
3 points:
1. I am a physicist
2. If the info about 'Orgone Energy' were true then why doesn't everyone know about it and why isn't it used by everyone?
3. If you can prove such an 'energy' exists, why not go to the papers? Why not 'publish' papers on the subject? if there are papers, do you have any references?regards
Holton MD MPhys MInstp
----- Original Message -----
From: Editor
To: Mark Holton <>
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 9:20 AM
Subject: Re:
Dear Holton MD MPhys MInstp,
3 Replies:
1. Wonderful. I'm sure your relatives and friends are proud of you and hold you in high esteem.
2. There are numerous forms of energy unknown to many groups, especially physicists, but fortunately, it's not necessary to know about it in order to benefit from it. And trust me, you "use it" with every breath you take and every morsel of food you eat. However, you'll have to study the writings of Wilhelm Reich if you wish to understand why that is so.
3. Aside from the fact that the "papers" are controlled information/disinformation outlets carefully edited by corporate stooges, Wilhelm Reich did indeed prove that this energy existed in the 1930's and published scores of papers about it, including two books devoted exclusively to the subject. After Reich was imprisoned in 1955 following a trumped up trial, the government BURNED his books in an attempt to squelsh this information, but that effort ultimately failed and Reich's books were later republished following his 1957 murder (in federal prison).You might be interested to know that Reich once attempted to demonstrate the physical evidence of orgone's existence to a well known physicist of his era, but that fellow soon curtailed his meetings with Reich once he recognized that Reich's orgone discoveries would ALSO prove the existence of an Ether. And we couldn't have any of THAT now could we? Since all well schooled, properly trained, and highly credentialed physicists KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is no such thing as an Ether. Right?
Anyway, you can read all about orgone energy in Reich's books:
1. The Cancer Biopathy and
2. The Function of the OrgasmYou can obtain these books and others from this web site: info on Reich here: can highly recommend the articles by and about Reich at this web site, but I can't say the same for all of the opinions expressed by the web site's owner)
More info about Riech and orgone can be obtained by typing in the words "Wilhelm Reich + orgone energy" at
Sincerely, Ken Adachi
( Oh, the physicist's name? Albert Einstein )
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