Ozonated olive oil
September 11, 2005----- Original Message -----
From: Fons Smeets <fons.smeets@easynet.be>
To: editor@educate-yourself.org
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 6:29 AM
Subject: Ozonated olive oilDear Sir,
Are you aware of the fact that ozone will react with the double bonds present in olive oil, oxidizing them into several components, of which ketones are likely the main component?
----- Original Message -----
From: Educate-Yourself
To: Fons Smeets <fons.smeets@easynet.be>
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: Ozonated olive oilDear Sir,
Are you aware that ozonated olive oil has been produced for about as long as ozone has been in commercial production (since 1888)?
Do you think it was produced that long because it provided no useful benefit?
----- Original Message -----
From: Fons Smeets <fons.smeets@easynet.be>
To: Educate-Yourself
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: Ozonated olive oilDear Sir,
You can believe all you want, but it's a chemical fact that double bonds react with ozone, thereby consuming it.
Therefore, it's unlikely your ozonated olive oil contains any ozone. Furthermore, the chemical constitution will have changed to such an extent that it can't be called olive oil anymore.
Whether it has any benefits or not is a completely different question, one which I didn't even raise, but somehow you felt the urge to answer that question nonetheless...
But since you're asking...
Commercial production of something does not mean it necessarily benefits. Arsenic has been commercialised for hundreds of years as a miracle cure to hundreds of diseases, but I think you can agree with me that it didn't have any real benefit, quite contrary.
----- Original Message -----
From: Educate-Yourself
To: Fons Smeets <fons.smeets@easynet.be>
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: Ozonated olive oilDear Sir,
Apparently, you've swallowed a chemistry book and you're proud of your erudition. If you already KNEW that ozonated olive oil was efficacious and of therapeutic value, WHY on earth would you bother to write and present the question as you did?
You obviously want to have it both ways. You want to complain and warn of ozonated olive oil's double bond dangers (?) and still acknowledge that ozonated olive oil works in order not to look foolish (after I called you on it).
What your stubborn disposition refuses to acknowledge is that a highly reactive singlet oxygen atom is released from ozonated olive oil when it comes in contact with an unfriendly molecule or pathogen. That is WHY ozonated olive oil has a 100+ year reputation for killing germs. You're attitude is similar to that of allopaths when it comes to Nature based medicine and therapies. It's not that natural medicine work better than drugs, they assume; NO, it's because of this unbelievable PLACEBO effect that overtakes those who use natural medicine.
Get Real Pal.
You are welcome to stick with your prejudices and mistaken notions. I'm sure that the world will sail right along with or without your superior opinions. Since you have no knowledge of the healing and germ fighting abilities of ozonated olive oil, you are left with your text book conclusions and little else I'm afraid.
So be it.
Final Ciao, Ken
----- Original Message -----
From: Fons Smeets
To: Educate-Yourself
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 8:17 AM
Subject: Re: Ozonated olive oilDear Sir,
You have clearly completely misinterpreted my email.
Furthermore, talking about prejudices, I have a bachelors degree in chemistry and I think that more than qualifies.
I did not want to warn for the dangers of double bonds in ozonated olive oil, because it doesn't contain any, as they are oxidized by the ozone.
Furthermore, I did not acknowledge that ozonated olive oil works, nor did I deny it did, simply because I do not have any reliable data to judge it. Perhaps you should educate yourself on scientific methods for evaluating products.
Ozonated olive oil can not release a singlet oxygen atom and I highly doubt you can give an accurate discription of what a singlet oxygen atom is. The reason why, as I stated before, is because ozone completely reacts with the double bonds, the most common products of this reaction are ketones. Search wikipedia for ketones and you'll see what I mean.
IF it did release singlet oxygen, it would only be detrimental to your health. Because of it's high reactivity, singlet oxygen is dangerous to the body, it destroys cell membranes and attacks mitochondria, which are vital to the survival of any organism. The human body has special enzymes to deal with singlet oxygen for a purpose.
Last but not least, your impolite, uninformed and completely uncalled for reaction is exactly what gives natural medicine a bad rep, because it gives opponents easy ammo.
----- Original Message -----
From: Educate-Yourself
To: Fons Smeets
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: Ozonated olive oilDear Sir,
I answered you in the manner your pontifications deserved. If you are upset with my response, then you should look in a mirror and question your motivations. Your goal was to condemn and accuse, not enlighten.
You were not interested in a friendly discussion about science, but rather you wanted to present yourself as an authority who was going to tell me a thing or two about ozonated olive oil.
You are not in a position to know whether I can describe what a singlet oxygen radical is, so don't assume that you possess superior knowledge. What you possess is a bloated ego which is what got you in trouble in the first place.
You are also unqualified to discuss what is or what isn't worthy about natural medicine since your thinly veiled attack on the use of ozonated olive oil makes your "opinion' in these matters suspect in all regards.
When you make statements like "IF it did release singlet oxygen, it would only be detrimental to your health ", your lack of education and understanding in this arena is naked and utterly apparent.
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