The Continuing Legacy of Lies Generated at Quackwatch by Stephen Barrett
April 5, 2010Subject: Dr. Robert C. Beck - Small cell lung cancer
From: Adam
Date: Sat, April 3, 2010
To: Ken AdachiMr. Adachi,
My dad is dying of Small cell lung cancer...and is undergoing chemo therapy..we have learned today that the cancer is now "advanced" having moved to the liver. I want to help...and have come across Dr. Beck's work. Can the items described by him help - cure my dad? There seems to be a lot of internet sites selling items described by Dr. Beck and am worried that they somehow migh be different to the original design. Can you suggest a reputable company from which I can buy all the items I need or alternatively information on how I can make these things? Please help....if you can.
We live in England.
From: Ken Adachi
To: Adam
Subject: Dr. Robert C. Beck - Small cell lung cancer
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 09:52:43 -0700
Hi Adam,[snip]
I have the instrucitons for making the electrifier posted on my web site:
It's possible to stop cancer, even at a late stage, but you have to do many things at the same time and not depend on one or two therapies to do the trick for you. Chemo is only poisoning the body. It kills more than it cures. I wouldn't do it no matter what they told me.
I would get Hulda Clark's book, The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers and start reading the 21 day cure program immediately.
The Books of Dr. Hulda Clark
1. The Cure And Prevention of All Cancers (2007-Latest book, extremely important information***) $22.95
2. The Prevention of All Cancers (2004-Profound discoveries on how & why cancer grows) $21.95
3. The Cure for Advanced Cancers (1999-accelerated 21 day program for advanced cancers) $22.95
4. The Cure for All Cancers (1993-first book identified critical role of parasites & solvents in cancer) $19.95
5. The Cure for All Disease (1995) $21.95
6. The Cure for HIV/AIDS (1993) $19.95
7. The Syncrometer Lab Manual (2004) $19.95Video on Syncrometer Basics (1996) with Carmen Myers & Dr. Hulda Clark from New Century Press
Syncrometer Basics DVD $19.95 Basics VHS Tape $19.95 can get the books directly from the publisher in California, New Century Press:
New Century Press
1055 Bay Blvd., Ste. C
Chula Vista, CA 91911
1-800-519-2465 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-519-2465 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
1-619-476-7400 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-619-476-7400You should move as quickly as possible.
Kind Regards, Ken
----Original Message -----
From: Adam
To: Ken Adachi
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010
Subject: RE: Dr. Robert C. Beck - Small cell lung cancerHi Ken,
I found this article on the web:
It seems to discredit everything Dr. Clark suggests with specific cases (including court cases)...I understand that the lady died in 2009 of cancer?
Im confused
Hi Adam,
Do you know ANYTHING at all about Quackwatch and the guy who puts up that web site?
But you're ready to accept his words, his assessments, and opinions as honest and true just because they are printed words on a computer screen?
Here's a few more links you might want to read over before accepting the info presented at Quackwatch.
Hulda Clark did not die of cancer. She died at age 83 from complications resulting from a long term spinal injury. Even if she did die of cancer, so what? Does that mean that all of her reserach on cancer is negated and meaningless?
Everyone is going to die of something Adam. The idea is to try and live a normal life span , such as 83, instead of dying from cancer at 53 because you believed in the lies of mainstream, orthodox medicine (oncologists), their mouthpieces in mainstream media, and pharmaceutical disinformaiton shills like Stephen Barrett.
Dr. Bob Beck titled one of his lectures "Take Back Your Power". You should view it. He was addressing people who easily give away their power to others who APPEAR to be authoritative and APPEAR to know what they're talking about, but actually are PROPAGANDISTS out to DECEIVE you in the interest of disuading your from trying NON-PHARMACEUTICAL therapies .
Take care and good luck, Ken
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