Fukushima Hoax: Reader Wears Radiation Badge During Vacation Trip from Florida-Seattle-Juneau, Alaska With No Indication of Abnormal Background Radiation Levels
July 8, 2012Subject: Radiation North West
From: Greg
Date: Sun, July 8, 2012
To: Ken Adaci: Hi Ken,
I am a big fan of your site. I've read with interest your articles disputing the radiation scare on the western USA coast from Fukushima. I offer some anecdotal evidence to support your claim that radiation on the western US is exaggerated. I just returned from a 10 day vacation/cruise from Seattle to Juneau Alaska. I carried a small radiation sticker with me the whole time and there was no indication I encountered high levels of radiation. The sticker did not change color from the time I left Florida until my return. The website for the detector I used is
: http://jplabs.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/RADSticker-manual.pdf
Thought you might want this background information. Thank you for the information you provide at your site.
***Hi Greg,
Thanks for your report. The RAD badge you wore is a sensible and inexpensive way to determine if you are being exposed to levels of radiation that could be injurious to your health. The radiation monitors used by the federal, state and local governments, along with universities and nuclear plant facilities can detect much smaller changes than the RAD badge for any type of ionizing radiation source and NONE of them have reported background radiation readings - before, during, and AFTER 3/11- that are in any way worrisome or even HINT at the possibility of an elevated long term health risk. Anyone with a brain can look at the radiation monitoring data, freely available on the internet, to prove to themselves that the Fukushima radiation scare campaign is a contrived hoax from top to bottom.
I only wish that more people would stop accepting the egregious distortions and wholesale fabrications being promoted by the internet Fukushima Radiation Psyops Team and start checking the FACTS on their own to see that there is NO radiation increase.
Best Regards, Ken
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