Reason & Laughter
[Editor's Note: I used a pseudonymn when I first posted this essay because I didn't know if Mike wanted to use his name or not. He said it was OK. Mike has an extraordinary story of being implanted with a microchip while in jail overnight for a minor violation (he was forced to take a "vaccination" with others in the holding cell) that led to years of psychotronic harassment due to some very dark physicians and complicit criminal jailers in the Chicago area. You can find him on the forum We will post his story in the near future. ...Ken]
January 28, 2009Reason & Laughter (Jan. 28, 2009)
Subject: reason
From: Mike Filas <>
Date: Wed, January 28, 2009
To: EditorHello
I have written you before and you posted an article about me on August 29 2008 under vaccine libs. I do not wish to discredit myself by writing this but I want to try to share some info.. I like comedy. I like to laugh. I watch shows like Family Guy and the Simpsons because I like to laugh. Laughter involves reason.
Ever wonder why during the commercials we are bombarded with horror movie advertisements and all movies or television shows about horror or violence? I am watching these shows to laugh and do not like the in-between BS they are projecting at me. If you can reason, you are not controlled.
Imagine those of us who can reason are creators. We have not been turned into nodes or are mind controlled. What this existence or TPTB has done to us is erase our memory of who we are and given us things such as a brain (which interprets this reality). If you want proof, hold a zapchecker to your forehead and see that your brain produces electronic radiation.Your whole so-called reality comes from something that produces electronic radiation and thus probably machines and or networks. Now as a creator (which is you - if you can reason) you are in an artificial creation not unlike a video game. Everything you have been taught since birth has been so you feed the things that enslave you since you have been given a brain (like a computer) and thrown into a world of artificial means.
Atoms are 99.9 empty space which so-called scientists tell us, but really does not mean much since they base everything on what they can see. If the five senses are interpretations of a brain that produces frequency that are controlled by machines, collectives or networks that means squat. That means something 99.8 percent empty space could control your reality and just be outside your perception, but also be under control.
Basically every creator who can reason and is not under control are threats to destroy the system. Take religion, for example. No prayer ever begins with "destroy every thing that has been tampering with me and everything that should be destroyed". Everything is based on looking for help outside yourself and or feeding something indirectly such as the sun. Your whole existence in this earth is based on a yellow thing in the sky that produces radiation.
An existence based on solar radiation that a so-called ozone layer protects us from, but without it we cannot exist. When you pray as a creator you feed the things that enslave you as the father and the son (the sun) and the other pagan crap. As far as the NWO is concerned, the other controlling factions want fear. They feed through the lower chakras, mainly the base at the lower spine. I am sure your familiar with most of this and I am just trying to add anything possible.
If you are constantly concerned about the NWO, TPTB are happy with that because they want you to think that way. It means you are thinking in a way that projects survival (R-complex) in an existance that should not exist. By doing so as a creator or creators you are trying to fight to survive any way in a creation that should not exist. By trying to survive (Fear or Prayer) you as creators feed the existence that should not be indirectly.
The ones (theory only) even separated the etheric plane or realm from the physical plane so what happens in the physical stays in the physical which is an illusion plane. If you access the etheric plane, which you can, you can get at them (which you can and I learned that from Don Croft). Just a word for the insane I have been attacked by many psychotronic things and networks.
I spent a lot of time researching and looking for answers and the only reason I was attacked so hard is because the powers that want to considered me a threat. Don Croft opened my eyes to how we could fight back through the article "Terrorizing the Terrorists" and I have gone with it ever since.
Everything from the radiation sun,body electric,magnetic field around the Earth and frequency universe screams machines,networks and the matrix. If everyone who is a creator and does not know it would pray constantly "Destroy everything that has been tampering with me and everyone I care about and everything that deserves to be destroyed" we would clean up this mess a lot quicker. Remember universe means " one word ".
Take care
Mike Filas
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