The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Interpretation of Revelations
October 5, 2011

Interpretation of Revelations (Oct. 5, 2011)

Subject: Interpretation of Revelation
Date: Wed, October 5, 2011
To: Ken Adachi-


I have always read and understand revelation as an end time scenerio. I would like to hear your interpretation of revelation, I am very interested. I do want to ask you. Do you beleive God came to earth in flesh to teach the true gospel through Jesus Christ and resurected and ascended back into Heaven?



Hello John,

Revelations is used as a propaganda tool to sell the British Israel clap trap to gullible and unsophisticated minds.

I'm willing to accept that Saint John of Patmos had an unusual encounter on Patmos Island in 70 AD and experienced remarkable 'visions' but I'm not ready to accept those 'visions' as coming from God. John referred to his visitors as 'angels', but we don't know with certainty that they were angels. I'm also not sure that the English text we read in the King James Bible is word for word an accurate translation of the original text, which I assume was written in Greek.

Chapter 13 of William Bramley's book The Gods of Eden will give you an entirely different perspective on what MIGHT have occured on Patmos in place of that which you assume had occured. .

Apocalypse of John

THE ALLEGED AUTHOR of Revelation was Jesus’s personal friend and disciple, John (not to be confused with John the Baptist, a different person). John appears to have been the most influential of Jesus’s disciples, and an earlier biblical text that is attributed to him, the Book of John, seems to come closest to conveying the strong mystical leanings of Jesus’s backers and of the early Christian church. For these and other reasons, the name of John has been an important one to Christians and to a number of mystical organizations. It is perhaps not surprising, then, that John’s name would be chosen to convey the final and most colorful apocalypse in the Bible.

The Revelation of St. John is the fifth and final work attributed to John to appear in the New Testament. Some scholars believe that Revelation was written by John while he was living in exile on the Greek island of Patmos many years after the crucifixion of Christ. Others are convinced that disciple John was not the author of Revelation because Revelation was not discovered until about two hundred years after John’s lifetime. According to Joseph Free, writing in his book, Archaeology and Bible History, the linguistic qualities of Revelation are inferior in some ways to the Book of John.

It is argued that if Revelation was written five years after the Book of John by the same person, Revelation should be linguistically equal or superior to the earlier work. Another point is that Revelation contains expressions from the Hebrew language that were not used in John’s earlier writings. On the other hand, important similarities between Revelation and other books of John have been noted, especially in the repetition of certain words and phrases. Whatever the true authorship of Revelation may be, the impact of this work has been major.

Revelation is the first-person account of the author’s bizarre meeting with a strange person he believed to be Jesus. Over a period of a day or two, the author also met a number of unusual creatures which showed him pictures of frightening future events. The author was told by those creatures that Satan (the “anti-Christ”) would take over the world. This would be followed by the Final Battle of Armageddon during which the angels of God would battle the forces of Satan. The Final Battle would bring about the banishment of Satan from human society and the triumphant return (“Second Coming”) of Jesus to reign over Earth for a thousand years.

The Book of Revelation is written in a wonderfully picturesque manner. It is filled with complex and imaginative symbolism. Because the pictures revealed to John were symbols, Revelation can be used to predict an imminent ”End of the World” at almost any historical epoch. The prophecy is constructed so that the symbols can be interpreted to represent whatever historical events happen to be occurring at the time one is living. This is precisely what has been done with Revelation ever since it appeared, and it is still being done today.

The question is, what caused the author’s “visions”? Was it lunacy? A propensity to tell tall tales? Or was it something else? The author seems sincere enough to rule out deceit. His straightforward manner of narration tends to eliminate lunacy as the answer. That leaves “something else.” The question is: what?

Upon analyzing the text of Revelation, we discover something rather remarkable. It appears that the author had actually been drugged and, while in that drugged state, was shown pictures in a book by individuals who were wearing costumes and putting on a ceremony for the author’s benefit. Let us look at the passages of Revelation which suggest this.

John begins his story by telling us that he was at prayer. From a further description, it seems that he was conducting his ritual outdoors during daylight hours. Suddenly, a loud voice resounded behind him. The voice commanded him to write down everything he was about to see and hear, and to send the message to the seven Christian churches in Asia [Turkey].

John turned around to see who was speaking to him and, lo and behold, there he saw what he believed to be seven golden candlesticks. Standing among the candlesticks was a person whom the author described as:

. . . one who looked like the Son of man [Jesus],
clothed with a garment down to the foot, and wearing
about the chest a golden girdle [support].
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white
as snow; and his eyes were as flame of fire;
And his feet were like fine brass, as if they burned in
a furnace; and his voice was as the sound of many
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out
of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his
appearance was like the sun shines in his strength.
And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead.
And he laid his right hand upon me .............

There are striking similarities between this new “Jesus” and the space age “angels” of earlier Biblical stories. The prophet Ezekiel, for example, had also met visitors with feet of brass. The above passage from Revelation suggests that John’s “Jesus” may have been garbed in a one-piece body suit extending from the neck down to metal or metal-like boots.*

* The fact that the author mistook this creature for Jesus may be further evidence that the author was not the original disciple John. For convenience, however, I will continue to refer to the author of Revelation as John.

The creature’s head was described as “white like wool, as white as snow,” indicating an artificial head covering or helmet. John’s claim that this creature had a voice “as the sound of many waters,” that is, rumbling and thunderous, is also reminiscent of Ezekiel’s angels and could have been caused by the rumbling of nearby engines or by electronic amplification of the creature’s voice. The “two-edged sword” protruding from the creature’s mouth easily suggests a microphone or breathing pipe.

After John regained his composure, “Jesus” commanded him to write down the missives that “Jesus” wanted sent to various Christian churches. Those letters constitute the first three chapters of Revelation. The most interesting phase of John’s experience then begins in chapter 4:

. .. / looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard, which sounded like a trumpet talking with me; said Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place hereafter.
And immediately I was in the spirit: and, look, a throne was set in heaven, and one [creature] sat on the throne.
And the one who sat looked to me like a jasper and sardine stone: and there was a rainbow around the throne looking like an emerald.
And all around the throne were twenty-four seats: and upon the seats I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white garments: and they had on their heads crowns of gold.
And out of the throne came lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
And before the throne there was a sea of glass like crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round
about the throne were four beasts full of eyes in front and back.

The above passage can be viewed as the author being taken up through the door of some sort of aircraft and finding himself face to face with its occupants, as told by someone incapable of understanding the experience. The quote contains two especially interesting elements: first, John said that a voice from above sounded like a trumpet talking with him. This strongly suggests a voice bellowing through a loudspeaker. Second, the “lightnings and thunderings and voices” emitting from the “throne” suggest that the throne had a television or radio set of some kind. A modern-day human might well describe the same experience this way:

“Well, yes, I was lifted up into a rocketship. There I confronted the seated crew in their white jumpsuits and helmets. They had some radio or TV reception going.”

The presence of seven candles and seven lamps indicates that a ritual had been prepared for the author. The ritual was replete with costumes, theatrics, and sound effects— all designed to deeply impress the message upon the author.

This is what happened when John was shown the first scroll:

And I saw in the right hand of the one who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on the inside and on the back side sealed with seven seals.
And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loosen the seals of it?
And no man in heaven, nor in earth, nor from under the earth, was able to open the book nor to look upon its contents.
And I wept a great deal, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, nor to look upon its contents.
And one of the elders said to me, Weep not: look, the Lion [one of the animals there] of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has succeeded to open the book,
and to loosen its seven seals.
And I saw standing between the throne and the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb in the manner of having been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out to all the earth.
And he came and took the book out of the right hand of the one who sat upon the throne.
And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and twenty-four elders fell before the Lamb, each of them holding harps, and golden containers full of odors, which are the prayers of saints.
And they sung a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the book, and to open the seals of it: for you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by your blood from every family, language, people, and nation:
And have made us into kings and priests to God: and we shall reign on earth.
And I saw, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the beasts and the elders: and they numbered ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;
Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.
And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and those that are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be to him that sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb for ever and ever.
And the four beasts said, Amen. And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshipped him that lived for ever and ever.

The elders continued to fall at dramatic moments throughout the ceremony. Each time they did so, they made quite an impression upon John. Among their cries of “Amen!” and ”Alleluia!”, the author was given the somber task of writing down everything he was being shown and taught.

It has been pointed out that the experience John described is identical to mystical ritual, especially of initiation into the teachings of a secret society. For this reason, some people believe that Revelation is actually an account of an initiation ceremony typical of many Brotherhood organizationstypical even today. These observations are quite significant when they are coupled with the evidence that John’s experience had an element of space opera. It reveals continued Custodial involvement in Brotherhood mysticism after the time of Christ and shows Custodians to be the ultimate source of apocalyptic doctrines.

In the above passage from Revelation, we observe that John reacted with strong emotions to what was going on around him. He was especially prone to weeping on relatively little provocation. He seemed unable to distinguish between ritual and apparent reality. This raises questions about his mental state. A careful reading of Revelation indicates that John’s mind may have been influenced by drugs administered to him by the creatures. Modern psychiatry has discovered that a number of drugs can be used to deeply implant messages in a person’s mind.

This technique serves today as an intelligence tool in the United States, Russia, and elsewhere. The probable drugging of John is exposed in Chapter 10 of Revelation. The author was apparently outdoors again preparing to memorialize the latest revelations when an “angel” flew down from the sky holding something in its hand:

And the voice which I heard from heaven spoke to me
again, and said, Go and take the little scroll which is
open in the hand of the angel which stands upon the
sea and upon the earth.
And I went to the angel, and said to him, Give me
the little scroll. And he said to me, Take it, and eat
it up; and it will make your belly bitter, but it will be
in your mouth as sweet as honey.
And I took the little scroll out of the angel's hand, and
ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and
as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.
And he said to me, You must preach again before many peoples and nations, and tongues, and kings.

Most Christians believe that the little scroll offered to John was an actual document, the contents of which the author magically came to know by eating the scroll. Our clue that it was probably paper, or something else, saturated with a drug lies in John’s testimony that the scroll was sweet to the taste but caused a bitter reaction in the stomach.

Interestingly, an almost identical experience had been reported by Ezekiel:

And when I looked, a hand [of an angel] was put before me; and a scroll was in it;
And he spread it before me; and it had writing inside and out: and there were written lamentations, and mourning, and woe.
Additionally, he said to me, Son of man, eat what you are finding; eat this scroll, and go to speak to the house [people] of Israel.
So, I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that scroll. And he said to me, Son of man, make your belly eat, and fill your bowels with this scroll that I give you. Then I ate it; and it was in my mouth as sweet as honey.
And he said to me, Son of man, go, get yourself over to the house of Israel, and speak with my words to them.
EZEKIEL 2:9-10, 3:1-4

Many people mistakenly believe that John actually saw the future historical events he prophesized in Revelation. It has been pointed out by Christian and non-Christian scholars alike that John’s “visions” of the future were simply illustrations drawn on scrolls. This is especially evident in John’s “vision” of the Creature with seven heads and ten horns:

And I stood upon the sand of the sea,

and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,

having seven heads and ten
horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his
heads blasphemous names.

The fact that actual words (blasphemous names) were written upon the heads of this creature reveal that John was looking at an illustration with labels—much like an old-fashioned political cartoon. Although the author does not specifically say so, it is likely that many other “visions” on the scrolls were labeled in a similar fashion.

There can be no doubt that, as literature, the Book of Revelation is a colorful, dramatic, and hard-hitting work. As the basis for a religious philosophy, however, it has all the pitfalls of the apocalypses which came before it. As we shall see, the prophecy made in Revelation has been fulfilled at least a half-dozen times in world history, complete with global catastrophe followed by “Second Comings.”

Not once has this brought about a thousand years of peace and spiritual salvation. All it has done is set the stage for the next catastrophe. Today, as we stand on a massive nuclear powder keg, perhaps it is time to reevaluate the usefulness of apocalyptic belief before the world is plunged into yet another “final battle.” Yes, spiritual salvation and a thousand years of peace are goals well worth having, and are long overdue, but there is no need to pay the price of an Armageddon to achieve them.

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While on earth, Jesus never said that he was 'God' or even the Son of God. He called Himself the Son of Man. For 300 years following Christ's crucifixion on the cross and ascension into heaven, Christian followers did not think of Christ as 'God'; rather they saw Him as a highly advanced teacher and prophet who was anointed by God to set an example and lead the way. It was Roman emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicea who decided, in 323 AD, that Christ was "God" and the "Son of God" at the same time.

As I've mentioned in many articles in the past, the Bible, as a compilation of ancient and 2,000 year old writings, is a good source of inspirational thought about how one should live and the spiritual lessons that we should bear in mind to live in accordance witht the Creator's will. However, it is a great error to base ones conduct or world view on a literal interpretation of the Bible, and an even greater error to accept Biblical interpretations foisted upon you by British Israel con men like Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, Jessie Duplantis, Paul Couch, Rod Parsley, John Hagee, et al.

Regards, Ken


Zionism & the Millennium Myth (May 17, 2010)

The ET Deception by John Lash (Feb. 2006)


Subject: Interpretation of Revelations
From: Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
Date: Thu, October 6, 2011
To: Ken Adachi

On a number of times I have experienced:

And I took the little scroll out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.

I have never consumed recreational or hallucinogenic drugs. I have never consumed alcohol beyond two ounces at an occasion.

I have felt the opening of the crown chakra, pituitary/pineal glands and the thyroid upon acceptance of higher knowledge. A scroll of spiritual knowledge descends into the mind and body, it is sweet like honey. A few seconds later the energy descends to the heart and solar plexus and was bitter to the stomach.

The first time it happened in group consciousness the room filled with the fragrance of roses.

In the few seconds the "scroll" is accepted it feels as if a whole book of knowledge has been received. It takes years for the mental processes to interpret the"download". Often preconceived ideas and ego block the new information. For many years the "scroll" was in the Fifth Dimension and in the High Self and the physical/mental body needs to be in a meditative relaxed/high energy state to access the information. The scroll memory is eidetic, photographic, never changing. This was set up to protect the information and the one who received from black magicians
and lower astral thieves. It is now coming to the point where this sort of protection is unnecessary. "Ye shall receive a blessing and know all things."

The information on the first scroll I received had to do with Creator Gods. The preconceived ideas imposed by Darwinism blocked total acceptance for years. The main point of the scroll was that those many Spirits who had created life on Earth were always present. THEY NEVER LEFT. Mother Earth has always been present throughout all the ages.

Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: gil
Date: Mon, Oct 10, 2011
Subject: Re: Interpretation of Revelation
To: Steve Campbell <>


I read it too.

It makes you makes me laugh.

The author of the article Ken quotes is left to his own imaginations to 'discover' what the book of revelation must mean or really is about.

This is because after rejecting the manifold revelation of a creator God that is holy and that has left us a trustworthy written account of all that He wants us to know about Him and His past interactions with humanity, His creation, the author is left with only his feeble human understanding to 'figure out' the truth of everything, including the reliability of the writings of the church age. It is no wonder he arrives at such conclusions when he approaches a holy and spiritual God revealed in a holy and spiritually discerned book from a purely anthrocentric perspective.

It seems clear that Mr. Adachi is in the same camp, and further, despite his apparent intelligence, has not even read the bible for himself to confirm or refute the ignorance he spreads by claiming that Christ never referred to Himself as God. This is such an elementary argument, so easily disproven for any honest student that I am a little suprised to read it from Ken, yet I have found that many that have found some 'reason' to
dislike Christianity, have actually spent very little time studying the book they claim to know all the faults of. His losss.

There is no reason to 'wonder' Steve, if one is honestly seeking the truth of the Scriptures...God will respond to an honest seeker of truth, just make sure you are seeking to understand His book by READING and STUDYING His book and not reading and studying the writings of those who profess to have done so and use their position to falsely disparage it.



> Gil,
> I just read this. Makes one wonder.
> s


Dear Steve,

I don't know who "Gil" is or why you feel his opinion is important for me to read, but I respond to letters by answering question which people pose to me. I do not upload opinions about the beliefs of Protestant Christian fundamentalists and their rigid assumptions in the infallibility (the "trustworthy written account") of the King James Bible. for the sake of proselytizing.

I answered the question that was posed to me.

You or Gil or anyone else of a similar mind set are free to consider or reject my thoughts as you see fit.

While I see arrogance, ridicule, and mockery directed towards me, I don't see any supportive references to buttress Gil's claims. If, as Gil implies, Jesus referred to Himself as God, then where is the Biblical quote to support that statement if it's "such an elementary argument so easily disproven for any honest student"?

If I'm so ignorant of what is written in the Bible, then how come I know that Jesus specifically rejected the assertion that he was "the" Messiah or even "a" Messiah?

Gil has made statements and assumptions about me which are not accurate. I have not "found a reason to dislike Christianity." Quite the opposite. I have SUPPORTED and PROMOTED the message of Jesus Christ and the spirit of Christian Brotherhood on this web site since its inception. You don't have to be a Bible thumper to understand that God responds to the honest seeker of truth. God is an Equal Opportunity Creator and doesn't require Bible study to walk along the Path of Light.

What I have chosen to direct my comments to when answering Letters to the Editor are the assumptions and presumptions of Christian FUNDAMENTALISTS who are imbued with a hubris and a sanctimonious pride, not often encountered with non-fundamentalist Christians (meaning Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Coptic Christians, et al) or even among other major religions of the world including Hinduism, Islamism, or Buddhism.

What this little exchange really boils down to is this: Gil is cock sure that every word in the King James Bible is the anointed Word of God and anyone who questions that ASSUMPTION is a heretic, possessed of "feeble understanding," who, in a pathetic attempt to "figure out" the truth of things, is left to cast about from his "purely anthrocentric perspective" for answers when all of life's answers, don't you know, are right there in Bible bearing the name of a Scottish monarch of the House of Stewart named James I and James VI of Scotland, England, Ireland, and France, a known pedophile, a likely satanist, and a demented and corrupt individual by anyone's score card.

James employed none other than Sir Francis Bacon and Roger Flood, a couple of really Swell fellows (which you can learn more about by reading the books of David Icke) to translate and INTERPRET that "holy and spiritually discerned" book to impress the likes of Gil as the infallible Word of God.

If you read the brief response I made to a letter I answered in 2006

about the reliability of the King James Bible, I said:

" You should not allow your spiritual faith or belief in the divinity of Christ or His message to be shaken because of the contested words written by men with ulterior motives. The Bible is not infallible, but Jesus never said it was. The Bible contains a great deal of INSPIRED thought and that is what makes it valuable, despite the errors, omissions, and intentional mistranslations that were introduced into the various versions."

My opinion hasn't changed.

I continue to affirm that any of the 600 different versions of "the" Bible contain inspired accounts of man's journey through life and how to handle that journey in a way that is pleasing to the Creator and will serve towards the highest development of ones soul. However, every single word currently included in the King James Bible or those which were removed for political reasons, are STILL words written by the hand of MAN, and not by God, nor by angels.

Ignore that reality at your own peril

Regards, Ken

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