The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

Rosemary Jacobs (Again) & Anti-Colloidal Silver Propaganda
May 16. 2007

Rosemary Jacobs (Again) & Anti-Colloidal Silver Propaganda (May 20, 2007)

Subject: heavy metals
Date: Wed, May 16, 2007
To: Editor

Hi Ken -

I've just been perusing the web with regard to colloidal precious metals, and read about both the Gold & Silver on your site. I find it strange that you currently promote the use of silver, but advise against using gold. Are you aware of this tale:

I am just trying to understand why you would still promote the use of colloidal silver when there is evidence that it causes harm? Seems to me they are both wrought with risk, and unproven as healing agents.

Personally, I'll be avoiding either.

thx - I enjoy your site a lot.
Greg F.

(p.s. - Are you related to Goro Adachi? Goro runs a website featuring themes similar to yours that I also enjoy)


Hello Greg,

Your use of the word "tale" is far more appropriate than you might imagine. Yes, I'm well aware of who Rosemary Jacobs is and of her well polished and often repeated 'story', but here's what you may not know:

Rosemary Jacobs is not the sole "author" of her 'story'. Her story contains far too many 'unnatural' elements that tell you that she's working with hidden advisors from the government (FDA) and perhaps pharmaceutical "friends" who have helped her craft a propaganda piece that is masquerading as her 'personal story'. Her covert "Mission" (which she has accepted) is to get colloidal silver placed under FDA control and regulation. That's why she presents her 'story' with the unexplained and mysterious acronym of "CSP" whenever alluding to colloidal silver. It also explains why she has no specific memory of what was actually in the bottle of nose drops (other than silver) which her doctor prescribed for her in 1953, but she has unlimited and encyclopedic knowledge about the most obscure JAMA studies and reports on colloidal silver going back to the beginning of the twentieth century.  It also explains why this "private person" as she insists on identifying herself, goes through the effort and expense of going to Rockville, Maryland on May 7, 1999 and testifying at the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Committee ( in front of the Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee on proposed regulations to place colloidal silver under FDA jurisdiction (in this case, the proposal was to add colloidal silver {identified as 'mild silver protein'} to a category of FDA regulated products called the "bulk list". That motion failed to pass).

Rosemary also vehemently asserts that no one is "sponsoring" her. It's just a freak coincidence of nature that her 'story' happens to fit the anti-colloidal silver propaganda mantra of the FDA to a tee, down to the smallest detail. It reminds me of Illuminati disinformation shills who will yell to the rafters that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion is a fake and forgery, YET, the Protocols narrative fits the observed Illuminati action plan-exactly. Me doth thinks that she protests too much.

Rosemary Jacobs is a woman raised in Long Island NY. In 1953, at the age of eleven, her physician prescribed nose drops for her because she had a stuffy nose frequently and suffered from allergies. He wrote her out a prescription and she went to the drug store and had it filled (made) and repeatedly refilled for at least 3 or 4 years. Rosemary claims that she doesn't know exactly what was in the bottle, other than that it was a solution containing silver, however, silver nitrate is the most likely candidate since it was commonly used in earlier times to prevent blindness in newborns because of the potential problem of venereal disease transmission from the mother causing eye infection and blindness in the baby. Silver nitrate was placed in the eyes of every (hospital born) infant up to perhaps 15 or 20 years ago.

Silver nitrate is a PROTEIN COMPOUND. Colloidal silver (CS) is not a protein or a compound. It's an element, silver, suspended in water. Silver is atomic number 47 on the Periodic Chart of Elements.

Skin is made out of PROTEIN. Protein has an affinity for protein and for PROTEIN COMPOUNDS.

Apparently she took enough nose drops that her skin (protein) became bound with enough silver nitrate (protein compound) to discolor her skin and produce her slate/blue skin tone, medically known as argyria. Argyria is more of a cosmetic problem, rather than a health problem-and it's rather RARE. You notice in her 'story' that she calls colloidal silver, "colloidal silver CSP" She NEVER defines what "CSP" means, yet she uses the term repeatedly, alternating that acronym with "colloidal silver." In other words, 'she' (her and her FDA ghost writers) wants you to think that "CSP" and "colloidal silver" are THE SAME THING, but I'm here to tell you that they are NOT the same thing; not by a country mile. They both contain silver, yes. They both appear as a colloid solution, yes. But ONE is A NITRATE COMPOUND and the other is plain, elemental silver suspended in water.

Somewhere in the early to mid 1990's, the pharmaceutical/medical establishment discovers this woman and finds that she's a perfect shill to appear before medical conventions and press conferences in the mid to late 90's in order to decry the horrors of using "colloidal silver", a natural germ fighter-and potentially, a HUGE source of dirt-cheap competition to expensive pharmaceutical antibiotics (are you beginning to see the picture?).

After being trotted out at numerous medical shows, Rosemary finds herself at the helm of a large web site today where her articles and 'personal story' about the "dangers" of using colloidal silver are given at length. In the two or three articles I took off the web in 1997 (CNN and others), it said that Rosemary used "colloidal silver (CSP)" and that's what caused her problems, but throughout the rest of the article, they dropped the use of the initials "CSP" and ONLY used the term 'colloidal silver'. In her 'story', Rosemary makes NO distinction between her use of CSP, colloidal silver PROTEIN, and the elemental form of colloidal silver (CS) sold in health food stores or that which is made with an electrolysis-type DC generator.

Is it possible that Rosemary Jacobs, after making all of those appearances at medical conventions, found a new source of "work" to sustain her in some way? Do you suppose that the pharmaceutical boys who were dragging Rosemary around from one medical convention to the next simply dropped her off at her doorstep one night and waved goodbye to her forever? I don't think so.

I think Rosemary functions as a sort of poster lady for what will happen to you if you are 'foolish' enough to try using colloidal silver (after all, who wants to turn grey/blue for the rest of your life?). So here we have a woman, who would otherwise just be scrimping by on a Social Security check, deeply involved in an 'education' effort that just happens to dovetail perfectly with the propaganda goals of the pharmaceutical industry to pooh pooh colloidal silver and scare the pants off anyone who might consider using CS. Of course, you catch no glimpse of her pharmaceutical chums when you read her article. You get the idea that poor old Rosemary is sitting there at the kitchen table banging out her tale of woe in order to save the the world from repeating the same "tragic" mistake that cost her the loss of her peach and cream colored skin. Did you notice how carefully her supportive allusions to antibiotics were woven into her 'story'. Did you also notice that the comments she provides from what we are to assume are authority figures such as Dr. so and so, are always badmouthing those "dangerous quacks" who 'peddle' this 'dangerous' silver? She's spouting propaganda mantras invented by pro-pharmaceutical ghost writers. "Ordinary" people don't use these sort of carefully crafted "killer points" in telling her 'story'. She's giving us a "presentation" of the corporate, boardroom variety in order to sell "her" concerns. Her narrative is a propaganda commercial for the FDA, plain and simple.

Didn't you notice how well it worked with you?

These are your words:"Seems to me they are both wrought with risk, and unproven as healing agents." 

"Wrought with risk"...You see? You bought right into it. The story scared you;... exactly what was intended to happen. So what you assumed to be 'evidence of harm' is in reality scare tactics designed to frighten you.

Silver is a highly germicidal metal, most effective when in the colloidal state created by electrolysis. There is no other metal that matches the healing/rejuvenation ability of silver combined with its remarkable germicidal qualities. There is a MOUNTAIN of research data PROVING the effectiveness and safety of colloidal silver; you just haven't seen it or read it. .

Gold is another matter: a different metal with different attributes and no germicidal abilities. It shouldn't be in the body.

Here's a link to more articles about colloidal silver.

If I have the time, I might write a Part 2 to this story and give you much more information about Rosemary Jacobs and the anti-colloidal silver propaganda campaign.

Regards, Ken

P.S.. The real story about Goro and I won't be revealed for at least 50 years after our deaths, so it's futile to try and get anything out of me now. Sorry.


[Note from Ken Adachi: A woman named Donna wrote an accusatory e-mail to Rosemary Jacobs and got back an angry response which I've reprinted below. .I find it remarkable that Rosemary Jacobs should accuse Donna of being uninformed, when Rosemary, in the same breath, claims that not even ONE single study exists which demonstrates the efficacy of colloidal silver as a germ fighter.

Good grief! There are HUNDREDS of such studies (

And I simply love this line: " Do you actually believe that the drug companies would pay someone to disparage silver? If so, there is a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd love to sell you. "

Yes, Rosemary, we most certainly do believe that your holier-than-thou pals in the drug industry would do such a thing. In fact, we are quite confident that they have been paying (or benefiting in some way) a number of debunkers and fear mongers to disparage every category of alternative medicine- - - except you, of course!.]

Subject: colloidal silver
From: Donna
Date: Sun, March 16, 2008 1:14 pm
To: Ken Adachi <Editor>

I recently became interested in CS for myself (Hep C) and my partner (sinus infections). I read your web site almost daily (thanks for doing it) and came across the Rosemary Jacobs web site info. I visited the web site and was, of course, disgusted.

It's obvious that she is involved in some way with drug companies. I wrote an email which said, in part: "How much money are you making? You know colloidal silver helps people." WOW, you would have thought I had threatened her life. I would like to send you her response.

What do you think?



Subject: Fwd: how much are you being paid
From: Donna
Date: Mon, March 17, 2008
To: Ken Adachi

-----Original Message-----

From: Rosemary Jacobs <>

To: Donna [e-mail address removed]

Sent: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 3:47 pm

Subject: Re: how much are you being paid

On Friday, March 14, 2008, at 06:08 PM, Donna Isaac wrote:

> You know people can benefit from colloidal silver.

No I don't and I'm damn sure that you can't give me a shred of objective evidence showing that anyone has ever benefited from ingesting silver in any form. How do I know that???? Because the medical literature is indexed. I've been searching it for decades and never found one study, not one, showing that ingesting silver offers any benefits whatsoever except to the bank account of the quack who sold it. I have also been asking people like you for such evidence for over 10 years now, people like youwho jump to erroneous conclusions about me and silver supplements based on
innuendoes, assumptions, associations and lies they've been told, people who could very easily have investigated to learn the truth but have never bothered to do so because the truth isn't what they want to hear. So far none of you has given me a reference to even one scientific study showing that ingesting silver offers benefits. One salesman threatened me then admitted that there are no such studies. Now if you know something they don't, put your evidence on the table. Give me references, and please don't start telling me stories that cannot be independently verified.

Do you assume that everyone who states something contrary to your beliefs has been paid to do so???? If you know someone who will pay me to say what I do about silver, please, please, please give me their name and contact #s because I can use all the help that I can get.

Do you actually know who you have written to? Have you read my webpage? Do you know that I've had argyria for over 50 years? Do you know what argyria is?  Do you know of all the people who have gotten argyria from silver supplements?  Do you know how many of them have contacted me absolutely devastated who wish they had investigated before taking silver knowing that if they had they would have known that I and not the salesmen and promoters were the ones reporting the facts?

Do you actually believe that the drug companies would pay someone to disparage silver? If so, there is a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd love to sell you. If silver supplements could do a fraction of what promoters claim, the drug companies would be out of business by now, but they aren't and as far as I know they haven't found it necessary to drop the price of their drugs either. And please don't tell me that people don't know of the incredible claims people make for silver because that simply isn't true. Silver supplements are promoted and sold all over the world on the Interned, in health fraud stores, by alt. med practitioners, multilevel marketers and by fools like you.

Now if you are upset because you think my response is nasty you know exactly how I felt when I read your unsolicited nasty email. I have answered you in the tone that you wrote. I've also forwarded your email and my response to a writer doing a story on silver. She might contact you. Then again she might not.


Rosemary Jacobs 

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