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Letters to The Editor

Scientology and Moonies
October 24, 2010

Scientology and Moonies (Oct. 24, 2010)

Subject: question on one of the thing i read
From: Yves
Date: Sun, October 24, 2010
To: Ken Adachi

Dear ken,

I read most of your site and I do think you are really looking at the right direction. - recognise a lot of truth in your pages. I had a question though: you said that scientology and moonies are promoting world government and are therefore part of the same flow than the NWO. That was in the brotherhood page. On what do you base this ?

Let me know.


Hi Yves,

I didn't write the Brotherhood pages, someone else did, but his info is accurate.

Both groups have all the earmarks of cults, to the nth degree.

The history of Scientology or the Moonies is not a good one. They USE people for a darker agenda. Anyone who thinks that that Korean CIA cutout is a guru or a spiritual/religious leader needs to get his head examined. Sun Myung Moon is a major Illuminati player. He's made millions from the gullibility and foolishness of naive people. His big spread in Paraguay is right next to Bush's 100K acre spread. When things get tough, players like Moon or the Bushes will be high and dry and living in luxury.

Illuminati players are NOT normal human beings. In almost every case, they are shape shifting, human/alien hybrids or full blown aliens masquerading as humans. They use people because they have no sense of human empathy or conscience. The reasons that the Nazis could behave so cruelly is because most of the upper level Nazis like Mengele, etc. were shape shifters.

Scientology, at its core, is something of a fascist organization. If you play ball and don't make waves, then things are OK, but if you think too much or question too much, you've going to have problems. That's how it was with the Nazis when they were in power.

This is not difficult to see.

You think Tom Cruise is a big star because he did it all on his own? No, his career was greased for him. His path was chosen for him a long time ago (that's not to say that he isn't a good actor; he is). The same goes for most big names in Hollywood. They are Chosen, from Special families. and mind controlled from infancy forward. They are mated with other mind controlled slaves. They serve a purpose for the Illuminati

Regards, Ken

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