Serious Business
August 23, 2003Serious Business (Fighting Herpes) Aug. 23, 2003
Subject: Mr. Ken Adachi, PLEASE HELP ME!
From: Shae Larise
Date: Sat, August 23, 2003
To: Ken AdachiDear Mr Adachi:
Whew, I really don't know how to start this letter.Let me first begin by this: In late March of 2003, I was diagnosed with genital herpes by my health care professional. This came as a complete surprise considering I've been with my current partner for over a year now and neither he nor I have shown any signs of having the virus. You see, it all started when I had a termination of pregnancy in early March of 2003 and about two weeks after the termination.
I began to feel very nauseous, along with the feeling of total discomfort in the genital area, followed by lesions in the vagina (I know this sounds gross, believe me I'm still distraught). I returned to my doctor for re-evaluation assuming that I'd contracted some kind of bacterial infection due to the termination, but upon my disbelief, her diagnosis was-----GENITAL HERPES.
Until being infected, I was clueless as to even know what signs to look for in someone having this virus or any other virus or disease for that matter (We all need to practice awareness, THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS!!!). I was so in the dark about venereal diseases. I swear, this is such a tough pill for me to swallow. I know this is not necessary, but I feel the need to mention that I am a very clean person. I practice very good personal hygiene. I am educated and attractive, yet I feel so dirty. This has destroyed me. I am 33 yrs old, and I've never before this point suffered from any kind of genital infection, disease, etc.
Initially, I accused my boyfriend of sharing the virus. He then in turn accused me. I guess we'll never know. There is a separate test that is performed for herpes. It's not included in the routine VDRL. In other words, if you don't ask for the test, you won't know. Anyone could be harboring the virus and not know it. I've done some reading about the virus and that's what scares me about it the most. There are people harboring the virus and will not and may not show any symptoms for years. Sometimes all it takes is any type of surgical trauma and that alone can ignite an initial outbreak. This is where you come in Mr. Adachi. Would you please write an article on awareness. Everyone needs to know protection is oh so important and useful. It really doesn't matter how long, or how well you've known a person. The bottom line is that viruses and diseases are silent and deadly. I am a prime example. I swear, if you looked at me, you would not have the slightest clue. And yet, I can infect some innocent person in a snap. Though I would never consider doing so, I'm just speaking some real truth. We all need to know that PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN A CURE. PRACTICE SAFE SEX.
I honor your personal thoughts about hydrotherapy/genital herpes or any other useful therapy for that matter. I'm not interested in treating the virus. I'm interested in destroying it. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.Shae Larise (fictious name)
----- Original Message -----
From: Editor
To: Shae Larise
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003
Subject: Mr. Ken Adachi, PLEASE HELP ME!Hi Shae,
You're under the impression that herpes is a major problem. It's not. Using natural methods, you can get rid of it easily.
A few possibilities to consider:
1. The lab test COULD be wrong. The error rate for all kinds of tests is much higher than most people suspect.
2. Assuming you have the herpes virus (extremely common), you could have had it for years, but your immune system was strong enough to suppress the symptoms (also very common). When you say termination, I assume you mean that you had an abortion. That's an invasive deal and it could have been the source. There are physical, psychological, and emotional ramnifications of abortion that are traumatizing to the body and mind. All these factors could have lowered your immunity.
3. You can stop the symtoms by elevating your immunity.Here's a few ideas: take a teaspoon of powdered Vit. C (health food store) in the form known as Calcium Ascorbate or Sodium Ascorbate every four hours 3 or 4 times a day. Avoid anything sweet, get off processed foods and only eat seafood and eggs for protein and not land meats. Lots more veggies and fruits and 8 glasses of water daily. Avoid soda, coffee, alcohol, and sweet desserts until better. Fruit is OK. You can get a zapper or bioelectrifier or use a Rife generator and zap the bug out of existence (I'll paste in links below about alternative toys) . Ozone would also do it, as would hydrogen peroxide-only more slowly. The right herbs can do it as well. Read Hulda Clark's book The Cure for All Disease for more natural methods to knock out herpes. It's really quite easy.
4. This may sound off the wall to you, but I have a feeling that the pregnancy termination is the emotional energy behind this herpes 'outbreak'. What you may not realize is that a spirit was intending to take up residence in the fetus that was aborted. The energy and aura of that spirit is still located in your uterus area where the fetus used to be. You need to find someone with the ability to release the spirit back to the spirit world and make amends for the abortion. (Someone wrote a book about this very phenomena a couple of years ago. I heard a radio interview with the author, but can't remember the name.) It's possible to do it yourself if you can get into a meditative state and try to communicate, but it's easier with someone who has knowledge of these things.Shae Larise? Wow, you do have a dramatic side of your personality that wants to come out and play!
Sincerely, Ken
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