The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

Wants to Get Out the Word on the NWO Takeover Agenda
October 13, 2006

Subject: I want to take action and will be doing so using myspace, Is this safe?
From: Mario
Date: Fri, October 13, 2006 4:53 pm
To:   Editor

Hello Mr. Adachi,

My name is Mario and I first of all would like to thank you on your website, its been an eye opener to me and I am telling everyone about it. I read about brainwashing and to be totally honest I couldn't believe what I had finished reading, soon after I was done reading the article I realized I had
been somewhat brainwashed myself, I would like to thank FOX NEWS and the MAINSTREAM MEDIA for that. I am getting very sick and tired of waiting for something to happen and I want to do something about informing the world of whats really happening, some of my friends have started a website trying to get the word out and if you would like to look at it for yourself its this website has documentary footage explaining about secret government organizations, military police, and more. I would really appreciate it if you could help us get the word out, thank you again
for the information you provide for many people like me, but like I asked on the subject, am I safe to be putting this information on myspace bulletins? or should I try some type of other form.

Thank you again Mr.Adachi and God bless.


Hi Mario,

Thanks for your letter.

I'm glad you're interested in spreading the word. That is what is needed more than anything   else. You can't stop the NWO physically, but you can stop people from cooperating with them and that will cause the agenda to collapse internally if enough people resist. Waking people up to the takeover agenda is the most critical element in stopping it. We give away our power to the Illuminati planners through fear and intimidation. If we don't GIVE them the power, they won't HAVE any power.

American born citizens should not be engaged in any job that is assisting the NWO takeover of this country. This applies FIRST to American policemen and American born military men or women. I say American born because the NWO military killing machine masquerading as the US military is now filling up its recruitment slots with NON AMERICANS who are being promised bonuses and green cards if they sign up. This is a   VIOLATION of the Constitution. Phillipinos are currently being recruited for this purpose (I guess they ran out of Mexican 'volunteers')

American military are to be drawn from the ranks of AMERICAN CITIZENS, not NON CITIZENS who have no loyalty to the USA or the American People or the Constitution. Do you think THEY are going refuse orders to round up American citizens when they kick in martial law?

If any Americans are working for companies that make Big Brother snooping or monitoring technologies, or controlling or tracking people, etc, etc, they are helping to bring about the end of freedom in America. Of course, they will think to themselves that their little bit  doesn't make any REAL difference in the overall scheme of things and they really want to get that paycheck. However, multiply that attitude times a few million and you got a country being sabotaged and undermined by its own citizens.

After you wake up, you have an OBLIGATION to DO SOMETHING to stop the NWO, otherwise we're all going to be trying to figure out how we can pass off notes to each other in the American gulag system-which is waiting silently for the first Gunderson prisoner cars to pull in and off load their cargo of AMERICAN "detainees". .

Regards, Ken


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