The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

Your Apparent Lack of Professionalism
October 14, 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: Rob <>
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 9:09 PM
Subject: un sub thankyou

i am writting this letter with some concern about your apparant lack of professionalism when it comes to un subscribing from your list, your link to un sub does not work..........i will    unsub me from your list now thankyou

 rob byrne

----- Original Message -----
From: Editor
To: Rob <>
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: un sub thankyou

Jesus, Rob, .. are you on drugs?

What's wrong with you?

You're going nuts over being unsubscribed from a free newsletter that was never even sent to you yet.

Why are you going balistic over unsubscribing when you haven't been sent anything?

Do you always get so irritated over NOTHING?

Where were you raised? In a bar?

What do you do when something really important goes down? Turn into The Alien?

Have you ever considered diplomacy and civility over rage? Polite requests over angered demands have a tendency to work much better you know.  Childish anger, however,  gets you a featured position in the Letters section.  Maybe you'll get some fan mail though, to help keep you occupied. You seem to need something to do anyway.  It might be good therapy for you.

Assuming your arteries hold out long enough, goodbye and good luck. Who knows? You might make it till middle age, you never can tell.

I'll tell the person who handles that automated process what you said, although we'll probably send you the newsletter anyway just to keep you on your toes.

Take Care, Ken

PS. By the way, it's called English Grammar and in that system we capitalize the first person singular as "I" not "i"; same with proper names, "Rob" not "rob", etc. Look it up under "Capitalization, Punctuation, Commas, etc. The system also requires a period at the end of a declarative statement. I though someone so concerned with professionalism would want to know that. Have a good one.

----- Original Message -----
From: Rob
To: Editor
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: un sub thankyou

ken, i want out of the forum, your news letter is not the issue
re, is that so hard to understand?

and yes ken, i am on drug's, alcohol, nicotine and fluride:-)), funny thing is ken, i don't see the artery busting stress reflected in my letter that you do?,perhaps you've a vivid imagination, or, more than likely your bored. as for the grammar,one would expect nothing less than a cheap shot like that from someone that professes to be an.....ooh...wait for editor, sorry to burst your bubble dude, but if this is your claim to fame, you might want to keep your options open.
just one last point, is this how you guy's keep the forum numbers up, sort of like the maffia, once your in, your in for life, as for your threats about keeping me on the list, feel free, but understand what goes around, comes around
wind in your sails dude
p.s please forward the news letter in which i run as the feature...............just a little something to forward to the rest of my bad tempered australian friends.
p.p.s your so right ken, out with with love................i love you ken, please forgive me.
oh, and just for the record, are you a yank?

----- Original Message -----
From: Editor
To: Rob
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: un sub thankyou

Hi Rob,

If you used the word FORUM or DISCUSSION, I would have understood what list you were referring to. To quote a snappy, lower case  professional 'dude' such as yourself: Is that so hard to understand?

Consider yourself deleted.

Peace, Ken,

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