The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

Wait a minute, ... (Rebuttal re. Illegal Immigration)
Sep. 15, 2006

Subject: Wait a minute, the Dracs and the Sirians are the only Illegal Aliens, Here!
Date: Fri, September 15, 2006 4:49 pm
To:   Editor

(Sorry for the book, took time to comment :))

Dear Ken,

Hello and Thank you, for having this wonderful site. It is a wealth of information. It has helped me understand this chaotic world we live in much better! And for that I appreciate it. I'm a humble reader of your fine site and I will try to express my opinion, on your thoughts on this immigration issue you posted a while back, hopefully you will see it fairly (or clearly).

Having read the four articles you posted on the immigration issues here. I had to take the time to rebuttal your take on the "undocumented immigration problem". Since you seem to concentrate your attention more biasly on the indigenous populations of the countries of Mexico, Central and South America, that are migrating to the north. Precisely, that is because of the same problem of the Imperialist machine, you are denouncing on this site, which has propagated their flight from their homelands here or someplace else in the first place. I disagree on the blame you are pitting on them and vilifying them to majority of them. (Drug traffickers and thug gangsters criminals are on the same team of the illuminati, so obviously the humble majorities aren't, do we agree on that? If not. Then we should blame Italians for bringing the Mafia to America and corrupting the US government during the early 1900?s and is the some major cause of our problems, right?)Well ok.

Bare with me, I agree with a lot of what you have exposed, but you cannot dismiss the past and our current situation, realistically. I know you feel frustrated on the way how these "Illuminati" have been manipulating the masses of ?unwitting immigrants? during these months, "rebel rousing them". I?ve seen it and lived it in the past marches. Some factions have a covert agenda like you said and I agree with you on that and are CIA drones, obviously inspired to always cause divisions and make Mexicans the bad guys (Like always in the movies how they always portray them. It's bulls#!+. When it comes to Hollywood always look at the heros and the villains, the opposite applies in there roles and storylines).

But yes, this manipulation has always have been happening to other cultures for hundreds of years through out the world as well, by dividing and conquering, the occupation of Africa by the British, the French, and the Germans, the occupation of Tibet by the Chinese, the occupation of Palestine by the Israelites, for some examples. You want a fresher one, the occupation of the U.S in Afghanistan and Iraq occurring right now, right? (I don't see any of us breaking ourselves to move and live in Iraq or Afghanistan at this moment for new opportunities, now do we, well maybe except for the baby killer execs of Halli-Burton and et al?) Knowing this, and awakening from this truth, then I can conclude, how they have been pitting immigrants and natives against each other thru out history. So their empires can keep their wealth and subjugation going on in a loop to keep the servants distracted and preoccupied. Am I right so far?

I know you are clinging to an ideal, that this nation was free and democratic at one point. (Maybe briefly for a decade after the supposed independence) But we know is not and never has been. (per the broken treaties with the Natives of in failing to maintain the original 13th States, the hypocrit wigs that still were loyal to the Crown of Britan who facilitated the 1812 War, the 1848 war, the Civil War, The Coup de Estat of 1863, The Spanish War of 1898, The FRB 1913, WW1, The Great Depression, WW2, The treason of FDR to the American people and securing all Americans to be tax paying subjects of the Crown of England, The second Coup of 1963, The third and four coup of the 2000 and 2004 elections, should I keep going, is history clear enough, Ken?). That you want to envision it and others differently as drafted in the constitution. It is obvious and instinctively well intended. (But "the road to hell is always paved with good intentions") We all want to envision a world without these parasites too, but by that reasoning having liberty and freedom at the cost of squatting, stealing and murdering natives, so we can have a piece of the pie, sorry you can't, you can?t have it that way (there is consequences for doing so, karmicly speaking). And not even at the expense of any indigenous population of any continent anywhere in the world. The Light is at the end of the tunnel Ken its almost here. (The Gulags won't happen or whatever else horror they want to inflict on us, mark my words. We are all doing our share to save ourselves and our Mother Earth from these occultist parasites onslaughts, thanks to your site, the people who have contributed to it, mainly. (Leave the Gloom and Doom to the Art Bells, Renses and spook saboutours). We are not alone as you can see and you are not the only lone soldier out there Ken, (but you already know that), trust me the cavalry is not made up of blue suits, grunts and veterans, is made up of Braves, warriors which include, Women and Men together, united for one cause?)

So now, you must realize that, the nation that the so called forefathers envisioned was an illusion all along, per all the information found in all these sites, like yours and the others which uncover the truths and denounce the lies of the governments, the secrets societies, etcetera, etc, etc.; infowars, Rumor Mill News, Cloak and Dagger, Illuminati News, et al. You should then comprehend the false sense of patriotism native-immigrants have of this Nation, the illusion and the lie they have being living when this "Nation" was founded and has been "suffering". There has never been freedom and liberty. Not for the indigenous populations and the poor immigrants anyway, who had to build this nation from scratch for their Master's comfort and will, who have to lay the path for the next wave of opportunist, they have never seen it. It has been an illusion all along, as some of us have been finding out. This continent has been a land of opportunist for the european empires (British, Spanish, French, etc.), who have secured their gold and silver, labor, tobacco, cotton, corn and sugar plantations at the natives and poor immigrants expense. Surely, you can agree with me on that, right?

So you see, you can't turn your back to the past, it is impossible to have a future with out knowing our past, we must know it, remember it and learn from it, how can you say, "what happened in the past should stay in the past and forget about it" (how quaint by convenience of forgetting the past of the less fortunate of the population of this continent). Sorry you can't, it is irresponsible and foolish, it makes you and others accomplices to the fact. It is a big part of our present. It is why things are how they are at this moment! A balance has been broken in these lands and now our world is trying to correct itself. We realize that it is not feasible for all Native Peoples to take all their lands back from the invaders and opportunist immigrants. Native-immigrants (British, Spanish, Irish, Italian, French, African [Forced], Chinese [forced],  etc) living here now on it, have grown to appreciate it, but it seems more commonsensical to be in harmony with each other here now and more prudent, don't you think? You make the point of over population well, how many millions of acres do the Federal government claim which is just sitting there which is actually still Indian land? Another Tavistock myth I presume, that the world is over polluted. It is because all country folks and their families are run out of there livelihoods and crowd in to come to the big cities. We are all of the land, we cannot own Mother Earth! You just can't. (Does who don't agree with this and do think so, then they are not indigenous to this planet!) That concept of ownership didn?t exist until Kings and elitist sprang up across the world.

Also, because of events that have occurred in the past, it is why our present is a living hell for everybody in the planet, right now. This is the current paradigm. It is the Service to Self mentality of the Illuminati and their masters who have kept it. We are not in harmony because, that sector of the population went on and decided that they are the ones to call the shots and to gain power and wealth thru conquest of others to proclaim them selves previleged Kings and blah, blah, blah, for their "god" or "gods". We are stuck in that loop because we have been feeding in to it by playing their game. (The game is over and it is time to starve it to death. A new paradigm has emerged in the last couple of years and it is time to construct it!
Royalty is Not Allowed to participate! STS beings included!)

We also agree on the farce of free trading agreements. It is the new Trojan horse of conquest. Now, they come at you in corporate names and with low quality products and cheap labor. (We are now finding that out, the hard way, aren't we ? Here, Mexico, whole America) I think the "undocumented immigrants" that some of you so called patriots, are labeling as "criminals" or "problems", who are indigenous to these continent, should better be seeing them as allies, instead of marginalizing them as "illegals". (No human being is illegal in this planet. When you march for dignity and human rights, that is your god given right! (Leave those terms to the Dracos or Sirians, who are the illegal aliens here!!!) We are all undesirable in the illuminati's eyes anyways and on their masters' behalf. With all these corrupt "laws" that they conjure up each time to take away our liberties, it is for the more reason, THAT IS WHY WE HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER AND RESIST! (When and if the camel's back breaks, who would you rather want as a fellow warrior, as your allies Ken?)

The paradigm I envision is the one that I feel in my heart. Surely you know it too and I think the rest of humanity is constantly feeling it. There are No "Nations", There are No One World Government parasites (Imperialist or Communist, they are the same fascist s#!+ as we know), there are No Ruling Classes (meddling alien, hybrids or whatever). There is just one big happy family, the Human one!

I don't know dear Ken what you are envisioning unless you have lost your self in the thick of it, its tough (I know you have not), but all the problems in the world started when countries (corporations) started springing up on Mother Earth and started to divide and horde it all for a couple of few "select families" and having the rest of us as servant workers. (Sorry, that is not a natives peoples' way.)

That vision I have is where there is only one family (hybrids may join if they are sincere and true to themselves ☺) and is composed of all the races in the world mixed or pure it doesn?t matter. (Our soul is what binds us together anyways as a big human family and that includes our cosmic family and the Creator as well) That?s what I envision, to be united, The true Maya had the philosophy of the Hunab 'Ku , you know what that Mayan word means? It means One Diversity in Harmony. You see my point? Am I, too far from it? Do you disagree with me?

Don't let them razzle you, into following their paradigm, the one where they divide and conquer and keep the peasants in the darkness while they are drinking champagne and are eating our babies! (I'm not joining that paradigm, sorry.)

It is time that all of us, descendants of immigrants, patriots or whatever, in this continent, this world, start joining and listening to the wise indigenous people of their respective lands, they have been fighting the same dragons, (that some of us just discovered that existed) for a long, long time ago.

Ahau Ometeotl, To the Great Spirit and All Our Relations.

Best regards and respect,
Ismael Cuauhiztac Valverde
Los Angeles, Calif.

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