Ken, What Do You Believe?
May 28, 2004
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 10:30 AM
Subject: ThanksDear Ken,
I certainly enjoy your website very much!
I do have a sincere question. What role does Jesus Christ play in this whole picture and am I supposed to take “some” things out of the Bible (KJV) but not the entire book (old/new testament)? Because I believe it to say that we are to only live once. Also, I have to balance or test based on an area where different religions pervert the message purposely so as to keep us from Salvation and the Truth and keep us from Heaven (such as Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons etc.) by taking our eyes off our sacrificial savior - Christ’s physical burial and resurrection w/God and the belief thereof.
Please explain if you would Ken what do you believe and is there further information that I may purchase?
Again Ken I do appreciate your website very much and I would think that you can understand my “doubting-Thomas” apprehension as this is the only aspect that I have in question! I want to make sure that this is not another trick of Satan (please don’t take that personal) by allowing/displaying many “truths” just so he can get in “one-lie”, which ultimately takes us away from our destination from point –A, to point – B (accepting Jesus Christ and getting in to Heaven)!
----- Original Message -----
From: Editor
To: Daniel
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: ThanksHi Daniel,
I don't really want to get into religious discussions because they always lead to a lot of bruised feelings and unnecessary emotions. I have evolved to my present state of understanding by reading a lot of books from a wide variety of sources and asking myself what seemed to be true. I do believe that we are led by God to the information that will assist us if we are ready for it. Of course, you have to ask for it first.
A search for spiritual advancement is a personal affair and not a topic for debate.
I don't believe in a condeming God and never did, even when I was only aware of the Christian viewpoint. The Old Testatment is a mishmash of stories and is highly edited and abbreviated by power seeking elites who wished to limit knowledge and control people for their enrichment and political gain.
I'll only mention this historical fact and go no further: The idea that you were powerless to gain spiritual fullfillment (salvation for Christians) required that you accept Christ as your personal saviour was an idea that was postulated by Martin Luther in the early 1500's and it was not something that Jesus said or taught. Quite the opposite, Jesus was adament with the Jewsih Elders and His deciples that they were NOT to refer to Him as "the" messiah or "a" messiah. . Christ never said that He was God or even the Son of God. The Council of Nicea made that declaration in the 4th century, not Jesus Christ. If you now jump to the kneejerk conclusion that I just demoted Jesus to a less than divine being, you would be wrong. My understanding of Jesus has expanded, not diminished. But that's my perspective, and it doesn't have to be yours. Like I said, it's a personal affair.
The rest of it is up to you. If you bear in mind the Golden Rule, remember that the way to God is through love and understanding and not through judgement (or condemnation) and retribution, that sin is in the intention, and that forgiveness is the greatest virtue, then you can ascribe to any latitude of beliefs that feels right to you. God accepts all men of good will and loving intent. -just like Jesus said. (There are many mansions in my Father's house)
Regards, Ken
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