"Why don't you have the guts to say the word:"
December 4, 2010"Why don't you have the guts to say the word:" (Dec. 4, 2010)
Subject: Why don't you have the guts to say the word:
From: "World Changer" <anakahamon@ritternet.com>
Date: Sun, November 28, 2010
To: orderingstuff@educate-yourself.orgJEW
Dear "Word Changer",
This e-mail is for orders only.
For a guy who's too frightened to sign his name, you've got some brass talking about guts.
"Word Changer"! What a clown you must be.
I use the word Jew when appropriate and necessary. If you want to lump all Jews into the machinations orchestrated by Zionists, that's your thing, not mine.
Ken Adachi
Subject: Re: Why don't you have the guts to say the word:
From: "World Changer" <anakahamon@ritternet.com>
Date: Sat, December 4, 2010
To: orderingstuff@educate-yourself.org
"Zionist" is a word invented by Jews so that the dumb goy will not use the word JEW. You use the word liberally. What do you call Jews before the word Zionist was invented by Jews for you to use???? When Jews are in their homes drinking whiskey and smoking cigars can you imagine them talking about anything other than what they call themselves? You are grossly stupid. Jews divide and conquer. You bear their brand.
Dear "V",
You're a moron and not worthy of my time, but do enjoy your 5 seconds.
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