Sep. 16, 2006Subject: Solution
Date: Sat, September 16, 2006 8:00 pm
To: EditorHi
I've been reading about the NWO for many years on various sites. Except for the rapid population reduction and the slavery aspect, I feel most of the NWO goals are beneficial. The motives of the so-called 'aliens', if they exist, are suspect. Given the uninhibited distribution of the NWO goals, I suspect that 'letting the cat out of the bag' is a part of the NWO plan to gradually condition people to their objectives by letting them receive the information through 'non-official channels' whereby the news can be taken gradually into the common knowledge. As you can see from the surveys, folks are accepting what is going on without effective protest. Not one of these sites has suggested a solution to the NWO tactics. This further
strengthens my suspicion that sites such as yours, WhatReallyHappened, etc are unwitting accomplices to the NWO goal. I've given much thought to what people could do to foil the harsher methods of the NWO and, oddly, end up advocating, at a more genteel level, some of the very means
proposed by the NWO. I suspect that, motivated by love instead of hate, the NWO could achieve their goals more readily. I have found your collection of information 'illuminating' and appreciate your efforts regardless of my suspicions. To enter the future forewarned is, at the very
least, helpful, and at the very most 'propitious'.Michael in Tempe AZ
Hi Michael,
Wow, well I don't agree with your assessemnt, but I welcome your opinion and kindly thoughts. Yes, letting the cat out of the bag-gradually- is how they've been acclimating the frog to the heating water, but it doesn't really mean people are "accepting" it as much as they are being corralled into it.
The NWO is motivated by power, lust, and greed. Satanism is their religion. Do you really expect them to do a 180 without some radical effort on our part to "persuade" them?
Regards, Ken
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