San Diego Satanic Ritual Abuse Defenders Wage Uphill Battle Against Influential Debunkers
[Editor's Note: I met Ellen Lacter a few years ago while she was helping out Brice Taylor who was forced to stay in San Diego to be close to her daughter Kelly, locked up in a psychiatirc hospital. Ellen knows first hand just how well organized and coordinated are the efforts of professional SRA debunkers like former FBI agent Ken Lanning, specially chosen newspaper 'reporters', and the so-called False Memory Syndrome Foundation, an organization created by the Illuminati with the express purpose of derailing any attempt by victims and their supporters to alert the public to the widespread reality of satanic ritual abuse.
Dr. John Coleman, David Icke, Jon Rappoport, Brian Desborough, and many other writers who have exposed the machinations of the Illuminati, have devoted entire chapters to exposing the 'work' of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. To say that they have a 'lock' on all of the major media outlets, including 'documentary' video production companies like Frontline, is a gross understatement. In the late 1980's, before I was aware of the NWO manipulators, I bought into the lies orchestrated into public acceptance by the FMSF concerning the McMartin School case. I thought, like 99% of the nation, that those terrible therapists who interviewed the kids had "planted" those satanic abuse memories in order to keep the money rolling in and help build professional repuations. Yep, Frontline, 60 Minutes, Nightline, Time magazine, Newsweek, etc, etc, they ALL AGREED, with the FMSF, that every single one of those FOUR HUNDRED and FIFTY children, aged 2-5 years old, were coaxed into lying by those bad therapists and their parents who were looking to make money from insurance claims. And what about poor Mrs. McMartin and her darling nephew Raymond Buckey? Victims they were! Victims of those terrible therapists, those 450 lying tots, and their rotten parents. Yep, we sure are lucky to have the FMSF around to set the record straight. Send an E mail today to the San Diego Union-Tribune Editor and let him know how much you support their efforts to debunk SRA and its victims...Ken Adachi]
By Ellen Lacter, Ph.D <>
Sept. 21, 2002
Dear Colleagues,
My efforts to teach classes in San Diego on treatment of victims and
survivors of ritualistic abuse have met with
opposition from the usual players. My next class on this subject is
on 9-25-02 at the 7th International Conference
on Family Violence. This conference has 150 workshops and 1500 attendees.
In late July, 2002, Pamela Freyd, Executive Director of the False
Memory Syndrome Foundation, wrote a letter to
all conference co-sponsors, saying that the two classes on ritual abuse
"undermines the credibility of the conference",
citing Ken Lanning (of course!), and ending with; "I trust that
the [agency] will help to correct this unfortunate situation."
Conference Chair, Bob Geffner, wrote a powerful letter endorsing the
inclusion of the ritual abuse workshops to the
co-sponsors. My favorite part is his referring to the False Memory
Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) as a "fringe
advocacy organization"! Dr. Geffner's letter is posted at:
The latest ploy by the opposition is an article published in today's
(9-21-02) San Diego Union-Tribune, by reporter
Mark Sauer. The full text is included below.
Mark Sauer has written numerous articles for the San Diego Union-Tribune
discrediting victims of ritual abuse,
and their advocates and therapists, over the past 10 years. His articles,
and those of reporter Jim Okerblom, have
strongly contributed to convincing a good portion of the San Diego
community that ritual abuse does not exist. This
has had a devastating impact on victimized children and adults, resulting
in their not being believed by the public
and mental health professionals, and in reduced protection by law enforcement
and the courts.
It is time to write letters to the editor. We must rally against this
ungodly attempt to once more silence ritual
abuse victims, advocates, and therapists. Everyone who knows that ritual
abuse exists needs to write a letter.
Organized letter-writing has been a powerful weapon of the FMSF. Our
letters can be more powerful, because
we speak the truth.
Letters from local citizens and from people attending or participating
in the 7th International Conference on Family
Violence will be of tremendous help. Letters should be faxed or e-mailed
by Monday, 9-23-02, while the readership still has Sauer's article fresh
in their minds.
Newspaper editors keep track of how many letters they get on an issue; how many pro, how many con; how many sound reasoned, how many seem nuts. They may only print a few, they may not print any of them, but they pay attention. This strongly influences decisions by newspapers on future news and editorial coverage.
Guidelines for writing letters to the editor are below, as well as some point to address from Sauer's article
Mark Sauer does not report objectively on this subject. This is why I refused to be interviewed by him. He is motivated to discredit ritual abuse victims, therapists, and advocates. He would have twisted my words to make me sound crazy and dangerous to innocent people. I will never speak to Mark Sauer. You can read more about the basis for my position on Mark Sauer on my web-site at:
Survivors are stronger. The professional literature on dissociation and ritual trauma is stronger.
We can fight this. We, especially ritual abuse survivors, have endured so much more than this!!
If you can afford it, come to the workshops and clap loud in support
of the survivors. I am co-teaching the
afternoon workshop with an other therapist and a panel of four courageous
survivors!! I will send the conference
announcement again in a moment.
In Solidarity, Warmly,
Ellen Lacter, Ph.D.
Guidelines for Letters to the Editor:
++ Letters need to be relatively short--no more than 300 words. Try to keep them around 150ish.
++ Don't cover the waterfront. Pick one or two points of
the article to respond to. Make your comments
challenges. Offer a solution. Editors like letters that at least
mention a suggested course of action.
++ To the extent possible, promote, rather than attack. Although you can call a spade a spade.
++ Call for balance and mediation, rather than one- sidedness. But there's
nothing wrong with a little controlled
outrageousness, but only if you do it and sound stable!
Suggested Points to Address:
** Your professional or personal experience that lets you know that ritual abuse is real, and your concern that the San Diego Union Tribune and Paul Pfingst, District Attorney, have no interest in considering this possibility or protecting victims.
** Sauer writes that Paul Pfingst said: "If someone wants to go back to teaching that satanic ritual abuse claptrap, we're going to have a serious discussion about whether law enforcement in San Diego should respond and expose it for what it is." Why is Pfingst threatening people who are teaching on the subject of treating survivors of ritual abuse with civil or criminal investigation. Where is academic freedom? Where is freedom of speech? Why does Sauer support Pfingst in this?
** As you understand the problem of ritualistic abuse, these are crime victims. Why is Paul Pfingst, District Attorney interested in blaming victims and possibly even having law enforcement investigate them? Haven't we learned anything from the recent unearthing of chils abuse by clergy, and organized child pornography rings?
** Praise the conference for providing this necessary public dialogue on all issues of family violence and abuse. We need to see truth come out into the light, not be chased back into darkness.
** You aren't knowledgeable on this subject but are troubled that so much attention by Paul Pfingst and Mark Sauer is focusing on a subject taking up so little space and time at a conference. "Me thinks they do protest too much,". All of this energy going into stopping two presentations on ritual absue suggests there must be some real fire to the smoke here.
* * Most important, TELL THE TRUTH AS YOU KNOW IT.
How to send a letter to the editor.
1. Address all letters, Dear Editor
2. If you fax (619.260.5081) you must sign the letter, and type in your name, and phone number.
3. If you e-mail, you still need name and phone, but you don't
need to sign, obviously. When e-mailing a letter,
don't put anything in the body of the e-mail except the letter, and
send it to:
4. Occasionally, very occasionally, an editor will call you to comment on your letter.
5. In your letter, reference that you are responding to Sauer's article.
Here is Sauer's article.
Abuse or Unfounded Fear? Either way, talks to delve into ritual child torture
September 21, 2002
In the fall of 1993, a jury returned a swift and resounding not-guilty
verdict in the longest, costliest and most bizarre
criminal trial in San Diego history.
The Dale Akiki case featured tales of animal sacrifice (including giraffes
and elephants), blood and water torture
rituals, several murders and various other allegations of physical,
sexual and emotional abuse of preschoolers.
When the former volunteer at a Spring Valley church day care was acquitted after 21/2 years in jail awaiting trial, jurors said the only crime committed in the case was the misguided prosecution itself. Their verdict in the seven-month trial – coupled with the $2 million Akiki got to settle his wrongful-prosecution lawsuit – was widely seen as driving a stake through the heart of America's ritual abuse witch hunt.
But now the controversial notion of children being tortured and terrorized by an underground network of satanists and other ritual abusers is making a comeback in San Diego.
The occasion is the seventh International Conference on Family Violence, which will attract 1,500 social workers, therapists, prosecutors and defense attorneys, doctors, nurses and police from around the world for a week of workshops on various kinds of physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
At least two of the sessions will focus on ritual abuse, which the conference program describes as, "the organized, systematic use of children in brutalizing ceremonial acts."
District Attorney Paul Pfingst expressed grave concerns that a widely attended and influential conference would feature workshops on ritual abuse, since he has seen no evidence that such cases exist. That view is shared by the FBI, which spent a decade searching in vain for a valid ritual abuse case.
The conference on abuse is set for next week at the Town & Country Convention Center in Mission Valley. It is being hosted by the Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute (FVSAI), a nonprofit training center based at San Diego's Alliant University.
Robert Geffner, conference director, said ritual abuse is recognized as valid by "most people in the field" and defended including the workshops.
The conference is not a fringe event.
Among the dozens of "conference collaborating organizations" are many highly respected names: the California Attorney General's Office; the American Bar Association; the American Academy of Pediatrics; the American Psychological Association; the SDSU School of Social Work; and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The conference program claims that, "Ritual abuse cases are coming into the system through the accounts of adult survivors, in child-custody disputes, day care and isolated neighborhood cases."
One of the workshops in question, "Psychotherapy and Ritual Abuse Survivors," will be conducted by San Diego psychologist Ellen Lachter and marriage-and-family therapist Mary Battles, longtime supporters of the ritual abuse conspiracy theory.
Along with a ritual abuse "survivor," they will "share their respective and clinical and subjective experiences that have led to their understanding of ritual abuse as a prevalent problem in Western and other cultures."
Lachter and Battles declined interview requests.
The other workshop, "Childhood Ritual Abuse," will be conducted by Jeanne Adams of Ogden, Utah, who says she is a survivor; Dawn Mattox of the Special Victim's Bureau, Butte County, Calif., district attorney's office; and Anne Hart of a Davis group, Mothers of Lost Children.
Adams will discuss "the cult experience and the governmental mind control experimentation used on children," according to the conference program.
Since the Akiki trial, the infamous McMartin Preschool case in L.A. and scores of other failed ritual-abuse prosecutions of the 1980s and '90s, leading psychologists and law enforcement officials across the country have decried the ritual abuse scare.
FBI Special Agent Kenneth Lanning, now retired, spent 10 years chasing down hundreds of ritual-abuse allegations, only to conclude there was no evidence supporting the claims.
Pfingst, who used the Akiki case as a springboard to the district attorney's office in his 1994 campaign against longtime D.A. Edwin Miller, said in an interview, "This theory was completely debunked in the early '90s.
"It created so much harm in San Diego and across the country, and to see it even start to emerge again is very disturbing," he added.
"If someone wants to go back to teaching that satanic ritual abuse claptrap, we're going to have a serious discussion about whether law enforcement in San Diego should respond and expose it for what it is."
Jeffrey Younggren, a Los Angeles clinical psychologist, who 10 years ago warned state officials that ritual-abuse allegations constituted a hoax, said the two workshops appear to "tarnish what otherwise looks like an excellent conference."
"It's amazing to me that this ritual-abuse stuff never seems to go away," Younggren added.
Geffner, founder and president of FVSAI, reacted strongly to criticism of his decision to include the workshops. In a sternly worded letter, he dismissed objections by a Philadelphia-based organization representing hundreds of families who say they werevictimized by false ritual abuse allegations.
"Our goal is to address certain controversial topics insteadof suppressing them under the rug," Geffner said in an interview.
Geffner and Jae Marciano, executive director of FVSAI,said that, as with all of the more than 150 conference workshops, the ritual abuse sessions were evaluated by a panel of 80 screeners, including psychologists, doctors, social workers and law-enforcement officers.
"What the presenters are going to talk about specifically, Idon't know,"
Marciano said. "But the purpose is to have a forum. If there are victims
who come forward and say they have survived this form of abuse, then we
need to listen to the victims."
One of the presenters, Mary Battles, listened to alleged victims of
a satanic cult in therapy sessions a decade ago. Battles convinced two
San Diego police detectives, who also subscribed to the ritual-abuse theory,
that the murderous cult was operating out of a Clairemont area church.
The alleged cult victims revealed "repressed memories" to Battles in which babies were sacrificed in ceremonies at the church and their blood was drunk from chalices.
The detectives requisitioned bulldozers and prepared to excavate church grounds before police brass stepped in and halted the unlikely investigation. But Geffner said the fact that investigators can find no evidence of ritual abuse doesn't mean it isn't there.
He disdained use of the word "satanic" in conjunction with ritual abuse. In fact, he said, much of the controversy can "probably be traced to semantics."
"My definition of ritual abuse is the organized exploitation of children," Geffner said. "Take a child pornography ring. If it's organized and they're doing it in a way that exploits children, that's a form of ritualized abuse.
"Paul Pfingst announced recently he is prosecuting two local people who are part of a child pornography ring. That ring goes across several countries and represents the systematic abuse of children – that is ritual abuse."
Pfingst scoffed at that characterization, however.
"That case had absolutely nothing to do with ritual abuse," Pfingst said. "It had to do with fathers molesting their own children on videotape and spreading it around the world for other pedophiles to see; a straightforward child porn case. No one is alleging any ceremonies or animal sacrifices or cannibalism took place."
Pfingst added, however, that after looking through the program "the abuse conference as a whole looks like a well-put-together event. It's unfortunate they have this ritual abuse stuff involved.
"I plan to have someone there monitoring those presentations and reporting back."
Copyright 2002 Union-Tribune Publishing Co.
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