New Hampshire Sovereignty: Live Free or Die
By Philip N. Ledoux <>
February 4, 2009New Hampshire Sovereignty: Live Free or Die (Feb. 4, 2009)
New Hampshire seems to be a rather unique state. When we were a colony, the King’s agents scoured the total North Eastern area of what was to become the united states of America. The agents burned a special kind of arrowhead outline into each white pine tree deemed qualified to be a main mast on the then sailing ships. By the way, the original colonists found white pine ONLY along the major rivers of New England and nearby areas. In the war which we called the French and Indian Wars, France lost sea battles to the English because France didn’t have the necessary quality pine trees for main masts on their ships. The French used spliced pieces of wood held together by steel rings. In full sail and battle condition, these spliced masts gave way, and many were dead in the water, sitting ducks for British cannon. This was behind the branding of the “Mast Trees” throughout the colonies, backed by a death warrant for anyone destroying such valuable trees.
It is written that the New Hampshire colonists purposefully went out and cut down all these branded trees. Hmmm? That probably is behind our state motto seen on all vehicle number-plates: “Live Free or Die.”
And, we may just put that motto into action! In our state legislature is a bill known as HCR-6. Cutting through all the legalese, New Hampshire is re-declaring its Constitutional Rights. We as a state and as individuals are sovereign; the only rights the Federal Government has are enumerated in the Constitution and its Amendments; anything further is null and void including presidential orders that exceed those limitations. That’s a mighty big cud to chew on in this day and age!
I saw a well worded analysis of a Super-Bowl advertisement that, as I understand it, was a blatant enumeration of Illuminati Objectives, sort of “right in your face.” And I’m certain that most thinking people have seen the gradual overconfidence of the Illuminati’s “King’s Men” increasing and becoming more open (as opposed to hidden or camouflaged) through recent history. Almost the school yard bully type of character.
This has gotten me to thinking – it looks like there is going to be a meeting of irristable forces; New Hampshire and the Federal Colossus – David vs. Goliath. Is there a Trojan Horse in all this too? The enemy working within? Usually something of this importance is over the back fence gossip or serious commenting when people meet. Rarely is it sprung like a rat-trap. I might be hibernating too much this winter, but I’ve not encountered anyone making any comments on the subject, I found it on an internet forum I visit regularly which is chemtrails oriented.
South Carolina fired the first shot which started the American Civil War. Fort Sumpter was the target, which was Federal Property, actually an island at the entrance to the bay. New Hampshire has a Federal Naval Base which is an island near the entrance to the river that separates New Hampshire from Maine. Are Feds setting up another False Flag operation and going to blow up the “powder room” at the Naval Base known as the Portsmouth Naval Base, and blame it on New Hampshire patriots?
I am of the opinion that certainly we want to regain our sovereign rights, but there isn’t a 5% minority who will get out there and do something about it. We have been dumbed down so well that more than 95% are afraid of the consequences of bold action. This is why I referred to a “Trojan Horse.” All of a sudden out of nowhere there is legislation in the state legislature hopper that will set the basic smoke screen for a False Flag Operation on the New Hampshire coast, an island at the mouth of a river. In the past it is amazing how the evil planners set up repeating dates or repeating physical circumstances. Solomon couldn’t judge this one! And I certainly am not able to do it either; but “me smells rotten fish.”
Philip N. Ledoux
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