By Pam Schuffert <>
July 31, 2001I have just concluded giving a three hour videotaped lecture documenting the coming of martial law to Oahu's Patriot community under the leadership of Jack O'Keefe. The response was tremendous: there was standing room only in the back of the meeting location. I enjoyed the kind Hawaiian reception and the people immensely. I appreciated the attentive attitude and seriousness with which they received my information.
While lecturing, I learned from the attendees a great deal regarding what they knew about the preparations of martial law in Hawaii. They informed me that huge smokestacks have been erected on a high security government facility on Oahu.
As I discussed the documented concentration camps scattered across America, a look of recognition came upon many faces. Several attendees interrupted me to share how three local investigators had researched a suspected future internment area, and had uncovered evidence of a prison camp with crematory oven facilities as part of the fenced facility located in Pearl City on Oahu where large smokestacks rise up over the facility.
Although it was empty until recently, government officials have now been using part of this secured facility to intern domestic sex offenders...apparently to take away the suspicions of islanders as to the facility's true purpose when martial law is declared, but the local researchers who looked at this facility and videotaped it are concerned that the facility has all of the logistical markings of a internment/death camp facility.
One attendee who researches evidence of coming martial law, shared at the meeting how one man, with prophetic gifting, had been warning Islanders about coming martial law, and shared psychic visions of Chinese military being used to seize the Hawaiian Islands for the New World Order.
This vision would confirm what my observations have uncovered about the coming Chinese presence in America for the New World Order
A while ago, the British BBC sent a camera crew to the Straits of Formosa to film Chinese Naval maneuvers. They were permitted to board the boats and to observe. Some went to the young Chinese crewmen and interviewed them. The broadcast was then aired on British television.
What came forth on the documentary was shocking. The cameramen asked the young Chinese crewmen, "What are you practicing for?" The reply?
"We are preparing for the invasion of America!"
The Chinese government demanded, after the first airing on British television, that this documentary be pulled and no longer aired over British television. It had been scheduled to air two consecutive nights (Saturday and Sunday.) But following the Saturday night broadcast, it was never shown again on British television. (Source: a military veterans' watchdog group whose leader I personally know.)
The reader MUST understand that both China and Russia are joined with the traitorous NWO takeover elements of America through the TRILATERAL ALLIANCE TREATY. This treaty makes provision for both CHINESE and Russian troops to work with the traitorous elements of our military when martial law comes down, to conduct door-to-door "search, seizure and arrest" maneuvers, to march arrested Americans off to the internment/death camps, and secure America under martial law for the New World Order.
Now...the Hawaiian Islands are truly a part of America. and they are the CLOSEST part of America to the Chinese mainland. I can only imagine what an ideal "test case scenario" the Chinese military and Navy would find the Hawaiian Islands to be...on the way to their conquest of mainland America.
There is much evidence of Chinese, Russian and German military presence on the islands and around them, with Russian military and Chinese military naval vessels often conducting military exercises in the surrounding waters.
Jack O'Keefe has informed me that there is a German military presence on the American military bases here in Hawaii. He said, "German military (Bundeswehr) are often stationed in the security gate entrances of our military bases, and you KNOW they are German because their names and where they are from are posted on the welcome board, so you can address them by name. We often see German military personnel posted at the security gate entrances of some bases..." In light of my research in Germany for the past six months, and uncovering clear evidence of their massive role in the future martial law takeover of America, I find this yet another ominous warning signal of the coming of martial law and the New World Order takeover of America.
-Pam Schuffert reporting from the Hawaiian Islands
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