Slim Spurling
By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
January 2, 2008I met Slim Spurling at the Can Am Dowsers Conference in Issaquah Washington at the end of May in 2005, two years before he passed away. Two months earlier, my wife and I tried to meet him in Denver but was prevented when my wife was hit by some sort of energy ray that heated her skin cherry red. I went without Joan. Inwardly, I felt the trip would be good.
Arriving in Issaquah, the sky over Seattle was blue and sylphs had cleared the air of chemtrails. There was a wisp of a chemtrail bright orange in colour. I wish I had a camera to take a picture of the cloud that remained in the same spot for at least two hours and remained bright orange for the two hours ruling out prismatic refraction through ice particles as the cause of the colour, as the sun moved at least 30 degrees and the colour did not change. There were sylphs and angels everywhere. The sky was crowded and the orange cloud was a signal to be wary. There was a lot of protection. I grounded my energy into the crystalline core of the Earth and said, "Thank You!"
Slim Spurling arrived late, I could feel the energy shift when he came into the conference center. It was as if the town sheriff had walked in. He looked like he had rode to Seattle on horse, He wore a Stetson, cowboy boots and a big buckle on his belt. I actually felt he should have been wearing spurs and chaps. He was 65 and skinny like a raw-hide rope. His colour was not good. His skin looked tanned and grey with a tinge of jaundice. He had had a rough life. I liked him immediately.
My energy levels were high and Saturday evening I button-holed a Seattle healer named Pat and we had our own three hour seminar in the main conference room until midnight. In the unseen there were thousands listening. I was not a scheduled speaker but I did a presentation in Issaquah.
Slim's six hour class covered a lot of information. As this was a dowsing conference, he told us he learned to dowse as a child. His uncle taught him to dowse for water. Slim had the gift, but did not return to dowsing until much later, after completing his academic career. He had a degree in bio-chemistry and had worked in a laboratory. He had also been in the Navy.
Slim went from the lab to the forge and became one of the best blacksmiths in America. He established a school for blacksmithing and taught many artists to use the anvil in their creations. He said he could see what was happening at the atomic level as he heated and hammered iron and steel. This is a gift, the gift of Tubal Cain who could scry metals in ancient times.
In the early 1990s he became a landscaper who used dowsing. He could locate underground streams for wells and read about the Hartmann and Curry lines. He learned how to deflect these lines using copper "staples". He made the breakthrough while working for a woman who had suffered migraine headaches since moving into her new dreamhome outside Denver. She spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to cure her headaches and unbeknownst to her, Slim spent two hours mapping and deflecting geopathic stress as well as the Hartmann and Curry lines from her house. A short time later, Slim asked how her headaches were. She said that they had stopped. For Slim this was one of many "White Crows" that changed the direction of his life.
He spent the following years finding and moving Hartmann and Curry lines. He mapped the many lines through Denver. He found stronger lines. He found a Hartmann line thirty stories high in downtown Denver that disappeared during a power outage. He went down to street level and re-acquired the diminished line. He ascertained that the Hartmann and Curry grid was connected to electrical transmission as the further one is away from town the smaller and weaker the grid lines.
I asked Slim, if the Hartmann and Curry lines were the connecting aetheric circuit for grounded Electro-magnetic Force (EMF) between the electricity users and the dynamos? He said he was not sure but it did appear to be so.
I asked Slim, if the "natural" lines away from electricity were related to lightning strikes and the Schumann frequency? He said that may be true. He had not been able to track the lines back to lightning. He added that the lines were like thin curtains averaging six feet above ground and three feet below ground.
At lunch on Sunday after the first three hours of training a few of us were sitting around Slim when he said Katerina was his third wife. He said his second wife flipped out and started shooting at him. Slim believes he said the special word that caused her to switch into her assassin alter-ego. She had been "fractured" by MK-Ultra. He said he was lucky as he was able to get out of the way of the bullets. I did not eat much at lunch.
After lunch, Slim described how he had started making coils and the series of "White Crow" events leading to the development of the harmonizer and weather moderation/smog abatement. One of the big discoveries was made by an electronics expert in Boulder who recorded the infrasonic sounds of a thunderstorm. By replaying the tape of the thunderstorm into a harmonizer it was possible to create a new thunderstorm. Also by simultaneously doing the same with large harmonizers in Denver, Seattle and Calgary the air was cleared for 2500 miles.
(During a private session with Slim afterwards, I told him I believed the infrasonic tape recording was sylph-song and that the actual agents of weather were sylphs. By playing the tape into the harmonizer he was calling sylphs to help him. Slim scratched his chin and said "I do not know". I added, sylphs did what he asked of them because of Slim's high level of conscious awareness.)
During this part of the seminar I asked the question, "Why did you use the RNA left-handed counter-clockwise spiral in making coils instead of the more common DNA right-handed clockwise spiral?"
He said that during his original experiments he did use a clockwise spiral. He set up the coils in the basement of his home in Fredrick CO and turned on the current. He went upstairs and was hit by a wave of heat that was so intense he went back to the basement and destroyed the coils. He associated the clockwise spiral with destructive heat.
(Later I told him of my wife's experience in Firestone CO with rapid heating and the possibility both had been targeted by a psionic heater. The clockwise coil may have worked too well and the powers that be interfered with his experiment. The heating weapon is mainly used against sylphs causing them to shed their skins. The coil would have called hundred if not thousands of sylphs to Slim's house and such a tempting target showing up on the infrared scanners would have been the real objective of the psionic heaters. Slim had to think about that.)
Slim said scientific experiments done on the coils show that they are superconductors at room temperature. To the other twenty students, this did not mean much but I was astounded.
I asked: "The coils are copper wire electroplated with silver and then gold. Is it the combination of gold, silver and copper causing room temperature superconductivity?"
Slim answered, "It appears to be a combination of the spiral coil [cut to] at Sacred Cubit sizes with the three metals."
I asked, "Do you get a change in gravity associated with superconductivity?"
Slim, "Yes, we do."
ZSL, "Could you scale the coils up to the size of UFO and create flying coils?"
Slim, "It is possible."
ZSL, "Could these discoveries confirm electro-gravity and the hollow Earth?"
Slim, "That might happen, but I cannot say it is so at this time."
A woman sitting near me complained that all these questions I was asking meant nothing to her and asked Slim to return to teaching how to remove noxious energy lines. Slim did what she asked. I sat back and tried to feel what was happening in the room. My intuition picked up on the presence of the CIA and Mossad. Slim's wife Katerina was at a table at the back of the room where coils and harmonizers were on display. She felt very German, her thoughts were like axes.
During the last half hour, Slim went into future projects but said he would not be talking about his most exciting venture as it included others and was in the process of being patented. He said he was planning to continue work with harmonizers on a coordinated continent sized scale. Another simpler project was recycling toxic industrial fly-ash into building bricks such as cinder-blocks. He said he has been talking to Drunvalo Melchizedek regarding many of these projects. Slim called him "Drew".
After the class was concluded, many rushed to buy the coils and harmonizers. Three who had been sitting in the back row thanked me for asking the questions I did. I replied, "For a short while, this was an advanced class."
Finally, Slim and I were alone and I asked if he was working on "over unity" energy projects. I told Slim that I believed "zero-point" energy was a name devised to prevent people from recognizing that the energy was coming from larger higher dimensional forms and not particles on the quantum level. I added that sacred geometry and his work with the Sacred Cubit and Royal Cubit pointed to large energy structures. The Great Pyramid was made 500 feet tall in order to match higher dimensional geometries.
Slim was quiet for a short while and then said, "I will get my gun and kill you if you steal our work! We are going to get a patent and the patent will be boilerplate."
Slim watched me as I struggled with the shock his words caused. He could see by my body language that I had no intent of stealing his ideas. I went through shock, fear and anger in ten seconds, an "honest" reaction. A thief would have lied immediately. The "sheriff" could read me like a book.
After a few more minutes of talking, I asked what Slim recommended to advance along my path. He recommended learning how to use L-Rods in order to help others.
At the last meal together in the cafeteria at 5:00 PM on Sunday, I told Slim that I had met Drunvalo in the Spring of 1971 when he was still named Bernie Perona. "Bernie" was a real "space-cadet" in the hippie language of the day. His energy was far from stable. He may have been a "walk-in" or he may have flipped into an "alter". We were told to not allow him near us.
After a couple of incidents of energy vampiring, our teacher bought him a bus ticket to travel from Vancouver to Slocan and told him to balance his energies. Drunvalo credits David Livingstone as his first teacher on pages 402-3 of the Flower of Life, Book Two. Drunvalo does have spiritual gifts, but he also reports to the CIA. I told Slim to be careful.
I learned that Slim did break off communication with "Drew".
From another source, I learned that the man working on the "new technology patent" went into hiding after Slim fell into a coma.
Slim improved, regained consciousness, but was unable to speak. Or was he being quiet to protect others? Then he died.
Slim had a rough life. He was watched by the Powers That Be for much of his life, and Slim knew it. Yet, he continued to follow his "path", in spite of the interference. In cowboy lingo, he was a straight shooter, a white hat in a sea of black hats.
Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
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