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From: Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
July 16, 2009

Sylphs by ZS Livingstone (July 16, 2009)

----- Original Message -----
From: June
To: Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Subject: Sylphs

Dear Zuerrnnovahh-Starr

Kip and I spent at least a couple of hours this evening in our lawn chairs watching the sylphs. Quite a show. There were little "puff balls", a cluster of them beside the spine and in the wing of a big sylph. We wondered if they were babies or eggs or what?

No chem trails.

And do you think the spirit of the sylphs is similar to Dolphins? Cheerful, smart, spiritually advanced, and brave? That is what I gather.



From: Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
To: June
Subject: Re: Sylphs
Date: Jul 16, 2009


Elementals are children of Mother Earth. She creates them to tend her natural kingdoms. There is an elemental for every flower in bloom. Pixies and fairies of the air abound in gardens. Undines and nixies are in streams and ponds. Dwarves and gnomes shape crystals underground. Fire salamanders can be felt and seen darting through a campfire.

Small young elementals have not received free will and are connected to their Mother. As a fairy ages and grows in size, it takes on more responsibilities and after many hundreds of years, it gains free will. A fairy 10,000 years old is a thousand feet in length and Paracelsius called them sylphs because they reminded him of slender women. The Chinese call them dragons and see them as purveyors of good fortune. Elementals of great size who tend to the forests are called greenmen in England.

The creation of individual souls is a higher dimensional secret, but essentially there is just one soul from which all life expressions originate. Humans were first created to live like elementals, but due to a reversal of consciousness we had to take on physical form.

I believe dolphins communicate with undines, the sylphs of the oceans, and have ancient insights spoken to them by the ancients of the sea.

At this time many great souls have returned to Earth from their responsibilities tending comets, planets and stars. These souls are miles long. They are the higher dimensional angels and archangels. The atmosphere is full of life and every cloud has a story to tell. The miles long sylphs are actually angels helping the 10,000 year old "puff balls" in clearing the air of toxins.

We are all brothers and sisters from the same Mother and Father. The ancient ones see themselves as nurturers of the vast possibilities of life, allowing all life to be whatever it wants to be. The spirit of the Declaration of Independence is projected onto the skies over Oregon.

Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone


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Sylphs and Chemtrails

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