Transmutation Is Creating Minerals in the Earth's Crust
By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
September 13, 2009Transmutation Is Creating Minerals in the Earth's Crust by ZS Livingstone (Sep. 13, 2009)
During my last radio interview with Don Nickoloff on BBS Radio I brought up C. Louis Kervran's "Biological Transmutations" and Walter Russell's experiments in Bell Labs in 1927 where he performed many different transmutations using the magnetic quadrapole. Transmutations are happening constantly in the human body and in nature in plants and animals. Don mentioned his research into ley lines and energy grids and how they extend into space to the planets and the stars. I did not get a chance to add, mineral bodies in the crust help anchor these grids and metals have been placed where they are in the crust to augment the grid structures. This is by intelligent design and meant to strengthen Earth's life potential.
Most of the elements were transmuted by starbursts but at one time whole sections of the sedimentary silicates were transmuted into limestone and coal beds. Often the layers of limestone and coal meld seamlessly with sandstone and shale and the same fossils in the silicates are found in the limestone and coal. The Carboniferous of 360 to 286 million years ago when limestone and coal beds were theoretically laid down was in all probability a period of massive transmutation. Silicon and oxygen became carbon. The cause of such a massive change was created from the higher dimensions by overlaying a powerful magnetic quadrapole over the whole Earth and setting its frequency to create carbon. The transmutation may have lasted just minutes about 286 million years ago or later and such a huge event creating carbon has not happened since. Huge quantities of heat would be released by some transmutations and likewise huge amounts of heat would be absorbed by other transmutations. As the planning of the terraforming for a greater life potential on Earth would be from the higher dimensions the spirits involved would have sought to balance the energies without destroying things.
Two hundred years ago the natural philosophers of the lithograph (geologists) discovered up to 5,000 meters vertical stacking of limestone/marble and could not theorize how coral beds could create such structures. They saw two meter limestone beds merged with two meter schist horizontally. The next layer of one meter of limestone merged with one meter of mudstone horizontally. The matching structures went through hundreds of layers. One of the early geological theories was of God transmuting silicates into limestone.
With the wholesale transmutation of huge sections of the crust the lighter materials rose to form the continents. The shapes of the continents were created by the ones who wielded energies of the transmutation.
The presence of a nearly complete Periodic Table of elements on Earth is a mystery. Where do the metals beyond iron originate. The largest supernovas show the spectrum of iron but little beyond the twenty-sixth element. From mining we know some of the largest metallic ore bodies are impact craters of ancient asteroids. Asteroids appear to have been selectively transmuted while in space. The uranium pitchblende of northern Saskatchewan came to Earth in a broad meteor shower. The energies needed to create uranium were immense and it is unlikely the decision was made to perform the transmutation in the crust. The uranium according to Walter Russell was placed on Earth to help break rocks into soils. Uranium was placed on Earth to increase the life carrying capacity of Earth.
In northern Minnesota is a mountain range composed of iron. The iron could have come to Earth as an asteroid from a supernova. It is possible that transmutation was used to create the iron in place. Either way the iron sat there a long time before Henry Ford made use of it.
Does man's mining of metal ores change the life carrying capacity of the Earth? As the minerals and metal ores are part of the overall energy grid plan, depletion of ore bodies could change the grids and the ability of the Earth to carry a great diversity of life?
I believe there are abundant resources in the Earth and if the Earth needs more it can be transmuted as need be.
Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
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