Thunderbirds and Rolling Thunder
By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
Oct. 1, 2002In this crazy world, myth carries more truth than the six o'clock news.
Thunderbird: A supernatural creature prominent in Northwest Coast Indian myths. Thunder and lightning are attributed to the thunderbird, which produces thunder by flapping its wings and lightning by opening and closing its eyes. The Thunderbird is said to hunt whales, using its wings to shoot arrows. Among some Plains First Nations, thunderstorms are a contest between the Thunderbird and a huge rattlesnake. Individuals who had been struck by lightning and survived often became Shamans, for they had received the power of the monster bird...written by: Rene R. Gadacz from: The Canadian Encyclopedia, Year 2000 Edition, publisher: McClelland and Stewart
The Thunderbirds in native "myth" are the large Sylphs whose heat signatures in the infrared are measured in miles. The huge rattlesnake is the jetstream in the stratosphere. Sylphs use the jetstream to move around quickly. They also use energy from the jetstream in the creation of thunderstorms. There is a huge orgone energy component running parallel above the physical jetstream. Native shamans travelling out of the body see the orgone jetstream moving like a sidewinder rattlesnake across the sky. In 1899 Tesla guessed that there was a lot of energy in the high atmosphere.
As there are underwater Sylphs called Undines who frolic with whales, I would guess that the arrows flying from the thunderbird would be smaller Sylphs diving into the water to play with their cousins. I sincerely doubt that thunderbirds would hurt whales. In the rare event of an actual thunderstorm over a pod of whales, there is only an average of five days each year of Pacific Coast thunderstorms, smaller Sylphs would warn the whales away from the area where the lightning could strike.Undines guide whale and fish migration. There is a remarkable video of a school of herring attacked by sharks off the coast of South Africa. The herring went into a defensive ball which confused the sharks. I could see the outlines of the protective Undine guiding the herring.
The large Sylphs are extremely wise. They have techniques of avoiding by creating destructive thunderstorms. Most thunderstorms are short lived, six to ten hours. When the storm appears to be becoming too large, they withdraw and the storm collapses. In some cases a piece of crystalized orgone has become fixed over a town, a threat to the health of the region, drastic measures are required to break it up. In a calculated move, the Sylph brings as much wind, rain, lightning and thunder to disperse the problem, as the area can bear. Often, it takes a repetition of thunderstorms. Lightning and thunder shatters crystalizations, wind and rain scatters and splatters the negative orgone.
This is an article from October 2002 Discover Magazine, page 13:
Rolling ThunderSummer thunderstorms in the Midwest are confounding: They materialize out of nowhere. "If you look at a radar screen, it looks like a storm happens in one place, goes away, then a whole group of totally unrelated storms grow up a few hundred miles away," says meteorologist Richard Carbone of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. But when Carbone and his colleagues analyzed 50,000 radar images of thunderstorms that occurred between 1997 and 2000, they uncovered a previously undetected pattern. "As systems die, they cause the birth of new groups of thunderstorms in a very systematic way," he says. One storm triggers another and so on, creating ripples of rain that move west to east from the eastern edge of the Rockies to the Appalachian Mountains.
Carbone suspects that the ripple effect is driven by enormous atmospheric waves resulting from differences in the buoyancy of air masses. "Once we understand it, perhaps we'll be able to make the kind of precision predictions-say, that there is a 90 percent chance of rain in a metropolitan area in 18 hours-that will impact business decisions and human welfare," Carbone says. Just recognizing the pattern should improve forecasts: "We may not know where the storms will start, but once they get going, the near future is much more predictable." -Kathy A. Svitil
Sylphs are the master gardeners who know how to sprinkle properly if they are allowed to do so.Carbone should open up his higher senses and get his forecasts directly from the Thunderbirds.
Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone \
Questions About Slyphs (April 14, 2003)
What the Sylphs told me about 1930's AM Radio (Nov. 22, 2002)
Sylphs and Those Who Play Golf in The Rain (Sept. 29, 2002)
Ode to Wingmaker (Sept. 22, 2002)
U.S. Air Force versus Wingmakers (July 17, 2002)
Who Makes Crop Circles? (July 15, 2002)
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