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I am Homophobic (and you should be too!)

"Under the guise of being a persecuted minority seeking human rights, homosexual activists are actually using the state to persecute heterosexuals. They are waging successful war against heterosexuality --  masculinity, femininity, marriage and the nuclear family, the sources of our identity, love and meaning. " Henry Makow

[Editor's Note: The daily media brain washing of American society into accepting the notion that homosexuality is "normal" and any objection to homosexual "marriage" or the raising of children by homosexual couples or the coercion and political correctness being foisted upon us to accept any form of homosexual intrusion as an entitled "right' that needs to be protected by the state, is reaching a level of intensity that will only relent when ordinary people, in their everyday life, step up to the plate and start voicing their objection and condemnation of this promotion of homosexuality. Reading Henry Makow's article will accomplish nothing to stem this downward progression unless YOU participate in the defense of heterosexuality -yourself- and the traditional family structure. Nothing is more pivotal to the future development of our children. Merely being cognizant and aware of this overbearing propaganda will not stop it. Do not be a passive observer of your own demise. Get involved and fight the NWO takeover and calculated destruction of the moral fabric of America. . ..Ken Adachi]

by Henry Makow
April 3, 2012

I am Homophobic (and you should be too!) by Henry Makow (April 3, 2012)



The Illuminati are replacing heterosexual norms with gay norms in order to undermine the gender identity of 98% of the population. So far, society has been blind to this insidious attack which ranges from relentless psychological warfare in the mass media, to "grooming" in public schools, to actual physical overtures. 

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

(slightly updated from Nov 11, 2002)

I'm "coming out" as a homophobe and I urge more people to join me. I am defining "homophobe" as someone who is afraid of homosexual predators, hence the suffix "phobia" from the Greek "Phobos" or fear.

Gay activists use this term to bludgeon their opponents. Let's embrace it instead.

I had always accepted the mass media's portrayal of gays as a colorful minority like the Croatians, who have a special "sexual orientation." They meet each other at their bars and do their thing. As long as they kept it within their own community, what did I care?

But they don't. To my surprise I recently learned that most gays prefer heterosexual males. My source is a book, The Caricature of Love, (1957), by Dr. Hervey Checkley, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the Medical College of Georgia.

 A gay friend also confirmed this fact to me. Google "straight men" and you will get almost 30 million results, most of them homosexual. Bottom line (excuse the pun) many homosexuals are predators.

I also learned that many gays prefer youths, and these experiences often turn victimized children into homosexuals and distort their lives. A survey of readers of the gay magazine The Advocate indicated that 21% of respondents were sexually abused by an adult by age 15. This seems to be one way that homosexuals "propagate."

According to a research paper by psychologist Dr. Judith Reisman entitled Crafting "Gay" Children: An Inquiry, between 1-2 million gay males (2% of the adult male population of 90 million) abuse 6-8 million boys. The ratio is 3-5 boy victims to one gay male compared to one girl victim per eleven straight males. 

This is based on data on 33 million boys and 32 million girls under the age of 18. Reisman says that since 100% of gay males do not sexually assault boys, the 2% homosexual population harbors a vast pederast subculture committing multiple repeated child sex offenses. (p.8)

Nevertheless lesbian feminist and gay activists, by their own admission, are dedicated to recasting society in their own image. They want to replace heterosexual norms with homosexual ones.

Since 1970, gay-feminist activists have waged a campaign to foster homosexuality among heterosexuals. They are candid about this goal. "The end goal of the feminist revolution is the elimination of the sex distinction itself," says Shulamith Firestone (The Dialectic of Sex, 1972, p.11)

"Heterosexual hegemony is being eroded," says Gary kinsman. "The forms of sexuality considered natural have been socially created and can be socially transformed." (The Regulation of Desire: Sexuality in Canada, 1987, p.219) "In a free society, everyone will be gay," says Allen Young, a pioneer of the Gay Liberation Movement. (John D'Emilio, Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America, p.322)

 Unlike us, gays understand that their campaign for "equal rights" will erase the distinction between gay and straight. In the words of gay historian Jonathan Katz.

 "In one sense the right is right...to accuse the gay and lesbian rights movement of threatening homogenization....if gay and lesbian liberationists ever achieve full equality, they will do away with the social need for the hetero/homo division. The secret of the most moderate, mainstream gay and lesbian civil rights movement is its radically transformative promise (or threat, depending on your values). The Invention of Heterosexuality, 1995, p.188.

(Section in bold is from  "The Other Attack on Our Manhood." (http://www.henrymakow.com/190901.html)

  See also "American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation." (http://www.henrymakow.com/000180.html))


The Illuminati media suppresses most negative information about gay life.

In her monograph, Reisman refers to the suppression of data on gay violence against children, child pornography, sex rings, serial murders, and inter-gay domestic battery.

Another example of media complicity is the Boy Scouts' ban on gay scoutmasters. There was no mention that about 100 cases of sexual molestation by Boy Scout leaders occurred every year.

According to the Washington Times, (June 15,1993) between 1973 and 1993, 1,416 scout leaders were expelled for sexually abusing boys.

The Boys Scouts' action belatedly recognized their obligation to protect their wards. Is there any question they are liable? 

Yet amazingly the Scouts have come under scathing attack for "discriminating" against gays. The pederast magazine "Palaver" advises pedophiles to take positions like Boy Scout leader: "If you want to spend your time with children you must have a legitimate reason for doing so; as a teacher helping children learn... as a play or youth leader helping children to enjoy their leisure time" (Crafting Gay Children: An Inquiry, p.19).

 In 1992, the North American Man/Boy Love Association specifically targeted the Boy Scouts. They passed a resolution calling on the Boy Scouts "to cease in its discrimination against openly gay or lesbian persons in its appointment of scoutmasters" in order to "permit scouts to be exposed to a variety of lifestyles." (See "The Nazis in America" in "The Pink Swastika" by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams).

In their literature, gays portray adult advisers as playing a hands-on role in initiating the young to homosexuality.

According to "The Pink Swastika", the moral courage exhibited by the Boys Scouts of America is not shared by all youth organizations. The Girl Scouts allows lesbian leaders in its organizations and has expelled at least one heterosexual leader who refused to keep this policy a secret from parents.

 "Big Brothers" and "Big Sisters" actively recruit homosexuals in many cities and lobbied the Boys Scouts to do the same saying "non traditional volunteers can serve the best interest of children." 

And of course, all of this mirrors the push into public schools where youth are prematurely introduced to sex education and introduced to homosexuality as a healthy  "lifestyle" option.

"Gay rights" activists have targeted the Boy Scouts. An ostensibly "spontaneous" outcry against the Boy Scouts has arisen across the country, led by the United Way Agency, which pulled its funding of BSA in many cities. 

Homosexuals at the highest rank of the US government attempted to intimidate the organization. Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders used her post to castigate Scout officials (USA Today June 2, 1994) and Interior secretary Bruce Babbitt signed an order prohibiting Boy Scouts from volunteering in national parks (Washington Times, May 28,1993). 

As of June 2001, at least 359 school districts in 10 states have forbade the Boys Scouts from using their facilities, according to a gay organization quoted in the Washington Times, Nov. 1, 2001. Congress has just tabled legislation to deny funding to these school districts.

Homosexuals, both feminists and gays, have gained incredible power by successfully disguising their true character and their true agenda. This is how subversive movements such as Nazis and Communists function. 

Under the guise of being a persecuted minority seeking human rights, homosexual activists are actually using the state to persecute heterosexuals. They are waging successful war against heterosexuality --  masculinity, femininity, marriage and the nuclear family, the sources of our identity, love and meaning. 

Their goal is to supplant heterosexual values with their own. Society is in a state of denial about this vicious subversion, which takes practical form in the actual seduction of heterosexual youth. 

I'm not holding my breath but I'd like the people responsible for promoting homosexuality and radical feminism (a form of lesbianism) stand trial at an international court for sabotaging society and the lives of millions of naive men and women.

The Illuminati is a satanic cult. They are gradually inducting humanity into their cult. Destroying our heterosexual identity is the first step to re-engineering mankind.

Henry Makow

Related - Not Being Gay is Now a Crime



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