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Vietnam Era Pilot Implores Active Duty Officers
to Wake Up & Smell the Treason

By Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret., National Commander, The Patriots
September 13, 2007

Vietnam Era Pilot Implores Active Duty Officers to Wake Up & Smell the Treason (Sep. 13, 2007)

(Forward couresy of Rose Stevens <rose2279@gmail.>)

We are very close to a rogue government's U.S.-initiated war with Iran which could spread globally. Patriotic resisters are being picked off one by one in the U.S. in an incremental escalation of a tyrannical regime leading to eventual martial law. Bob Bowman, former director all the DoD "Star Wars" programs under presidents Ford and Carter, has put forth this challenge to all who receive this email as what he calls "a last ditch effort" to avert a catastrophic war with Iran. Please read the following very carefully and contact your government representative to ask them to follow Bob's

If enough of us do this, we may be able to avert this imminent war which will be of no good for anyone.

- Don Nordin

Read Bob's Letter to the Pentagon Sept. 13, 2007:

Duty, Honor, Country 2007
An Open Letter to the New Generation of Military Officers Serving and Protecting Our Nation

By Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret., National Commander, The Patriots

Dear Comrades in Arms,

You are facing challenges in 2007 that we of previous generations never dreamed of. I'm just an old fighter pilot (101 combat missions in Vietnam , F-4 Phantom, Phu Cat, 1969-1970) who's now a disabled veteran with terminal cancer from Agent Orange. Our mailing list (over 22,000) includes veterans from all branches of the service, all political parties, and all parts of the political spectrum. We are Republicans and Democrats, Greens and Libertarians, Constitutionists and Reformers, and a good many Independents. What unites us is our desire for a government that (1) follows the Constitution, (2) honors the truth, and (3) serves the people.

We see our government going down the wrong path, all too often ignoring military advice, and heading us toward great danger. And we look to you who still serve as the best hope for protecting our nation from disaster.

We see the current Iraq War as having been unnecessary, entered into under false pretenses, and horribly mismanaged by the civilian authorities. Thousands of our brave troops have been needlessly sacrificed in a futile attempt at occupation of a hostile land. Many more thousands have suffered
wounds which will change their lives forever. Tens of thousands have severe psychological problems because of what they have seen and what they have done. Potentially hundreds of thousands could be poisoned by depleted uranium, with symptoms appearing years later, just as happened to us exposed to Agent Orange. The military services are depleted and demoralized. The VA system is under-funded and overwhelmed. The National Guard and Reserves have been subjected to tour after tour, disrupting lives for even the lucky ones who return intact. Jobs have been lost, marriages have been destroyed, homes have been foreclosed, and children have been estranged. And for what? We have lost allies, made new enemies, and created thousands of new terrorists, further endangering the American people.

But you know all this. I'm sure you also see the enormous danger in a possible attack on Iran , possibly with nuclear weapons. Such an event, seriously contemplated by the Cheney faction of the Bush administration, would make enemies of Russia and China and turn us into the number one rogue nation on earth. The effect on our long-term national security would be devastating.

Some of us had hoped that the new Democratic Congress would end the occupation of Iraq and take firm steps to prevent an attack on Iran , perhaps by impeaching Bush and Cheney. These hopes have been dashed. The lily-livered Democrats have caved in, turning their backs on those few (like Congressman Jack Murtha) who understand the situation. Many of us have personally walked the halls of Congress, to no avail.

This is where you come in.

We know that many of you share our concern and our determination to protect our republic from an arrogant, out-of-control, imperial presidency and a compliant, namby-pamby Congress (both of which are unduly influenced by the oil companies and other big-money interests). We know that you (like us) wouldn't have pursued a military career unless you were idealistic and devoted to our nation and its people. (None of us do it for the pay and working conditions!) But we also recognize that you may not see how you can influence these events. We in the military have always had a historic
subservience to civilian authority.

Perhaps I can help with whatever wisdom I've gathered from age (I retired in 1978, so I am ancient indeed).

Our oath of office is to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Might I suggest that this includes a rogue president and vice-president? Certainly we are bound to carry out the legal orders of our superiors. But the Uniform Code of
Military Justice (UCMJ) which binds all of us enshrines the Nuremberg Principles which this country established after World War II (which you are too young to remember). One of those Nuremberg Principles says that we in the military have not only the right, but also the DUTY to refuse an illegal
order. It was on this basis that we executed Nazi officers who were "only carrying out their orders."

The Constitution which we are sworn to uphold says that treaties entered into by the United States are the "highest law of the land," equivalent to the Constitution itself. Accordingly, we in the military are sworn to uphold treaty law, including the United Nations charter and the Geneva Convention.

Based on the above, I contend that should some civilian order you to initiate a nuclear attack on Iran (for example), you are duty-bound to refuse that order. I might also suggest that you should consider whether the circumstances demand that you arrest whoever gave the order as a war criminal.

I know for a fact that in recent history (once under Nixon and once under Reagan), the military nuclear chain of command in the White House discussed these things and were prepared to refuse an order to "nuke Russia ." In effect they took the (non-existent) "button" out of the hands of the
President.. We were thus never quite as close to World War III as many feared, no matter how irrational any president might have become. They determined that the proper response to any such order was, "Why, sir?" Unless there was (in their words) a "damn good answer," nothing was going to

I suggest that if you in this generation have not had such a discussion, perhaps it is time you do. In hindsight, it's too bad such a discussion did not take place prior to the preemptive "shock and awe" attack on Baghdad . Many of us at the time spoke out vehemently that such an attack would be an impeachable offense, a war crime against the people of Iraq , and treason against the United States of America . But our voices were drowned out and never reached the ears of the generals in 2003. I now regret that I never sent a letter such as this at that time, but depended on the corporate media
to carry my message. I must not make that mistake again.

Also in hindsight, President Bush could be court-martialed for abuse of power as Commander-in-Chief. Vice President Cheney could probably be court-martialed for his performance as Acting Commander-in-Chief in the White House bunker the morning of September 11, 2001 .

We in the U.S. military would never consider a military coup, removing an elected president and installing one of our own. But following our oath of office, obeying the Nuremberg Principles, and preventing a rogue president from committing a war crime is not a military coup. If it requires the
detention of executive branch officials, we will not impose a military dictatorship. We will let the Constitutional succession take place. This is what we are sworn to. This is protecting the Constitution, our highest obligation. In 2007, this is what is meant by "Duty, Honor, Country."

Thank you all for your service to this nation. May God bless America , and sustain us in this difficult time. And thanks for listening to the musings of an old junior officer.


Robert M. Bowman, PhD, Lt. Col., USAF, ret.
1494 Patriot Dr , Melbourne , FL 32940
home phone (321) 752-5955; cell (321) 258-0582

Click to view "NEW" Important Links READ Transcript of Bobs "State of the Union Speech"
VIEW To Listen to Bobs recent presentation thursday, June 21st 2007in Portland Oregon.
VIEW Here is Bob as he spoke on the North Bay Report which goes out to 1.3 million homes around the San Francisco Bay Area.
VIEW Read more about Bob's Position on all the Issues. Issues from A to Z.

Bob Bowman: Patriot Tour 2007 - pt 1 - (a true American patriot)

Bob Bowman: Patriot Tour 2007 - pt 2 - (corporations and the 9/11 wars)

Bob Bowman: Patriot Tour 2007 - pt 3 - (9/11 and the Omission Report)

Bob Bowman: Patriot Tour 2007 - pt 4 - (WTC 7 and the BBC video)

Bob Bowman: Patriot Tour 2007 - pt 5 - (Iraq and Afghanistan Wars & high treason)

Bob Bowman: Patriot Tour 2007 - pt 6 - (saving the U.S. Constitution)

The Patriots

By Dr. Bob Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret.

The United States is in trouble. We're in danger of becoming a fascist dictatorship where big government and big business combine to rule, and where the people are considered just a source of labor. The marriage of government and the investor class has succeeded in exporting our jobs, importing illegal aliens to provide a pool of cheap labor, and thus driving down wages for all American workers and destroying the middle class. Their foreign and military policies have led us into unnecessary wars of aggression to gain raw materials and enhance profits of the global robber barons. Their trade policies have resulted in capital flight, job loss, trade deficits, and the ownership of much of our infrastructure by foreign interests.

We've gotten into this fix because our presidents, of both parties, have been servants of the global investors, and because our representatives in Congress, again of both parties, have abdicated their Constitutional responsibilities and subjected themselves to an imperial presidency.

A "patriot" is defined as one who loves, supports, and defends his country. The Latin and Greek roots refer to "father." If, for a moment, we ignore the sexist nature of the ancient civilizations giving birth to the word, it is clear that to be a "patriot" is to have a parental love for the people of one's tribe or nation. One cannot have a "patriotic love" for the corporations in one's

country or for its military-industrial complex, only for its people. Clearly then, those in our government who have served their corporate masters to thedetriment of the people are not patriots, and have no claim to the word. The vast majority of Americans love our country in ways that equate to service
to the people. We are the patriots.

Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution make it clear that the whole purpose of government is to serve and protect the people.. Ours is a government designed to be "of the people, by the people, and for the people." We, the Patriots, have a right and a duty to demand and to secure
such a government. If those in power will not fulfill their Constitutional duty to serve the people, then we must remove them and replace them with those who will. We, the People of the United States of America , deserve better than we have been getting.

We must demand a government which

(1) follows the Constitution,
(2) honors the truth, and
(3) serves the people.

We Patriots can bring about such a government by electing Patriots to Congress and recruiting Patriots already in government to our cause. It is always tempting to start yet another political party, but our system makes such a course futile. Until we have instant runoff voting (IRV), proportional representation, real campaign finance reform, re-regulation of the media, and debates involving all political parties, no third party can win the presidency or more than a handful of seats in Congress.

Accordingly, "The Patriots" is not a political party, but a nonpartisan organization of patriotic Americans seeking to return our country to Constitutional government based on truth and in service of the people. For now, we operate as a project of the non-profit Institute for Space and Security Studies, a 501c(3) organization. Our immediate mission is to educate the American people on the issues. In the future, we may form a "Patriot PAC" to support candidates for public office and to promote specific legislation. We also intend to form a Patriot Caucus including members of Congress from all political parties. However, for now we are concentrating on public education.

The first question usually raised is, "Is this organization conservative or liberal?" The answer to that question is, "Yes." We have both conservative and liberal members, and both conservative and liberal ideas. But mostly, we are just patriotic Americans embodying the best of both conservatism and liberalism in the service of the American people. Few Patriots will agree with all of the following positions, but all ascribe to the basic devotion to Constitution, truth, and service to the people. That is what is important. The specific policy positions below are mine alone. I see them as a good basis for further discussion. They are all anathema to those currently in power.

We Patriots are "conservative" inasmuch as we are devoted to the Constitution, to limited government, and to fiscal responsibility. As conservatives, we oppose NAFTA, the WTO, and the SPP /NAU as being contrary to our sovereignty, antidemocratic, and against the interests of the American people. We support the 2 nd Amendment right of the people to bear arms in order to deter and, if necessary, resist tyranny. We oppose illegal immigration and "amnesty" as means by which the corporate elite exploit immigrants and depress the wages of all working Americans. We oppose the intrusion of government in our religious and private lives. We oppose our nation becoming entangled in foreign military ventures not essential to our national security.

As conservatives, we define "national security" narrowly, meaning the protection of our nation, our borders, and our people - and excluding the financial "interests" of multinational corporations and global investors. This is not isolationism, for we support international law and the creation of international institutions which serve the needs of humankind by promoting cooperation on global issues such as disease, pollution, and warfare which do not respect national boundaries. We want the United States to be a responsible, respected member of the family of nations. But we will not seek imperial expansion through aggressive wars to make client states. Nor will we surrender our sovereignty to "trade organizations" like the WTO seeking to turn us into a third world country.

As conservatives, we support our military, including our veterans who have served and survived. We insist that our government fully fund the VA and fulfill its responsibility to care for our veterans and their families. We also are determined that our government honor promises made to veterans and our retired military members. To make thousands of disabled veterans in corporate wars and then refuse to take care of them is unacceptable, unconscionable, and un-American. We believe that history has shown that combat veterans govern better than draft dodgers and chicken hawks. Those who have experienced the horrors of combat are less likely to send our sons and daughters off to fight wars for the oil companies.

As conservatives, we will not tolerate "borrow and spend" government, which saddles our grandchildren with trillions in debt and gives China the ability to bankrupt us at will. We demand a return to balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility.

As conservatives, Patriots oppose a closed, manipulative, and secretive government, and demand the truth from our elected officials. We will not tolerate " Gulf of Tonkin " incidents as excuses for war. We reject the deceptions which involved us in the first Gulf War under George H. W. Bush
and in the rape of Yugoslavia under Clinton . We abhor the lies about WMD, "yellow cake," and "mushroom clouds over New York " which got us into the 2 nd Iraq War and its interminable and disastrous occupation.

As conservatives, we call for a "Sunshine Law" which will make conspiratorial meetings like that between Dick Cheney and Ken Lay on energy policy impossible (or at least illegal). We reject as totally inadequate the Kean-Hamilton-Zelikow 9/11 Commission Report which admittedly contains perjured testimony, refrains from assigning responsibility and accountability for our defense's failures, and fails to even address dozens of unanswered questions and obvious flaws in the Bush Administration's official story. We therefore demand a new and truly independent investigation of 9/11. We demand an investigation of the cover-up which followed 9/11 involving the confiscation and destruction of evidence, lying to investigators, and obstruction of justice. Finally, we demand an investigation of the exploitation of the 9/11 tragedy to launch unnecessary wars against Afghanistan and Iraq under false pretenses.

As conservatives, we reject the misnamed Patriot Act, warrantless wiretaps, the loss of "habeas corpus," and all other attacks on our God-given freedoms enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. We will not tolerate infringement of our first amendment rights to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and redress of grievances. We agree with Teddy Roosevelt and others who insist that dissent is often the height of patriotism, and we will not stand for dissenters being interred as "enemy combatants."

As conservatives, we Patriots insist that our government fulfill its Constitutional responsibility to provide for the general welfare. We agree with the liberals that this must, for example, mean providing health care, including prescription drugs, for all Americans. The most fiscally responsible way to do that is to eliminate the overhead, profit, red tape, and obstructionism of the insurance companies by removing them from health care altogether with a Single-Payer National Health system.

As conservatives, we take seriously our responsibility to conserve the environment, our natural resources, and the beauty of our land, so that we may pass these on to our grandchildren and their grandchildren for generations to come. We acknowledge our role as stewards of God's creation, and will not tolerate a government which puts creation at risk or allows corporate interests to do so. As fiscal conservatives, we insist that polluters clean up their own messes instead of forcing the taxpayers to bail them out. Destructive activities such as strip mining, clear-cut logging, and the burning of fossil fuels should be taxed sufficiently to provide the funds needed for repair and amelioration. There is no industrial free lunch, and there should be no corporate welfare.

As Constitutional conservatives, we demand that the democratic underpinnings of our Republic be respected. Free elections under the "one person, one vote" principle and in which every person has an opportunity to vote and to have their vote counted are essential. We therefore declare any method of voting which does not produce a paper ballot which can be counted, recounted, and audited as necessary to be unconstitutional. We also call for non-partisan apportionment of Congressional districts, making election day a federal holiday, preference voting, and proportional representation.

We Patriots are also "populist" inasmuch as we declare that government should serve the people - not the big money interests and giant multinationals. We declare that corporations and other fictitious entities are not people and should have none of the rights and responsibilities thereof under the U.S. Constitution. This means, for example, that corporations have no Constitutional right to buy up politicians through campaign contributions and other favors, nor to buy elections through unlimited "issue ads."

As conservatives and populists, we declare that the conservative principle of limited government is not so much about government's size as it is about what government can do. Most of all, it is about whom government should serve. It should serve the people. The present partnership (or marriage) between giant corporations and big government is precisely what Mussolini defined as fascism. We must once and for all dispel the myth that conservative political philosophy favors the rich and big business. It does not. That is fascism. True conservatism honors individual rights and puts people first. We demand a return to such a true conservatism.

As conservatives, we insist on laws being enforced. Employers who entice illegal aliens across the border and exploit them in order to avoid having to pay American workers a decent wage should be fined and jailed. Once the jobs dry up, the illegal aliens will go home. We won't have to deport them. The best thing we can do for Mexican workers is to repeal NAFTA until such time as the Mexican government gives their workers the same benefits and protections as we demand for ours, and raises the standard of living of their people. Then we can have fair trade with them, not corporate globalization which reduces our standard of living to that of the Third World .

As Constitutional populists, we Patriots are open to those of all political parties. We welcome Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Reformers, and independents. We embrace conservatives and liberals who share our values. But we understand that "If it feels good, do it" libertine so-called liberals will probably reject them. Similarly, "I've got mine, you go get yours" big-money so-called conservatives won't like our values either. Personally, I am a Bobby Kennedy Democrat, but I reject Democratic leaders who sell out to big money and corporate interests. I have a loyalty to my party, but have a higher loyalty to my country and its people.

The kind of liberal we embrace is that described by President John F. Kennedy as "someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who elcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people - their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties - someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad. If that is what they mean by a 'Liberal,' then I'm proud to say I'm a 'Liberal'!" As conservatives, we Patriots are concerned about morality. But as liberals, we insist that government concern itself more with morality in the boardroom and the war room than in the bedroom.

As conservatives, we do not sanction a welfare state. Yet at the same time, as liberals we want every member of society to share the benefits of productivity, and we expect workers to receive a fair share of the wealth they create. And we see no conflict between these views. Patriots can be
conservative without being selfish and cold-hearted. True family values mean valuing families. As Conservatives, we insist that women not be forced to work outside the home to support themselves and their children. Being a mother is hard work. Doing it well is a benefit to society. Compensating
mothers for their contribution to society is not welfare. It is justice. It is beneficial to families and therefore to society. As liberals, however, we recognize that in some families the wife will be the breadwinner and her mate a house-husband. It should be their right to make that choice.

The bottom line is that we cannot be put into a box with an ideological label. We address each issue on the basis of what is best for our nation and the American people.

Until now, the globalist big-money elites have divided American Patriots by artificially using hot-button social issues which the federal government has no business getting involved with in the first place. But no longer. It's time for us to come together to take back our country. Patriots of the left and of the right share a great deal Both love their country but fear their government. Both abhor the domination of America by the World Trade Organization and its multinational masters. Both want to preserve our Constitutional freedoms. Both cherish families. Both want government to serve the people. Sure, the left and right use different language to describe the same thing, and often differ on the means for achieving their common objectives. But there will be time enough to work out those details once we Patriots of all stripes take back our country for our values, our objectives, our Constitution, our heritage, and our fundamental beliefs.

There is a Bible verse which says, "There is no longer male nor female, Jew nor Greek, slave nor free ." I would like to adapt that idea to our purpose. "There is no longer Republican nor Democrat, conservative nor liberal, hawk nor dove. There are only we Patriots speaking truth to power and taking back our country for the people." Let's get on with it. Patriots, arise and join together. There is work to be done!

"Follow the Constitution, Honor the Truth, Serve the People" To join The Patriots, write to us at:

The Patriots
1494 Patriot Drive
Melbourne , FL 32940

or call Dr. Bob Bowman at (321) 752-5955 .

Dr. Bob Bowman , Lt. Col., USAF, ret. is President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies, Executive Vice President of Millennium III Corporation, and retired Presiding Archbishop of the United Catholic Church. The recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President's Medal of Veterans for Peace, the Republic Aviation Airpower Award, the Society of American Military Engineers' ROTC Medal of Merit (twice), the Air Medal with five oak leaf clusters, and numerous other awards, he is one of the country's foremost authorities on national
security. Dr. Bowman spent several years as an unpaid "People's Lobbyist" to Congress. Colonel Bowman flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam and directed all the DoD "Star Wars" programs under presidents Ford and Carter. He has been an executive in both government and industry, and has chaired 8 major international conferences. Professor Bowman taught at 5 colleges and universities, serving as Department Head and Assistant Dean. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Cal tech. He has lectured at the National War College, the United Nations, Congressional Caucuses, the Academies of Science of six nations, and the House of Lords.

Tarpley - Military Drills: False Flag Provocation, Attack On Iran?
Military Drills - False Flag
Provocation, Attack On Iran?
'Solid Curtain' And 'Citadel Shield 2007' Military Drills
Raise Spectre Of Imminent False Flag Provocation And Attack On Iran

By Webster G. Tarpley

WASHINGTON, DC -- US military bases in the continental United States (CONUS) will go on special lockdown between September 17 and September 21 under the auspices of Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield '07, a reliable source reported today. Under these exercises, US installations will institute enhanced anti-terror force protection measures, with increased security at all gates. The increased security was so elaborate that base personnel were being warned to expect significant delays at all base entrances.

According to William Arkin's 2005 directory of military code names, Solid Curtain is a US Navy Fleet Forces Command anti-terrorism/force protection exercise. In Solid Curtain '03, Arkin reports, the drill scenario involved 15 simultaneous attacks across the country including the Corpus Christi naval air station, the Ingleside naval station, local shipyards, and other targets of attack in the coastal bend of south Texas. In earlier versions of Solid Curtain, the Newport Rhode Island naval station was featured in the scenario.

Smaller local news outlets near US bases have begun to report on these drills. One such account can be found in the Ridgecrest, California Daily Independent, site of the Sierra Sands Naval Air Weapons Station. (see

Other reports concerned the Naval Support Activity Panama City, Florida, (see
MBB-2007-09-13-0004.html), and the Goose Creek Naval Weapons station near Charleston, South Carolina (see

No further details concerning Citadel Shield could be ascertained.

These drills cause acute concern because they occur before the backdrop of widely reported preparations by the Cheney clique to manufacture a new 9/11 and/or a new Gulf of Tonkin incident to be used as a pretext for a US sneak attack on Iran, with an included option for martial law inside the United States.

On Friday, September 14, the US Air Force has instituted a stand-down for the alleged purpose of reviewing procedures after a B-52 transported six nuclear-armed cruise missiles from Minot AFB North Dakota to Barksdale AFB Louisiana. Intelligence community sources have pointed to the fact that Barksdale is the jumping off point for US air assets moving to the Persian Gulf, suggesting that US nuclear weapons are being readied for a strike on Iran. Another option might well be that one or more of the cruise missiles was destined for use in a false flag attack on an American city, a scenario alluded to by Cheney on April 15 in an interview on CBS New Face the Nation.

Solid Curtain and Citadel Shield will be taking place within the same general time frame as Vigilant Shield '08, scheduled to be held October 15-20, 2007, with a scenario that calls for the detonation of three radiological dispersal devices within the purview of USNORTHCOM (continental US) and the US Pacific Command. Vigilant Shield is supposed to be centered in Oregon, Arizona, and Guam. The drill is slated to include multiple homeland defense, critical infrastructure protection, and aerospace events. Linked to Vigilant Shield is another drill called National Level Exercise 1-08. In addition to the US, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom are scheduled to take part. Concurrent with these drills is TOPOFF 4 (Top Officials 4), the main yearly terrorism preparedness exercise sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security. The boss of this agency, Michael Chertoff, announced earlier in the summer that he had a "gut feeling" that a terror attack on the US was about to occur. This is another drill that lends itself to going live.

Also relevant to these events is Noble Resolve '07, a drill organized by the Joint Task Force Command (JTFCOM), Northern Command (NORTHCOM), J9 Joint Innovation and Experimentation Directorate, FEMA's command bunker, the Department of Homeland Security, and Virginia police. According to false flag drill expert D.L. Abrahamson, Noble Resolve '07 represents a four-day marathon of "simulated" terror attacks across the US and Europe, including a simulated detonation of a "loose" ten-kiloton nuclear weapon Virginia harbor, smuggled in by a "foreign nation." Drills like these, if flipped live, would give Cheney the pretext to put the entire world on a catastrophic slide towards general war.

Recent terror events, such as London July 7, 2005, have occurred when drills and exercises went live or were flipped live by military and intelligence factions supporting the War of Civilizations, which such actions are meant to stoke. Most significantly, the original 9/11 coup d'etat by these same aggressive US military and intelligence factions was preceded and accompanied by installation security clampdowns of the type now imminent at the military bases in the Washington DC area and elsewhere. These exercises can be summed up as follows:


Forts Hamilton, Meade (NSA), Belvoir, Ritchie, Myer, and McNair

Starting August 15, 2001, Army limits public access to bases near Washington DC, supposedly as part of nationwide security clampdown because of terrorist threat.

Fort Meyer, VA, Fort McNair, DC, 3rd US Infantry

September 5, 2001:
US Army bases near Washington DC implement "full access control." Fort McNair is HQ, Army Military District of Washington DC

Fort Meyer, Virginia

"Force protection exercise" scheduled for week after 9/11

Fort Belvoir, Virginia

On September 11, 2001: second Tuesday of "garrison control exercise," allegedly to "test the security at the base in case of a terrorist attack."

Persons of good will in the United States must demand that elected representatives and presidential candidates act to expose, denounce, and shut down these reckless and highly dangerous drills. Countries outside of the US must demand explanations from the US Embassy as to whether the US is indeed preparing a nuclear aggression against Iran, under the cover of a false flag war provocation. Countries not wishing to be drawn into the abyss of such a catastrophe must take steps now to assert their national independence.

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space
3339 West 41 Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
TEL: 604-733-8134
FAX: 604-733-8135
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All information posted on this web site is the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer of your choice for medical care and advice.